• -10

    posted a message on Battlegrounds Balance Update Patch 15.6.2 Notes - New Heroes Next Week!

    Meanwhile patches is still worthless 

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Hearthstone Patch 15.6 - Battlegrounds Early Access and Patchnotes

    Yes this was my thought too.  There are WAY too few minions available...there are 4 “classes” and that’s really it.  Meanwhile there’s 24? Bosses?  Some absolutely suck and some broken OP.  There should be more strategies available...in particular upgrading vs leveling should be a more difficult decision...Maybe leveling shouldn’t stop at 6?...Maybe there should be a strategy that you migrate to all giants or legendaries?  Maybe there should be some limited spell use or secrets?  (Ok that’s probably a dumb idea).

    I’ll play some more, but the two things I’d like to see most are:

    1. Add some “non-alliance” minions sprinkled in to the mix at each level...they should be stronger individually but not fit any alliances...that would create some tougher choices and dilute the alliance mix a tad.

    2. Add more than 6 levels with the leveling “penalty” increased but make the minions in those levels better.

    Im sure they have done all these things in their play testing so there must be a reason, but multiple strategies are usually a good thing. Once you hit 6 right now, there’s very little strategy other than upgrading your pieces...within one of the 4 alliances.


    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on My next all golden deck

    The good thing about Golden Dragon Priest is you have a lot if interesting neutral dragons that can be "golden" in other decks too...and aren't most secret hunter cards class cards?

    But, maybe you should effort to get 500 wins with Priest?


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Abusive Sergeant - would people still play it if it were 2 mana?

    I realize there is lance carrier...but aggro decks need buffs...so maybe lance carrier would replace a 2 mana abusive in those decks since the buff is permanent.  But a 1-2 is so brutal.  At least a 2-1 can kill a 2 drop on its own.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Abusive Sergeant - would people still play it if it were 2 mana?

    Its clearly broken and needs a nerf.  Obviously they could make it a 1-1 or only give a 1 buff....but I was just wondering HOW broken is it?  Is it broken enough to get play at 1 mana more?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How to fix aggro shaman:

    Tuskar should only be able to spawn one of the 4 basic shaman totems - searing, healing, spell, taunt (i know they have other names, but who knows what a stoneclaw totem is?)

    Rockbiter should only work on totems or minions, not the hero.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Ben Brode on Standard 2017 - If Things Won't Change Enough, We'll Tweak It

    Abusive is probably the most broken card in all of hearthstone.  I bet it would still be played if it was 2 mana. 


    Tuskar should be nerfed to only spew one of the 4 class totems...nothing else.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on What if Every Single Priest Card cost 1 less mana?
    Quote from Sherman1986 >>

    Lol, of course it would be broken. Do you want the worst class to become the most broken one ever? Nice balance dude, I'm glad you don't work for Blizzard. 1 mana less for all priest cards is huge, you really don't know what are you talking about.

     Good job being a complete tool. I wasn't suggesting it as a fix. I was just wondering aloud. Wondering if it would be completely broken?  Any other class it would crush. But I still wonder if priest is so weak, it actually wouldn't break the game. 
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What if Every Single Priest Card cost 1 less mana?

    Obviously Priest would be better...but would they dominate?  Maybe?  More likely they would just be competitive.

    Maybe people would figure out how to play Temple Enforcer and really take advantage of the health pool that Priest can provide.

    But, in general, most of the priest cards, other than Entomb, Cabal and a 5 mana Temple enforcer are just "ok"




    ok, it's way too strong...but still, they have a million 4 drops that all compete against each other...or now 3 drops in this alternate reality....in the meantime Druid and Shaman can play giants on turn 4 (or earlier)....Hunter can pump out massive damage every turn, topping out with call of the wild on turn 8...so Priest would be strong, but probably not unbeatable.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on New Card - Netherspite Historian

    it's fine for some value...but not great tempo...and for a true "curve" card, currently there are no 3 drop Dragons.

    Discover mechanics are really better as late game options when you know what you need vs what you think you will need/want.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Ideas to Fix Priest

    First I would like to say that I don't want priest to be the strongest class...I am not sure I want it to even be in the top half.  A meta where Priest dominates would instantly become the worst meta in the history of Hearthstone.  

