no lights justice just summon 5 1/1 recruits?? Idk i feel like its honestly not that good, it feels like its missing something like 5 1/1 recruits with taunt... stand against darkness? more like the darkness will just go face...
GD i have 58,500 dust on my d/e button and blizzard nerfs a card that is basic... yes all i care about is more dust lol. blizz are you sure frothing beserker isn't the REAL problem i mean i have like 15 of those to d/e
Was plyaing randoms with a friend he played fel reaver... next turn i played mindblast fel reaver didnt trigger wasnt silenced or anything. Second screen shot is me highlighting the event when felreaver was supposed to discard also he had 6 cards left in his deck and I only played one card so it should have brought him down to 3
so this plus unleash the hounds= wayyyy better ball of spider lol
what if warrior actually becomes the number one arena class... mind blown
i forsee salty topdecks in arena... cough ... kripp... cough
so with these cards on 10 mana i can spend say 5 mana play a sludge belcher or somehting then spend 5 on this card to heal for 10
no lights justice just summon 5 1/1 recruits?? Idk i feel like its honestly not that good, it feels like its missing something like 5 1/1 recruits with taunt... stand against darkness? more like the darkness will just go face...
GD i have 58,500 dust on my d/e button and blizzard nerfs a card that is basic... yes all i care about is more dust lol. blizz are you sure frothing beserker isn't the REAL problem i mean i have like 15 of those to d/e
gets down voted proceeds to make another post repeating down voted comment
confessor paletress is super fun to play with, I'd keep her
Krip: I will never press the button or risk opening the twisting nether irl
I think the inspire deck is too slow however... I really had fun playing and see some great potential
yea i looked into it very possible i assume thats what it was, i didnt check card count before/after
Was plyaing randoms with a friend he played fel reaver... next turn i played mindblast fel reaver didnt trigger wasnt silenced or anything. Second screen shot is me highlighting the event when felreaver was supposed to discard also he had 6 cards left in his deck and I only played one card so it should have brought him down to 3
none but i have over 50k in DE dust.... but i probably still wont press the button