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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    yeah Najak would be crazy here!

    as for Kazakusan, I don't think the deck has enough survivability and/or draw in order to afford running it as a finisher. also the deck has a lot of none dragon minions. anyway, the colossal isn't a must here, its just a cool card that is worth trying with the lunch of the expansion and it might be replaced later for something more refined.

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    the minions are cheap but honestly there arent enough minions in the deck to make lady prestor worth it i think.. 

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    great suggestions! i added 1 copy of switcheroo (but took out stockade guard - may be added back after some tests). also added 2 illuminates of course

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    I took out argus and stockade guard, thanks for the suggestion!

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    i think defender of argus is a key card in the deck since it often shields too big minions and can really help against aggro. the razorleaf is a great statted minion for 3 mana so i also like it in the deck. i agree about stockades gaurd it can easily be replaced by a good class card.

    i think if you play cards like illuminate and handmaiden you have to play Lyra the sunshard and than it just becomes miracle priest instead..

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    i also think its a cool concept but i guess it won't be good enough in today's meta with all the crazy cheap cards around.. it might just be too slow.

    of course i would give it a try!

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    thanks! glad you liked it!

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on new silence priest!

    yeah northshire is a great card!

    you are probably right. this deck is just a 1st version and i put some cards like darkspear berserker in even though they are not that good because i wanted to put many silence option. after trying the deck out cards like that and the mammoth for example should be changed for some draw such as gift of naaru.  

    Posted in: new silence priest!
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    posted a message on S.A. legendary tier list for standard mode

    here are my ratings for the new 25 legendary cards for Scholomance Academy - standard mode only.

    1. Ace Hunter Kreen - 4 stars

    will be a staple in highlander hunter but other then that wont see competitive play because it doesn't fit the hunter or DH aggressive playstyle

    2. Shan'do Wildclaw - 5 stars

    such a versatile card. will be a staple in highlander hunter and will also create a new beast archetype for druid and maybe also for hunter too.

    3. Speaker Gidra - 3 stars

    would have been rated better in the current meta but in the upcoming meta will sadly fall short as it's a bit too slow. also it requires a high mana spell to become an actual threat and big spell shaman will not be a strong deck in the new meta.

    4. Ras Frostwhisper - 4 stars

    if spell damage mage\shaman succeeds in being a top tier deck this card will be the absolute core of the deck and might be a 5 star card. worth mentioning that it can hit face with his ability, on top of being fairly statted.

    5. Jandice Barov - 3 stars

    this card generates a lot of stats for 5 mana but it is too random and also too slow (doesn't impact the board unless it summons a rush minion) so it won't make the cut for aggro rough (secret passage rouge).

    6. Doctor Krastinov - 3 stars

    compared to captain Greenskin the doctor has an immidiate impact on the board (rush) so it can fit in control warrior with some weapons and can help any warrior/rouge weapon based deck.

    7.Lord Barov - 5 stars

    this cards is bonkers in almost any warrior or paladin deck which makes it an easy 5 star card. probably will work better in warrior.

    8. High Abbess Alura - 3 stars

    the card will fit well in libram paladin but still this deck is not a good enough deck and won't be one in the upcoming meta. also the randomness of the card makes it less reliable.

    9. Disciplinarian Gandling - 4 stars

    could easily be a 5 star card in the current meta but i thimk zoolock will not be good enough compare to other aggro decks that will dominate the new meta. still, this card alongside thekkan can make lackey-zoolock a really good deck.

    10. Soulciologist Malicia - 3 stars

    this cards has a lot of potential to be very swingy but it really depends on how the meta is going to turn out to be. i think it will be a better match for warlock because DH is too aggressive for this kind of a control oriented card.

    11. Star Student Stelina - 2 stars

    has some potential to be a combo disruptor, but i think it will only see play if the meta will be too combo oriented and glide won't be enough or will get nerfed.

    12. Forest Warden Omu - 5 stars

    possibly the strongest card as it enables a crazy OTK combo on its own. will probably get nerfed pretty soon.