    BUT!  Priest should be playable.  Priest should not be 100% auto-concede to certain decks (OTK warrior, Cthun Druid, Shaman...etc).  

    Priest is terrible now because Zombie Chow is gone, Lightbomb is gone, deathlord is gone...

    So, my simple changes would be just 3 changes.

    1.  Bring Lightbomb back.  Add it back to the standard pool.  Priest NEEDS a better board clear.   Paladin has insane ways to fully clear the board....Warlock does for gods sake.  Priest can pick a random minion off or hit for 2 or 3...but so many minions are massive now.

    2. Make Cabal Shadow Priest a 5 drop.  Maybe it would be too broken...but 6 mana is too much for your best card.  Druid has Druid of the Claw for 5.  they can make a 4/6 with taunt.  Whats wrong with a yeti + a steal for 5?

    3. Give priest a real one drop...how about zombie chow.  It actually fits.  A 1 drop that heals for 5.  It should be a priest card. 

    4. Other ideas.  give priest it's own wild pyro-like card.  Maybe a 1 or 3 drop....maybe a 1/4 pyro like card for 1 mana?  

    Obviously they still have problems with 4 attack minions, but you can't give them everything...

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • -6

    posted a message on New Card Reveals - Malchezaar's Imp & Babbling Book

    This is already, by far, the most miserable meta in hearthstone's 2 year history.  Insane Aggro and insane power decks...and the Rock Paper Scissors aspect of the game is getting worse.  Meanwhile there are 2 or 3 relevant classes in arena with the rest sucking.


    then there is priest.  I realize the only meta worse that the current one, would be a meta where priest was dominating...that would be table flipping insane with all the stealing and entombing..etc.  BUT priest should be relevant.  Priest should have a place.  But for the most part, the Aggro decks have gotten so fast, priest with Wild Pyro and Auchenai Circle can't keep up (like they used to...deathlord anyone?)....or the power decks can throw so many big strong minions that Priest (without Lightbomb) they cannot entomb and death enough to stay on board.

    FInally if priest does play perfectly, have every perfect tech card, and draw like a god...they still lose to OTK Warrior every time.

    And priest in Arena is by far the worst class ever in arena...ok Maybe warrior was this bad about a year ago...but Priest is essentially a 0-3 to 3-3 at best every time.

    PLEASE soften the meta a little.  Please give priest some relevant cards.  I have an idea...how about Lightbomb and Deathlord?  Just bring those back...or maybe lower the mana cost of a few of their cards.  Cabal for 5....Holy nova for 4...etc.  That would not help much but it's a start.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Card - Holy Champion

    I posted this under the card area too...I disagree with most of the people that like this card.   Maybe you could run one and hope for a non-charge frothing type combo...but the number of games you win with that will be far outweighed by the number of games you lose because you burned a circle for little gain....

    4 mana is not where Priest needs a buff.  Auchenai sits there, as does Shadow Madness.  A few people have been playing Shenjen as a 4 drop too, but if you run this, what are you cutting?  a shadow madness?

    1 and 2 drops are the problem for priest.  Other than combo-shrinkmeister, they all suck.  Pyro is good for certain decks, but something like an anoyotron with more health would be insane since you could plop it on 2...it would live....and then you could Velen it.

    The odds this card makes it past a turn with multiple heals is slim...you might as well just play a yeti and on average you will be in about the same place.  Turn 4 burning a circle is a big deal...and a turn 6 6-mana 5/5 is crap.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on The efficient troll

    Blingtron always gives golden weapons...

    Posted in: The efficient troll
  • 0

    posted a message on Class Cards Only - No Neutrals - What Class wins and why?

    I have been thinking about which class can build the best Class only deck.  And who would win the tourney (and who would be the worst?)

    I think Priest and Druid would do quite well.

    Hunter and Warlock seem quite weak.


    I would love to see a tourney set up this way....you could actually set up the opposite tourney too...all Neutrals, no Class cards.  Both would be a fun spin on the same old same old.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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