In this meta he's almost instaclude but u can use another Owl, Vicious Fledging or Just a Tar creep. The thing is, u can replace with anything u like that costs 3 mana and u feel it's worth enough, but it's not the same u know,
Void ripper it's really usefull in a Combo with Dark Iron Skulker or just in a simple way to deal with many Low Attk taunts in the game and create Surprise plays Like Change the attack in a last play and surprise ur opponent with an unexpected lethal turn. He's really strong right now.
I made a change playin with the deck now, took out 2 Argent Squires for 2 Dire moles and added another Void Ripper and i can say that's really smth to turn 3 , between 7-10 damage...destroys any Bold priest or Druid on ladder if he doesn't have a really good hand.
It's ur call mate, but I would choose between Owl against Priests/Taunt Decks / Vicious fledging to early plays if he stitch on the board it's sometimes instawin before turn 6 without answer, but requires luck sometimes / Tar creeper, Sick Pallys all over the place.
i really like this deck, but i dont have Void Ripper, any good replace ?
Again a nice oil deck, ty kohai.
nice deck, hahha 3-0 here.
Nice deck dude and nice guide, TYY.