Any skin in the past was possible to buy for gold? I don't remember.
- Brads_Gaming
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Legend posted a message on Legendary Skin Product Description Correction - You Can Ask For A Refund!Posted in: News -
did4skalia posted a message on Big Changes Coming For Future Signature Cards & Compensation For Flaws In Duplicate Protection SystemPosted in: NewsIs it possible for more braindead hate? 🤔
DatMageDoe posted a message on 25.0.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes For Constructed & Sire Denathrius Obtainability ChangePosted in: NewsUnlisted: Gruntled Patron has been banned from Constructed.
Probably means it'll get a nerf for the Corpse Explosion interaction.
tsudecimo posted a message on Patch Notes 25.0.2 - Demon Hunter Scythe Fix - Renathal Banned in Duels - BG Balance Changes & MorePosted in: Newswhat about Sir denathrius? I can't craft it or get it.
Pagan posted a message on Fireside Gatherings Now Live - Enjoy Your Early Pack Openings!Posted in: NewsDo you guys have flying cars yet?
Grimmorte posted a message on Fireside Gatherings Now Live - Enjoy Your Early Pack Openings!Posted in: NewsJust logged in at 10 only to be mad. Living in the future sucks. #est
Zavhulonn posted a message on Battlegrounds Cosmetics & Features - Developer Interview By Ninaisnoob!Posted in: NewsSo, "BG is free and started as free" and "they should instead put resources to make what was paid better"? So the team that developes this separated free game should work for free, thats your idea?
In my case, nothing was paid, and I have a complete collection, for example. They monetizing in a way that they can earn they pay and still have a free game expanded upon, with new games (yes, I play Mercenary too) and more content every two months, without having a pay to win is the best of two words for me.
Before this, I played Elements Card Game, Legacy of Heroes, Clash of Dragons, and Magic Workstation. They all died. Here they are offering a free game and you only pay for it if you want and the ammount you want, and receibing visual upgrades in return. Stop whining. -
host_arnold posted a message on Battlegrounds Cosmetics & Features - Developer Interview By Ninaisnoob!Posted in: NewsWould you rather pay for the game? What is even your problem with optional cosmetic items?
DatMageDoe posted a message on Updated Free Deck for New and Returning Players – AlteracPosted in: NewsThese are live right now, no need to wait for Alterac to go live.
Also, rotation is happening with the expansion after Alterac (due out sometime March-April), not the end of the year.
Y2Cra posted a message on Bug With Queueing For Games - Golden Core Cards To BlamePosted in: NewsHow does a bug this big make it past testing? You literally can't play the game. GG as always Blizz.
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One thing I will never understand is if you don't like the game then stop playing it. Why come to a forum specifically built for the game itself and cry about things you don't like. Just stop no one is making you play a game... also if you're getting this upset take a deep breath remember... its a video game....
clearly cant read or you don't play the game enough to get the free core cards that were given to everyone
Yeah as I said in the description its just my attempt at throwing together a budget styled deck with only commons and rares.
I feel like Fresh Scent and Timber Wolf can be swapped for something better. Maybe Desert Spear could be one of the cards. Timber Wolf seems really off in the deck though.
I love this brawl because its the only way to experience some of these old school decks pre-nerf. As some one who has been playing this game since the beta I have to say I just love going back in the past and remembering the days of when Naxx first released.
Hello everyone, I decided to try and restrict myself by making some good decks that are for F2P players. While some decks are better than others I tried my best to make each as good as possible. Some classes I was able to create multiple decks for while others were nearly impossible to make a different budget archetype for that class. Anyways I check below for a class you want to check out and I will have a write up about each deck.
Budget Control Warrior -
This is one of the decks I have the least amount of confidence in because it was just such a struggle to really come up with it in the first place. I wanted to make a budget deck that was built around Dimensional Ripper which in turn makes you build a control deck. Your win conditions are throwing taunt walls up from the aggro decks and make them just give up as we have Witchwood Grizzly, Damaged Stegotron and Rabble Bouncer. The other win condition is praying to RNGesus for some good dragons and mechs from Omega Assembly and Dragon Roar. The rest of the deck is basically removal and stall.Improve Morale is an Execute activator and gives us one of those little powerful Lackeys.
Budget Face Warrior -
This deck to me feels a lot better than the control warrior above. My inspiration was the old Disney Land Warrior Kripp made back in the day. You play smaller minions that get buffed up from being damaged or have a benefit from being damage like Acolyte of Pain. We have card draw through Battle Rage and Slam. Clockwork Goblin is a great addition to a deck like this because even though we aren't playing a Bomb Warrior it still is 10 potential damage that could come at any time while we are putting the pressure on. Dozing Marksman is probably one of the weirdest additions to this deck but I feel like it fits in as we have a lot of activators with Whirlwind, Inner Rage, Improve Morale, and Slam. Festeroot Hulk can get out of hand if you already have a board developed so he also fits in great and then Dread Corsair I just threw one in because we can drop him down for free with Arcanite Reaper equipped.
