Anyone got a list of possible hero powers?
1. Decimate - Changes the health of enemy minions to 1.
2. Web Wrap - Returns random enemy minion to hand.
3. Pile on!! - Puts one minion from each deck into the field
4. Activate! - Activate a random tron.
5. Wild magic - Get a random enemys class spell into your hand
6. Me Smash - Destroy a random enemy minion
7. Jeering Crowd - Summon a 1/1 with taunt
8. Harvest - Gain a mana crystal and draw a card.
9. Majordomo - Summon a 3/3
10 . Open the gates - summon 3 1/1 whelps
That's all I got so far.
Unless I'm mistaken, this is not a bug. Yeah it's a cheap way to beat the boss but that's why they changed Dreadsteed.
This card has some wild deck potential. Astral Communion and then play this to will your hand with options.
I think tutorial is just imprecise in its wording to make it easier for new players to grasp. Cards like Tracking has proved years ago that deck order is there.
Target Dummy meta!
To be honest, one way to make it much better would be to release free adventures. Give away free packs and/or cards by beating various AI opponents while teaching some basics. Also expansions and adventures could be combined by having both. For example, Un'goro could have also came with adventure to give some cards away for free. There is a quite bit of demand for solo content in this game, especially if competitors games are any indication with their more extensive campaigns.
The point is, Blizzard needs to learn that sometimes you should spend money to free content, to make people want to buy your premium content, especially when it comes to free-to-play games. They have already started to do that but they seem hesitant to put serious funding to free content.
Yeah, I know you can technically grind gold to get most of the content free but come on, even if you roll quests to better rewards, keep completing them and hit your 100 gold cap daily by winning matches, it's a joke compared to ton of other free-to-play games where it's actually practical.
You don't need to be part of their team to point out that they should keep selling old content from business standpoint. It's like car salesman realizing that he should sell those cars on discount that haven't been selling on years.
Let's rock.
Taunts are good against minion spam and this card answers to that nicely. Especially against very spammy decks that ignore your minions.
Wild is great.
I made Wild Taunt deck and so far the matches have been awesome.
I gotta say, the arena is probably in the best state it has been on Hearthstone since its beta days.
Having more spell and legendary draw with more limited card pool really brings this mode to new heights. Not to mention the increased chance to draw a class card.