    13. Professor Slate 1 star

    doesn't fit hunter playstle even if it had more cheap damage spells to support it.

    14. Mozaki, Master Duelist - 2 stars

    could see some play in spell damage mage but too slow and too hard to take a good advantage of.

    15. Turalyon, the Tenured - 1 stars

    at first glance it seems like a decent removal card for paladin, but for 8 mana it is definetly too slow and will see play only in a very slow and control oriented meta.

    16. Mindrender Illucia - 5 stars

    maybe the best card in this list as it is so versatile and disruptive to the opponent. will be played in any priest deck and good against any kind of deck.

    17. Infiltrator Lilian - 4 stars

    easy inclusion in any rouge deck and a stealth rouge deck especially can take advantage of this card. an amazing card to play on curve

    18. Instructor Fireheart - 3 stars

    will fit perfectly in control shaman but since shaman is not going to be strong in the upcoming meta this gets just 3 stars as it cant make shaman strong on its own.

    19. Archwitch Willow - 1 stars

    too slow for standard. 

    20. Rattlegore - 1 stars

    too slow for standard.

    21. Sphere of Sapience - 5 stars

    such an amazing card for any combo/control deck. will definetly see a lot of play and will force a lot of players to include ooze in there decks

    22. Vectus - 3 stars

    this card is very strong on its own but in reality, i cant see a deck that can revolve around this card and be really competitive hence it only gets 3 stars. with the right support can become a 5 star card.

    23. Lorekeeper Polkelt - 4 stars

    could be strong in aggro decks but the question is if it will find a combo deck to fit into, only time will tell.

    24. Headmaster Kel'Thuzad 2 stars

    to slow card and will probably not make the cut even for the heaviest control decks.

    25. Keymaster Alabaster 1 stars

    the worst legendary of the set (for standard mode). has a very slow effect that is dependent on your opponents plays. still, will be an amazing card to summon randomly.


    in conclusion, i think the power level of the set is through the roof and almost every legendary card in this list is good.

    personally i think all the 5 star cards are safe crafts but as always the meta can be very shifty.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Plague of Death

    this card is a new version of psychic scream but arguably a better one!

    for 2 more mana you are avoiding filling your opponent's deck back again.

    i know that sometimes the scream effect can be good, for example against odd pally by filling his deck with useless 1/1 and ruining his next draws, but mostly it is bad and for 9 mana it is an amazing board clear that will be meta defining if priest class will get some more tools with the coming expansion.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on 3 Golden Legendaries. How are the odds?

    i opened 111 packs and got only 5 legendaries! and 3 of them (the first 3) were the worst 3 of the expansion (oblivitron, chef nomi and the boom reaver) and no golden legendary. so no, they didn't change the odds, you were just very lucky, in the opposite of me.

    after that i was so upset and spent all my dust (15000) to buy all the legendaries i want (something i usually don't do before the meta is settled.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on ROS final card review

    i didn't accidentally switched between these cards ratings as i do think that scargil is going to be very strong in the new murloc shaman. you have 2 underbelly anglers in the deck which can generate value, as well as hagatha the witch that can generate some value in the late game as well (if you didn't win with pressure by then). if you want you can also play witch's calderon for even more value in the deck but i don't think it is necessary. swampqueen hagatha seems to me like a very slow card as it does nothing for 7 mana except for summoning a 5/5 and the effect can only be used on future turns which in the way that the meta shapes out to be - strong aggro deck and not enough removals, this card seems awfully weak for now. maybe it will be better in the future expansions.

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    posted a message on ROS final card review

    hello hearthpwners!

