Hey guys, just wanted to ask before I drop money or gold on the miniset, I got the regular version already, but if I was to buy the Golden version, can all the golden version be dusted? As in just dust the whole 72 golden cards? Would be a shame to try and find out I can't and be stuck with 72 cards I will never use!
Yes and this is why I came here to ask you guys the more experienced what cards are actually good. I didn't make this topic to just craft cards to just craft, I just wanted opinions on the cards I see in wild mostly that look cool that had a place consistently in Wild and was worth crafting.
Honestly 20k dust I just dont want to splurge it all. This is the most dust I have ever had lol. I have considered crafting some epics and rares that I am missing more than legendarys.
First of all welcome back. In the list of legendaries you provided, the only ones most people will tell you are worth crafting are Grumble, Dinotamer Bran, Archmage Vargoth, and possibly L.P.G. and Murgurgle. I like that you are heading towards the fun route of hearthstone, as a wild player myself i find myself leaning towards the "Johnny/Timmy" experience within the game. I would say Lunas Pocket Galaxy is worth a craft if you like to explore design space. Lots of fun things to try out with that card. Rin The First Deciple albeit a bit slow is definitely a fun card to get to work. Lady in White has been a bit disappointing for me, I try a lot to get her to work with big health minions and the few times you draw her in time in my opinion make her more of a fluffer legendary. In fact here, Ill make a list of worthwhile crafts for immediate use, and worthwhile for fun when you have a ton of extra dust
Worthwhile Immediate Crafts
Dino-tamer Bran
Archmage Vargoth
Grumble World Shaker
Lunas Pocket Galaxy
Murgur Murgurgle
Madame Lazul
Fire Plume's Heart (If you have some decent taunts)
If you have spare dust, you can craft any of the others. To be fair the cards you listed can all bring you a fun experience, but they may not be consistent. If you go into crafting with the exploration of design space in mind as a goal, you can go for any of these. If you want to be somewhat competitive with the decks you can make with these cards, then id start with the list I made above. Good luck mate :)
Thanks I really appreciate the advice, helps me alot to determine what is good and is not. I would however like 2nd and 3rd opinions so I will watch this thread for few days and take it from there.
I really enjoy Wild format alot because of the diversity of cards and being able to use ALL my collection of cards where in standard you can't do that. Standard is fine for what it is. I just wish they would somehow rotate old expansions from time to time, or have a consistent rotating format only.
Been playing HS now for about 2 years, there was a period for about 3 to 4 years where I didn't play HS at all and my collection went to the gutter so I now sit at 50% collection. I started this thread in hopes that you all would advise me on which legendarys to craft. I do realize some of these cards are not meta if not all, and that some of these cards will only fit one type of deck or playstyle. So the legendarys I list could you all just let me know if they are worth crafting and or link what deck they fit best in I would greatly appreciate it.
I have roughly 20 k dust to spend and yes I know I will be advised to save it for next expansion and I plan to do just that but I would like to craft some wild legendarys since Wild is my more favorite mode to play on nowadays. Cards with a star beside them are legendarys I feel more strongly about and would really like to craft them. Anyways thanks for reading.
Keymaster Alabaster *
King Phaoris
Deck of Lunacy *
Darkmoon Rabbit * not a leg but worth crafting? Big minions in todays meta makes me feel like it is?
Unseal the vault
Vareesa Windrunner *
Kathrena Winterwisp
Emeriss *
Luna's Pocket Galaxy ** ( I really want to craft this one the most) Is it viable at all in todays Wild meta?
Sindragosa ( Would this be a good craft for upcoming Death Knight expansion thats being talked about?
Toki, Time-Tinker
Dinotamer Brann *
Moonfang *
Ras Frostwhisper
Murgur Murgurgle* ( good craft for Murloc Pally or Shaman)?
Sarena Bloodfeather
Mindrender Illucia
Madame Lazul * (this feels like a good craft for todays meta)?
Lady in White
Grumble, WorldShaker
Kalimos, Primal Lord
Rin, the First Disciple
Fire Plume's Heart
Archmage Vargoth
Barista Lynchen *
Friz Kindleroost
Azalina Soulthief
Thank you all for any advice, I can only afford to craft maybe 6 so let me know if what you all think of this list!
Hey nice deck, I am subbed to you and enjoy your content, but wanted to ask....Do I need Arch Villain Rafaam in this deck to succeed because its the only card in this deck I don't have.
So I only play Wild format now because well to me its way more fun, that being said I am looking for Sathrovarr legendary card for a deck I wanna make. I googled and found it was given out for free I dunno, couple years ago? I hear its also uncraftable as well.
