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    posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Fiery War Axe

    It's funny how Blizzard dev team thought it's a great idea to release a late game focused expansion with jade druid still in standard . But hey people will throw money at you regardless of your mediocre decisions and you will make profit and brush off the decrease in profit as it's an aging game .

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Fiery War Axe

    Someone told me about the recent nerf so i visited this forum again ( haven't played hearthstone in 6 months ) , incompetent balancing team , nerf the base identity cards , keep the expansion cards strong . 

    Glad i ditched this mess of a game , feel bad for 100 euros i spent on it 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Radiant Elemental

    Priest has one of the best 1 mana spells in the game ( power shield is the most played priest card )  . another good priest drop , i was getting sick of playing doubleAcidic Swamp Ooze in my dragon priest 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Crackling Razormaw

    we have a pretty good idea so far how hunter will be played agressive face deck  with multiple 1 mana cards ( might just run every one available ) , this card is excellent onKindly Grandmother and you finish your curve with thatSavannah Highmane , if the meta is unfavorable , you tech the quest thing andTol'vir Warden to have a very good chance against any anti aggro deck

    pretty good , hunter is returning to his face ways , while pretending to be ''midrange'' occasionally but let's see how it holds up vs what other classes will get ,   

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Tol'Vir Warden
    Quote from ChrisKnight >>
    Quote from CrusaderKing2112 >>

    I see a lot of people are calling the card bad, but I think it is playable in a mid-range "curvestone" hunter deck

    For one, mid-range hunter doesn't have too many good on curve 5 drops at the moment, one of which, Azure Drake, is rotating out.

    Hunter is also losing most of its playable draw cards (Kings Elekk, Quick Shot, Azure Drake) 

    It also removes the possibility of top decking bad minions later in the game when you would rather top deck Call of the Wild, Highmane or some other big minion. 

    also remember draw 2 is potentially insane and is why Ancient of Lore got nerfed


     Hunter dosen't have any good turn 5, and this is not a good one either, so it does NOT help. Next.
    This draws out the garbage in your deck... So you need to put GARBAGE in your deck in order for this to work, and u will draw that garbage MANY MANY games before u draw this useless turn 5.
    This is a joke, anyone thinking this has 1 chance of seing play is a joke. This card is not what the Hunters needed and Blizzard is retarded if the other cards and most important the quest follow this useless mechanic.
     Here we have a hearthstone playing calling 1 mana minions garbage , Where have you been buddy ? did you play this game in the last 2 years ? overpowered 1 mana and 2 mana drops has been key to almost every dominant midrange \ aggro \ face deck , if you're playing any decent hunter deck you will likely to run 2 + 1 drops 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Tol'Vir Warden

    People are making the assumption that you're going to empty your hand by turn 5 when you're playing hunter and your only options is playing 2 1 mana cards orSavannah Highmane . That's not how it works in midrange hunter , sure your optimal play is Highmane , but sometimes you have to saturate your mana using what you have in your hand , and 1 mana minions are excellent to do that , 

    You can also runHoundmaster + 1 mana beasts to garantee an alternative decent turn 6 to Highmane 

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    posted a message on New Hunter Card - Tol'Vir Warden

    what other options hunters have at 5 anyway , i think it might be alright if you play it in a  mid range deck , 2 1 mana minions shouldn't be far off a 1 card draw ( likeAzure Drake ) , and you can just use them to saturate your mana on any of your next turns . it also thins your deck so you won't top deck a 1 mana card .

    other than that i think there isn't 1 mana minion that you want to draw specifically at turn 5 . the only one that comes to mind is Sir Finley Mrrgglton which is leaving standard

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Is this latest expansion going to slow down the meta?

    With Jade decks and most of the pirate warrior cards still around , i highly doubt if we ever get a ''control meta''. The fact is playing against Jade decks as a control has been some of the most frustrating experiences to ever come experience in this game . Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior

    Maybe in the next rotation , or the one after it when Mean streets of Gadgetzan is out , that is of course if the game designer team make different choices . But regarding how popular Hearthstone still is i highly doubt it 

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • -14

    posted a message on Wonders of Un'Goro: Episode One - Welcome to Un'Goro, Galvadon Legendary?

    can we have some fucking cards released already ? i want to see what i should expect from next expansion ?  i barely play hearthstone anymore and i just want a confirmation if i should delete it or have some faith 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Spirit Claws

    why not make it a 4 charge weapon ? i wanted a nerf to some shaman cards but this looks more like a murder

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Are there any people of color in hearthstone?

    when we are talking about racism in Say american society my first biggest issues are the racist Justice and prison system , with higher minorities sentencing and laws that were specifically designed to target them ( the drug war itself check for Nixon quotes ) , lack of spending in their communities  , and lower prospect of employment (same resume with a black name has less chance of being accepted )  resulting in poverty and lower chance of social mobility .

    And then there  are people who questions the lack of black characters in a video game made by a polish Dev team (the witcher 3 ) , protest a game that have 2 white protagonist shooting black people ( Resident evil 5 ) . But hey that's the difference between serious people about the issue , and comfortable Black people whining about representation and want token characters in a video game 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does anyone else think small time bucc is NOT OP?

    we had several ''conditional'' 1 mana cards , let's be honestTwilight Whelp orCogmaster are always activated , Flame imp drawback doesn't really affect Zoolock , in the same way thatZombie Chow drawback doesn't matter if you're going to play the control game  and we always had the growingMana Wyrm and Blizzard is totally fine with Tunnel Trogg for over 2 years .It seems like unfair 1 mana In synergy Decks are something totally fine design wise in this game . 

    What really broke the game is the combination of Small-Time Buccaneer , other aggressive tools available , mainly cheap weapons being super efficient in this game especially when you're aggressive player ( your health loss means nothing if you're on the attack ) . and Of course .Patches the Pirate 

    we end up with 3 2 1 mana +  1 mana  1 1 charge , and this somehow was approved by  a very competent Hearthstone Balance team , i have seen better balanced fan made cards 

    I do have to admit that patches is a cool legendary design wise , but this combination HAS to be broken down and nerfed , even for other aggro decks sake , (and ofc midrange decks) . And i thinkSmall-Time Buccaneer have to take the hit for Patches 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on Hearthstone's Arena Team is Testing a 20% Increase in Spells During Drafting

    why not make arena a rotating set experience ? here is a suggestion

    Give classic set 3

    Adventures set 1 

    Full expansion 2 

    then we get a randomized (let's say 6 ) size arena pool each month ( 2 adventure set 2 expansion or instance , all adventures set classic next month for example ) 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Should new players buy adventures rotating out?

    I think a new player should try other competitors on the market , I personally Recommend Shadowverse  , Duelyst is pretty good last time i checked . Hearthstone looks like a sinking ship , don't attach yourself  to it by spending money 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on No such thing as cancer decks
    Quote from Shissan >>You will be the first to cry with the incoming nerfs to pirates, and the shaman. Oh, and I can't wait for next set when the aggro shaman will be trash tier again. Your tears will be salty, because you won't be able to climb to Legend with an OP aggro shaman decks /grin
    i can't wait for the likes of him to quit this game altogether after nerf , 
    The problem with the meta isn't the ultra efficient , aggro package that killed all other aggro decks , oppressed every midrange deck that isn't priest , and made it only possible to survive it's encounter through a turn 6 FULL HEAL . it's the only thing stopping it  itself . 
    Reno Jackson is not fair , but 3 2 1 mana minion with 95 % 1 1 charge turn 1 is fair and balanced . 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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