    Wanted to give you guys my own review of the legendary cards of Rise Of Shadows from my point of view, before the release time that is nearly here!


    keeper stalladris- great stats for a 2-drop with a powerful effect, which immediately makes it an amazing card. could be played for tempo on turn 2 and force an early removal or could be played later for a lot of value. i think this card is an auto include in every kind of druid deck (that has at least 4 copies of choose one spells) and as such, its a 5 star card.

    lucentbark - very bad stats for an 8-drop but the effect is very strong with the amount of healing options druid now has. i think that in a meta with almost no silence this card can shine in a heal druid deck, but i don't think it can carry the deck to tier 1. at the end, this card might see a small amount of play but i don't believe it is strong enough. it's a 3 star card.


    oblivitron - the stats are very low for a 6-drop and in a heavy silence meta this card is trash - you really don't to invest so much in a card and it will most likely get silenced. this card is a lot worse with the rotation of hunters deathrattle core cards, such as play dead and kathrena winterwisp. i don't believe this card will find his place in the new meta but it might shine with the next expansion or even later. but for now - it's a 1 star card.

    vereesa windrunner - low stats for a 7-drop but the 2/3 weapon and the spell damage possibilities (not even only combo wise) is making me believe that in the new expansion, hunter can only go in the spell/spell damage direction. so even though the power level of the card seems a bit weak, i think it will carry the hunter class with ROS release. and also, there might be some combos which have yet to be found. it's a 4 star card.


    khadgar - even though this card can be played at turn 2 for tempo, you will never want to play so desperately. the power level of playing this card with another card that summon minions like janalai the dragonhawk is frightning. but there are two problems: one is that the card is fairly weak and easy to remove on it's own, and the second one is that you would rather have a big impactful minion in your deck or a good tempo early game card to deal with the board (assuming of course you are playing a control mage deck). all in all, it's a 4 star card.

    kalecgos - this card is bonkers in a big spell mage deck. not even only in this expansion but in the past as well. the power level of this card is so amazing, you get a 4/12 body + a free spell + discover a spell = stats + tempo + value -> all in one card! although this card is not the strongest of the legendaries in the expansion and although dragon's fury and meteor have rotated out, i believe this card is going to be played, a lot! this card is a 5 star card.


    commander rhyssa - a 4/3 body on a 3-drop is a very good tempo, but the effect doesn't seem that strong. a secret triggering twice is not that harmful most of the times. but, i believe that secret paladin got a lot of great tools in this expansion and will be a very strong deck and this card is an auto include in it. this why it's a 4 star card.

    nozari - the stats are very bad for a 10-drop and you would expect a very powerful effect. i personally don't see this card shining in ROS meta but it is very likely to shine in the next expansion or the last one of the year with more dragons and control tools for paladin. for now only, it's a 2 star card.


    madame lazul - not terrible but bad stats for a 3-drop. the effect is strong for a control priest type of deck, but, and there is a big but here, priest is losing so many control tools with the rotation! and also when comparing this card to chameleos i think it is weaker because you have to spend 3 mana to discover your opponent's ysera (assuming he is not playing an aggro deck which is even worse) and you can only play it on future turns. chameleos lets you play a high cost card of your opponent right away to swing the game back in your favor. it's a 2 star card.

    catrina muerte - this card screams big priest. but i don't think that in this expension big priest can happen without enough AOE removals and without enough big impactful minions such as lich king. i do believe this card will shine in a different type of deck such as wall priest or maybe in the next expensions with more removal spells and more cheat out spells it could shine in a deck with almost no minions. right now, it's a 4 star card.


    heistbaron togwaggle - the stats are low for a 6-drop but the effect is so overwhelming, especially when comparing this card with marin the fox who didn't see play because he was damn slow. with this card it seems so easy to pull the battlecry and pull so many combos and different shenanigans that this card is definitely the best card of the expansion (even if it ends up seeing not that much of a play because of an aggro oriented meta). it's a very easy 5 star card.

    tak nozwhisker - the stats are bad for a 7-drop and the effect seems strong but very slow. i believe this card needs to be experimented with a lot to realize if it could be afford to play but at the end i think it will just miss the cut because of his high cost. i also think that rouge lacks survivability as a class and can't afford to play a 7 mana 6/6 most of the times. this card still deserves to be a 3 star card.


    swampqueen hagatha - very bad stats for a 7-drop and the effect is also not effecting the board at the same moment and not even at the same turn. shaman is not good enough at playing control and as such, i think this card won't see a competitive play. maybe it might be played only for experimentation purposes and maybe it will see play in the upcoming expansions, but for now, it just seems too slow. only for the powerful effect, it's a 2 star card. 

