It's Overflow from Shadowverse. As soon as you have seven mana crystals, used or not, this will cost 0. Hopefully we'll see this on minions as well, i.e. "Has +2/+2 and Taunt while you have at least seven mana crystals". The question is whether or not temporary mana crystals will count. One would suspect they won't as they didn't work for the Omega cards.
I sent this in a reply to McF4rtson, but I thought I should repost here as it is important for this particular contest:
"until end of turn" is the standard way of writing that phrase in Hearthstone.
Just search "end of turn" in the card list. See Potion of Madness, Shadow Madness, and Power Overwhelming. "At the end of turn" needs "the". "Until end of turn" does not.
Hm. I don't think it's very good. On paper, it is a fun idea, but the problem is a board-based warrior deck doesn't want to trade. It wants to go face. If this were cheaper, 2 mana 2/3 *maybe* it would see some play. But at 3 mana, I'd rather just play Battle Rage. Both cards require a board that traded, but Battle Rage is cheaper and guarantees a draw from face and you don't have to waste damage through an Overkill.
Fair feedback. Here is a different direction, that properly rewards trading creatures:
First off it's nice to see a positive thread trending right under the inevitable "Heist is a bummer" thread. I have all of the solo content for Hearthstone and this is by far my favorite.
What they've done right:
1) They've nailed the difficulty level. The bosses are hard at the later stages, but not impossible. I completed Chapter 1 on the second try and Chapter 2 on the first try. Perhaps some would consider this too easy, but I say it's fun. I celebrated the wins and look forward to giving them another try.
2) So. Much. Content.: 9 classes, 3 powers each, 3 starting decks, 5 chapters. That's 405 runs to try everything for you completists.
3) The Bartender: Brilliant. Best new addition to the formula. And is that the Rock doing the voice over?
4) The crazy mode: Haven't tried it yet, so can't give it a thumbs up, but it's a great concept for extending the value of the content.
All in all I'm very happy with my purchase.
P.S. No I don't work for Blizzard. Just givin' praise where praise is warranted.
I had this happen as well. She triggered a Duplicate secret, then froze. Worse, the game was unable to reconnect to the game and kicked me out three times before cancelling the game (I didn't lose my run, just my progress in the game).
The problem with Hero Cards at the moment is that there is no counter play. There is no way to get them out of the opponent's deck, or stop them, or remove them once in play.
Any minion can be removed. A spell can be countered or have its mana cost increased. We've got minions that can pull enemy minions to break up combos, etc. For Hero Cards the only risk is getting it milled.
When Magic introduced planeswalkers they resisted making cards that directly targeted planeswalkers to "make them special" and because there were so few of them. Now years later, there are dozens of cards that can destroy them directly.
If Blizzard wants to keep Heroes in the game - and as a concept I like them - we will inevitably need cards like:
Simplify 1 Priest Spell Return your opponent's Hero and Hero Power to their original state.
Sleeping Giant is bad idea, it would be just op with any buffs. There's even a special card in Rumble Run to get, among other cards which are meant to be extremely strong, and it's 2/5 for 6 Mana.
Good point. I'd have to add the "Can't Attack" clause, or perhaps "can only take 1 at a time on your opponent's turn" so if you attack with it, it takes damage normally.
EDIT: Better idea: "While this minion's Attack is 0, it can only take 1 damage at a time."
It's Overflow from Shadowverse. As soon as you have seven mana crystals, used or not, this will cost 0. Hopefully we'll see this on minions as well, i.e. "Has +2/+2 and Taunt while you have at least seven mana crystals". The question is whether or not temporary mana crystals will count. One would suspect they won't as they didn't work for the Omega cards.
I sent this in a reply to McF4rtson, but I thought I should repost here as it is important for this particular contest:
"until end of turn" is the standard way of writing that phrase in Hearthstone.
Just search "end of turn" in the card list. See Potion of Madness, Shadow Madness, and Power Overwhelming. "At the end of turn" needs "the". "Until end of turn" does not.
See Potion of Madness, Goblin Prank, Shadow Madness, Power Overwhelming
When does the Submission thread open? The listed time was 10 pm CST yesterday. Am I misreading something?
"You don't draw cards during your next turn." Clearer, still no H.
Fair feedback. Here is a different direction, that properly rewards trading creatures:
Edit: Fixed typo on card
My favorite is Evil Dead. It's the kind of card that the game needs, as such a perfect counter to powerful Deathrattles.
Simple idea...
First off it's nice to see a positive thread trending right under the inevitable "Heist is a bummer" thread. I have all of the solo content for Hearthstone and this is by far my favorite.
What they've done right:
1) They've nailed the difficulty level. The bosses are hard at the later stages, but not impossible. I completed Chapter 1 on the second try and Chapter 2 on the first try. Perhaps some would consider this too easy, but I say it's fun. I celebrated the wins and look forward to giving them another try.
2) So. Much. Content.: 9 classes, 3 powers each, 3 starting decks, 5 chapters. That's 405 runs to try everything for you completists.
3) The Bartender: Brilliant. Best new addition to the formula. And is that the Rock doing the voice over?
4) The crazy mode: Haven't tried it yet, so can't give it a thumbs up, but it's a great concept for extending the value of the content.
All in all I'm very happy with my purchase.
P.S. No I don't work for Blizzard. Just givin' praise where praise is warranted.
I had this happen as well. She triggered a Duplicate secret, then froze. Worse, the game was unable to reconnect to the game and kicked me out three times before cancelling the game (I didn't lose my run, just my progress in the game).
The problem with Hero Cards at the moment is that there is no counter play. There is no way to get them out of the opponent's deck, or stop them, or remove them once in play.
Any minion can be removed. A spell can be countered or have its mana cost increased. We've got minions that can pull enemy minions to break up combos, etc. For Hero Cards the only risk is getting it milled.
When Magic introduced planeswalkers they resisted making cards that directly targeted planeswalkers to "make them special" and because there were so few of them. Now years later, there are dozens of cards that can destroy them directly.
If Blizzard wants to keep Heroes in the game - and as a concept I like them - we will inevitably need cards like:
Priest Spell
Return your opponent's Hero and Hero Power to their original state.
Awakened Owl
Battlecry: Silence a Hero
I get shot down, then I get up again...
Good point. I'd have to add the "Can't Attack" clause, or perhaps "can only take 1 at a time on your opponent's turn" so if you attack with it, it takes damage normally.
EDIT: Better idea: "While this minion's Attack is 0, it can only take 1 damage at a time."