I am willing to go above and beyond to get this card, is the only way of getting it now is to buy the Descent of Dragons card packs from the store?
I dunno about dusting cards, never have really done it because you never know if that card will be relevant down the road or get un-nerfed and may synergize with another card. I tend to only dust more than 2 or golden copys if the art sucks on them, but I see what your saying.
I like this, for someone that has been away from the game for 4 years it allows me to build up my collection. It also means that its a matter of when not IF to get the cards I want either through playing and getting packs or spending money.
So I am assuming this Duplicate Protect thing is still in the works for ALL cards of rarity? I just want to make sure before I buy more packs on Tuesday because I did pretty good on my 144 pack openings. 13 legends and 39 epics. Based on this whatever I decide to buy on Tues I am guaranteed to not get the same 13 legends I got before correct? Only if I get all the legends and all the epics/rares will I get duplicates I can dust?
Thank you and I hope everyone got what they wanted!
Hey guys, just wanted to ask before I drop money or gold on the miniset, I got the regular version already, but if I was to buy the Golden version, can all the golden version be dusted? As in just dust the whole 72 golden cards? Would be a shame to try and find out I can't and be stuck with 72 cards I will never use!
Deck is GREAT! Its a LTP issue. Just git gud. I am 20-6.
Yep happened to me to. I got 3 sigs 1 epic 1 rare from a pack LOL.
Yes and this is why I came here to ask you guys the more experienced what cards are actually good. I didn't make this topic to just craft cards to just craft, I just wanted opinions on the cards I see in wild mostly that look cool that had a place consistently in Wild and was worth crafting.
Honestly 20k dust I just dont want to splurge it all. This is the most dust I have ever had lol. I have considered crafting some epics and rares that I am missing more than legendarys.
As always, thank you all for the advice.
Thanks I really appreciate the advice, helps me alot to determine what is good and is not. I would however like 2nd and 3rd opinions so I will watch this thread for few days and take it from there.
I really enjoy Wild format alot because of the diversity of cards and being able to use ALL my collection of cards where in standard you can't do that. Standard is fine for what it is. I just wish they would somehow rotate old expansions from time to time, or have a consistent rotating format only.
Hi all,
Been playing HS now for about 2 years, there was a period for about 3 to 4 years where I didn't play HS at all and my collection went to the gutter so I now sit at 50% collection. I started this thread in hopes that you all would advise me on which legendarys to craft. I do realize some of these cards are not meta if not all, and that some of these cards will only fit one type of deck or playstyle. So the legendarys I list could you all just let me know if they are worth crafting and or link what deck they fit best in I would greatly appreciate it.
I have roughly 20 k dust to spend and yes I know I will be advised to save it for next expansion and I plan to do just that but I would like to craft some wild legendarys since Wild is my more favorite mode to play on nowadays. Cards with a star beside them are legendarys I feel more strongly about and would really like to craft them. Anyways thanks for reading.
Thank you all for any advice, I can only afford to craft maybe 6 so let me know if what you all think of this list!
Hey nice deck, I am subbed to you and enjoy your content, but wanted to ask....Do I need Arch Villain Rafaam in this deck to succeed because its the only card in this deck I don't have.
This worked, thank you. Best 100 gold spent on pack of cards in long time lol.
So I only play Wild format now because well to me its way more fun, that being said I am looking for Sathrovarr legendary card for a deck I wanna make. I googled and found it was given out for free I dunno, couple years ago? I hear its also uncraftable as well.
I am willing to go above and beyond to get this card, is the only way of getting it now is to buy the Descent of Dragons card packs from the store?
Thanks for any advice!
I dunno about dusting cards, never have really done it because you never know if that card will be relevant down the road or get un-nerfed and may synergize with another card. I tend to only dust more than 2 or golden copys if the art sucks on them, but I see what your saying.
Yea who knows, I am grateful but in all honesty it probably won't happen again lol
I like this, for someone that has been away from the game for 4 years it allows me to build up my collection. It also means that its a matter of when not IF to get the cards I want either through playing and getting packs or spending money.
So I am assuming this Duplicate Protect thing is still in the works for ALL cards of rarity? I just want to make sure before I buy more packs on Tuesday because I did pretty good on my 144 pack openings. 13 legends and 39 epics. Based on this whatever I decide to buy on Tues I am guaranteed to not get the same 13 legends I got before correct? Only if I get all the legends and all the epics/rares will I get duplicates I can dust?
Thank you and I hope everyone got what they wanted!