Budget Murloc Shaman - Check RegisKillbin's list here as it is really optimized and would recommend it to anyone!
Budget Tempo Rogue -
This is a basic Tempo Rogue. Play minions on curve, make as many efficient trades as possible and push face. We have great card generation with cards like Hench-Clan Burglar, Blink Fox, and EVIL Miscreant. Along with these card we also have 1 Raiding Party in the deck because we do have 5 pirates in the deck to fish for and 2x Assassin's Blades. You may be thinking why Assassin's Blade? well it does a good amount of damage to the face when buffed up by Deadly Poison and you get this weapon for free. Eviscerate and Cold Blood are great for some burst damage especially paired with Southsea Deckhand. Defias Ringleader is a solid 2 drop if you are able to get the combo off and Hench-Clan Thug was practically made for Rogues so it has to be in the deck as a big threat. Mecharoo is in the deck just for something to be played one turn 1 and SI:7 Agent is just an amazing card.
Budget Token Secret Paladin -
This I feel is a pretty solid deck as we have a lot of ways to generate small minions and keep the pressure up. The secrets Autodefense Matrix, Never Surrender!, Noble Sacrifice, and Redemption are always annoying to deal with. Bellringer Sentry, Sunreaver Spy, and Mysterious Blade obviously have to be played if we are playing secrets. I started throwing in a bunch of cards like Mecharoo, Microtech Controller, and Replicating Menace because I wanted to throw in Annoy-o-Module as a way to protect our tokens and have a way to utilize the magnetic keyword. The tokens we generate also made me throw in a single Cult Master for some needed card draw which is also why I threw in one Loot Hoarder. Silver Sword also works AMAZING with all of theses tokens so I put one of these in. Didn't throw in 2 for the fear of us drawing both early on. Finally one of my favorite new cards is Eccentric Scribe, solid body and an annoying token deathrattle. Basically a neutral version of Savannah Highmane. Oh and Aldor Peacekeeper because it's just a solid card.
Budget Bomb Hunter -
I have seen decks like this and it does perform pretty well while also not breaking the bank. Basically we threw in every card that generates bombs so we have targets to utilize our magnetic cards. I threw in Shimmerfly just because it is a solid 1 drop and can give us something useful potentially. Tracking so we can find certain cards and thin our deck out. Fireworks Tech is amazing as I am sure all of you have noticed when it is paired with Mechanical Whelp but it also works nicely with the other deathrattles like Ursatron, Spider Bomb, Replicating Menace and even Mecharoo. Defender of Argus is thrown in so we can taunt up those bombs but I could only find space for one of theses as the rest of the cards felt more important. Animal Companion because we are playing Hunter and I guess the final thing to mention is Venomizer works nicely to clear large minions and of course the best board clear if you can land it on an Missile Launcher .... but we hopefully won't be far enough behind to resort to that play.
Budget Aggro Hunter -
This deck we are playing a lot of beast as fast as possible and going face when we can. Secret Plan and Tracking are in the deck to find what answers we need at that moment. We have Shimmerfly, Springpaw, and Timber Wolf for 1 drops to help activate our Headhunter's Hatchet. Though you want to save Timber Wolf for pushing damage and clearing things more efficiently. Scavenging Hyena is basically our big win condition as we hope that they can't deal with him when we trade a bunch of our small minions in or use Unleash the Hounds. Dire Wolf Alpha works great for pushing damage and efficient trades along with the new card Hench-Clan Hogsteed being used to kill something off and leave us a murloc. Now this is a beast hunter so we have to play the essentials of Animal Companion, Kill Command, and Houndmaster. Cult Master is needed because we don't have a card that cost more than 4 and we will be dumping our hand fast. We need a way to refill it so this is our choice. Finally I threw in 2 cards for fun and they are Revenge of the Wild as we are trading a lot of small beast so this could be useful with Unleash the Hounds and having cards like Timber Wolf down. Then Finally Dire Frenzy because we can target whatever we need and buff up a minion on the board currently to push more damage.
