The Innkeeper's synchronization with this site might be working incorrectly, it seems. For instance neutral cards are reflected incorrectly (5 pages) here The problem is obvious in the site's code, not Innkeeper. I believe that the source of the problem is the overflow of the index of neutral cards. it's time to refactor your code
One more question, please: is it possible to make the collection's display in "Cards I Don't own" mode be equivalent to the way it happens in HS when putting keyword "missing" in the search field?
The problem might be in the site's code, not Innkeeper
One more question, please: is it possible to make the collection's display in "Cards I Don't own" mode be equivalent to the way it happens in HS when putting keyword "missing" in the search field?
I m afraid there are no chances to fix this issue (((
You should use different collection manager. Try and decktracker
attempt to upload image
imho The Soularium is often a dead card
Ragnaros the Firelord is the best of mentioned substitutions
sometimes Arch-Villain Rafaam saves the game
but it can be changed to Big Bad Archmage or Fel Lord Betrug or Kel'Thuzad or Ragnaros the Firelord maybe Sylvanas Windrunner of course
Great deck man! Just changed Coldlight Oracle to Divine Hymn cause of overdraw and got 7-1 from rank 4 to 2
I have the same problem.
The Innkeeper's synchronization with this site might be working incorrectly, it seems. For instance neutral cards are reflected incorrectly (5 pages) here The problem is obvious in the site's code, not Innkeeper. I believe that the source of the problem is the overflow of the index of neutral cards. it's time to refactor your code
One more question, please: is it possible to make the collection's display in "Cards I Don't own" mode be equivalent to the way it happens in HS when putting keyword "missing" in the search field?
The Innkeeper's synchronization with this site might be working incorrectly, it seems
For instance neutral cards are reflected incorrectly here
The problem might be in the site's code, not Innkeeper
One more question, please: is it possible to make the collection's display in "Cards I Don't own" mode be equivalent to the way it happens in HS when putting keyword "missing" in the search field?
how you deal with the big priest or mill rogue?
Hi! Could you clarify on what rank interval the winrate you have specified is reached?
now its only а fun deck. it almost ineffective in ladder but Awaken the Makers sometimes plays in a long game. see :
In addition, there are several tools that help to complete the quest: Twilight's Call, Barnes, Carnivorous Cube, Kel'Thuzad and N'Zoth, the Corruptor
Many thanks!
Got rank 5 (from 10 to 5) in 1 day.