    scargil - this card is perfect for murloc shaman to shine and will definitely see a lot of play. it's a good turn 4 that has to be removed and it's great later in the game to dump your hand and fill your board with murlocs (of course if you play underbelly angler right after when you have 10 mana, you can fill your board and your hand at the same time! this card looks so powerful, mostly because murloc shaman got many powerful tools. i think it's one of the best legendaries this expansion. it's a 5 star card.


    fel lord betrug - low stats for an 8-drop. in combination with the new card plot twist can do a lot of harm in a control-big minion warlock deck but still, i don't think this card is strong enough to carry control warlock after losing some core cards as defile for example. and for that, this card is a 2 star card.

    arch-villain rafaam - great stats for the cost and it also has taunt so can be played against aggro quite easily. the problem with the effect is the randomness of it, which is why i think that this card will see play only in zoolock decks as a late game finisher or in a meme deck that can benefit from the effect in a way of shuffling meaningless cards in the deck to turn them into random legendaries. this might also see play in control decks to counter bomb-warrior or hakkar decks. all in all, for it's randomness, it's only a 3 star card.



    the boom reaver - for me, this is the worst legendary of the expansion. it's ridiculously over-statted and the effect is not even that good in the way that standard mode shapes up to be with the new expansion and the rotation. i think this card can only be playable in a very heavy control meta that has a lot of big minions that are warriors/neutral and have powerful effects (not battlecries). even in wild (which i don't play) this card seems like trash because it will get over-shadowed with much better cards. it's a 1 star card.

    blastmaster boom - this card can carry bomb warrior to great heights as it is so strong, when you compare this card with the famous dr. boom you can see it could be even better as it can summon 6! boom bots, and with dr. boom mad genius they can even have rush! bomb warrior seems to have a lot of potential and will shine sometime this year and for that, this is a 5 star card. 



    archmage vargoth - this free legendary seems to be very powerful in priest deck but only there (in standard). i think this card will eventually fall short as there are better cards with more impact and i can't see where this card fit in in most decks. we might keep seeing this card in priest deck but those deck will be worse then now after the rotation because of the loss of cheap Resurrection cards like eternal servitude. for me, this is only a 3 cost card.

    barista lynchen - this card has a lot of potential in a value oriented meta in a value deck but it's hard to say that this card is very strong. i think that there could be some hidden combos, that are yet to be discovered, maybe with shudderwock for example but at the end, this card seems weaker then zola the gorgon because it costs more and only targets battlecry minions. for this card unrevealed options, it's a 3 star card.

    chef nomi - this card is one of the worst legendaries of the expansions, especially when we still have mechathun in standard that is a much better option when you finish your entire deck. for that, this card is a 1 star card.

    jepetto joybuzz - this card combo possibilities are of the charts and i am sure that at least one good control deck will rise with this card starring in it. i still think the combo will be hard to pull off as the effect and mana cost of this card are both very slow. that is why this card is only a 4 star card.

    archivist elysiana - bad stats for an 8-drop and not any immediate effect make this card look very slow and as such it can only shine in a very slow control meta. i personally have high hopes for this card and i feel that if the meta will be slow this will be played in almost every deck as an anti-fatigue tech card. this is a 4 star card.

    to sum up, blizzard have released a lot of control oriented cards in this set but on the same time we are losing a lot of key cards for control in each class, and for that i think aggro decks can thrive with new expansion. personally, i don't like aggro decks as they are usually making the game more about the win and less about the fun. but still, i am very excited to play murloc shaman as it seems like a deck that can generate some value while crushing the opponent. i hope that with the next 2 sets this year we will receive more control tools so that control deck can shine with the new cards above. the power level of the expansion compared with previous ones seems very big and you can see that with the high rating of the legendary cards (many 5 star cards).

    can't wait to play with the new cards and see where the new meta is going. i already theory crafted many decks which i really can't wait to try.

    wish you all a lot of luck with your packs opening! and hope you will let me know what you think about my legendaries card review!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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