Token Druid -
This is a budget version of one of the most popular decks out there. The idea is you just constantly play cards to fill your board and sooner than later the opponent will run out of answers and lose to the swarm. Acornbearer, Dreamway Guardians, Landscaping, The Forest's Aid, Mecharoo all are great cards to flood the board with. Then you have Knife Juggler and Frostwolf Warlord to take advantage or the swarms. Finally you have the buffs like Blessing of the Ancients, Power of the Wild, Soul of the Forest, and Mark of the Loa. I threw in Dendrologist as we will have a great chance of having a treant on the board so we can discover a new spell. Then we have Savage Roar as our finisher, Swipe to deal face damage or clear their board and Wrath to cycle or take a small minion out.
Token Hand Druid -
This is very similar to the Token deck above just swapped a few card for card generations and it is a bit slower. The swaps are Witchwood Apple, Ferocious Howl, Bewitched Guardian and Mulchmuncher. I don't feel like there is much to say about this deck so just try it out if you have the cards lol.
Budget Zoolock -
Yup another flooding token style deck. As usual you play all your minions trying to buff them up and overwhelm your opponent. I feel like this deck is one of the classics as it has been around forever. Some notable additions would be Grim Rally and EVIL Genius to target cards like Eager Underling and Scarab Egg. Frostwolf Warlord makes another appearance as we are flooding the board with a lot of small minions. Now one of the additions people may not be sure of is Duskbat. It has a better body than Microtech Controller and we do have ways to activate it with cards like Flame Imp, Hellfire and our Hero Power.
Budget Conjuring Mage -
This is a super fun deck, if you are sad you can't play the version with all of the fancy legendaries like Khadgar then look no further. The idea is that we have a lot of board clears so we can fighter off the aggressive decks and slowly make our way back with big swing turns like hitting Conjurer's Calling on Mechanical Whelp. Other great targets are Rabble Bouncer as we may be able to sneak this card out early if they have a lot of tokens, and even Water Elemental as we can most likely get a lot of trades in with this guy and then hit him with a Conjurer's Calling. Messenger Raven may find us a card like Khadgar or Kalecgos that we can't afford. Celestial Emissary is a nice way for us to get even more value out of our already useful board clears... but he also makes Arcane Explosion a useful way to deal with the tokens before turn 6 where we would already be staring death in the face. Sunreaver Warmage also is nice in the deck because we have Blizzard and Flamestrike to activate her. She also isn't a bad target to hit with the Conjurer's Calling.
Budget Spell Damage Mage -
This deck is a mixture of a Spell Damage and Vex Crow mage. We have a ton of low cost spells Arcane Missiles, Magic Trick, Ray of Frost, Shooting Star, Arcane Explosion and Frostbolt that can be used withVex Crow and made even more efficient with Sorcerer's Apprentice. Now we also have Banana Buffoon to generate two Bananas for even more spells with Vex Crow. Now finally the Spell Damage part is where we attempt to burn the opponent down. Kirin Tor Tricaster, Cosmic Anomaly and Celestial Emissary work wonderful to burn down the opponent with Fireball or Frostbolt ... but they also work amazing for board clears with Shooting Star and Arcane Explosion.
Budget Silence Priest -
Our final deck list is Silence priest. I feel like this deck kind of builds itself as you just pick big bodies that work great when silenced. Our silence targets are Hench-Clan Shadequill, Arcane Watcher, and Ancient Watcher. Faceless Rager works amazing targeting these overly stated minions. Dalaran Librarian, Unsleeping Soul and Silence are the ways we activate Arcane Watcher and Ancient Watcher. I threw in just one Divine Spirit and Inner Fire to surprise the opponent with a little burst but I didn't want to over commit to it. We have Wild Pyromancer with all of our cheap spells to do AOE (I.E. Power Word: Shield) and damage our own minions so we can draw cards with Circle of Healing and Northshire Cleric. Mass Hysteria is the best board clear Priest have right now and then we have the typical removal of Shadow Word: Pain and Shadow Word: Death. We may be able to remove one of these for a second Divine Spirit but I will leave that up to you.
ANYWAYS I am done.. that took a while and I hope everyone can make use of these decks. My favorite part of Hearthstone is the deck building so I always love making up budget friendly decks or coming up with weird combos. Let me know what you think and how the decks work out for you. If you have any questions let me know!
Could be burn out or I feel like people just care so much about ranking up a ton that it kills them on what decks they can experiment with. This expansion has been pretty good when it comes to fun weird decks I feel. I also feel like anyone who thinks this expansion sucks or is boring wasn't around for Knights of the Frozen Throne where it was literally 80+% druid.
He was corrected that its random like 5 minutes later.
one of the best decks for F2P Players would be just doing mind blast priest.
2x power word shields
2x radiant elementals
2x mind blast
once you are on turn 4 if you have 1 radiant in hand and 1 power word shield you won.