I'm glad I'm one of the 221 people who won the that's just crazy achievement:-) (and living in the eu, so certainly possible). However I never checked the achievements so didn't know I was getting some hehe ;-)
I think I just beat him with a priest with tons of big minions and the power that makes everything above 5 cost 5. Just massive after massive minions after t5 and he ran out of options in the end
It's a paywall that lasts 3 (or 4?) weeks because there is no possibility to get to the content now without spending money.
After the 3 weeks there is no paywall anymore. Feels unfair cause I have been saving my gold for this but can imagine why blizzard does it (to get more revenue out of it, which is a smart move from a sales perspective).
well it all depends on what techs you'd like to have in your deck. honestly the cards i would consider removing are 1xwyrmguard, divine hymn and zilliax (i think 2 hymns and zilliax is overkill so remove either zilliax or 2nd hymn). other considerations are 1xcrowd roaster, among crowd roaster, 2x forbbiden words, 1x shadow word death are enough for big threats, you can add more minions to keep a board and manage the board with your minions.
cards you can include are acolyte of pain for more draw. after trying the deck a bit, and seeing the limited dragon pool in standard atm, i think 2x scorchers is ok now, just for board presence alone.
techs to consider are ooze for weapon removal mostly, hysteria, holy nova and mass silence, depending on what your needs and bad matchups are.
i dont have time to extensively test it right now, so if you tell me what matches you want to improve it would be helpful.
Currently my worst matchups are control warrior and mech Hunter. Most other archetypes I do well enough against. I could swap away one wyrmguard for a scorcher. I have to use the healing quite often to get to t7 and at that I mostly win (except for control warrior and sometimes mech Hunter). I don't feel I need weapon removal currently and that's mostly because I only gave weapon in rogues now and I win most of the matchups vs them. I could go for hysteria but that wouldn't help Vs warriors or Hunter (Hunter tend to build big minions which when I'm unlucky I cannot answer. I could add in another spellbreaker.
I have also been thinking of adding in the 7/8 taunt giant. I'm not sure if the reduction is enough but they might be a better addition than wyrmguard.
Edit: the deck worst matchup is vs control warrior so don't expect a good winrate.
Mind blast works because it acts as a finisher and you are able to get the enemy down enough with either Alex or constant push with dragons. You can also get one (or the 5 damage/heal 5 spell for 6 mana, that's just as well) from witchdoctor.
I play something very similar with success similar to yours, though honestly I play it more in Casual than on the ladder so take that into account. My differences/reasoning are:
-1 Northshire Cleric - one is fine unless you happen get both fairly early. nobody wants to play a Cleric on turn 9
+1 Shadow Word: Pain - makes the difference against certain key cards (Magic carpet in zoolock , Mosh'Ogg Enforcer in wall/resurrect priest, etc)
2 clerics also make it much more likely to draw one early when you need it. twice as likely to be precise. also as another commenter has stated, it helps later in the game as well, draw is never bad in a control deck.
shadow word: pain is gold against zoolock, thats a must if you face a lot of them.
i dont know if there's room for ooze in the OP's list, but its nice to have. maybe the second divine hymn for an ooze?
edit: i'm not sure about scorcher since odd paladin is out of standard now, does it work for you? plus 2 wyrmguards sound like overkill? i think there is some room for tech choices in your list now that i took a more closer look.
Thanks for the feedback! The problem with dragons synergy is that you need enough in your deck to work. 7 I found is the minimum. The problem with dragons in general is their high cost and Scorcher comes into play sort of early. Furthermore the effect can be good vs token druid and sometimes beast hunter decks. If you can think of a good replacement I would gladly hear it.
In general I found I have enough ways to remove or silence zoolock. The wyrmguard is quite nice and again adds to consistency but maybe could be replaced with ysera when I face enough control. One scorcher could than also go and if you can squeeze in archivist + the 2 mana copy to hand spell you have a way to beat control in fatigue. However when I tried it before I never got there ;-)
Anyway I 100% believe the deck could use some refining so when you have ideas on improvements please keep them coming!
Outofcards has more news and updates on hs already so that's the site I will be getting information from
More news and info on the new site: outof.cards (it's 7 pm eu, don't know the time for America etc)
More info on outof.cards
I'm glad I'm one of the 221 people who won the that's just crazy achievement:-) (and living in the eu, so certainly possible). However I never checked the achievements so didn't know I was getting some hehe ;-)
Outof.cards all will be revealed
Well the mod team thinks there is enough for them to open outof.cards as a new website so I guess not ;-)
Some more information on www.outof.cards
www.outof.cards that is from the same people as Hearthstone but without curses influence. Not yet fully on hearthpwn level, but shouldn't be long
They'll live on: www.outof.cards
I think I just beat him with a priest with tons of big minions and the power that makes everything above 5 cost 5. Just massive after massive minions after t5 and he ran out of options in the end
It's a paywall that lasts 3 (or 4?) weeks because there is no possibility to get to the content now without spending money.
After the 3 weeks there is no paywall anymore. Feels unfair cause I have been saving my gold for this but can imagine why blizzard does it (to get more revenue out of it, which is a smart move from a sales perspective).
I really enjoy it as well. For f2p it's great enjoyment imo.
Currently my worst matchups are control warrior and mech Hunter. Most other archetypes I do well enough against. I could swap away one wyrmguard for a scorcher. I have to use the healing quite often to get to t7 and at that I mostly win (except for control warrior and sometimes mech Hunter). I don't feel I need weapon removal currently and that's mostly because I only gave weapon in rogues now and I win most of the matchups vs them. I could go for hysteria but that wouldn't help Vs warriors or Hunter (Hunter tend to build big minions which when I'm unlucky I cannot answer. I could add in another spellbreaker.
I have also been thinking of adding in the 7/8 taunt giant. I'm not sure if the reduction is enough but they might be a better addition than wyrmguard.
Edit: the deck worst matchup is vs control warrior so don't expect a good winrate.
Mind blast works because it acts as a finisher and you are able to get the enemy down enough with either Alex or constant push with dragons. You can also get one (or the 5 damage/heal 5 spell for 6 mana, that's just as well) from witchdoctor.
Thanks for the feedback! The problem with dragons synergy is that you need enough in your deck to work. 7 I found is the minimum. The problem with dragons in general is their high cost and Scorcher comes into play sort of early. Furthermore the effect can be good vs token druid and sometimes beast hunter decks. If you can think of a good replacement I would gladly hear it.
In general I found I have enough ways to remove or silence zoolock. The wyrmguard is quite nice and again adds to consistency but maybe could be replaced with ysera when I face enough control. One scorcher could than also go and if you can squeeze in archivist + the 2 mana copy to hand spell you have a way to beat control in fatigue. However when I tried it before I never got there ;-)
Anyway I 100% believe the deck could use some refining so when you have ideas on improvements please keep them coming!