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    posted a message on Plagues
    Quote from Dragoon2k >>

    I haven't checked statistics or anything but I do think that a mechanique like Plagues always needs some way to counter it, its a really anti fun mechanique that in alot of matchup pretty much is a free win.

     Tony King of Piracy is a good tech card for it 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Unbalanced unplayable meta Mage/Druid

    thats it thats the post. 

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on "New" BIG Spell Mage - 80% To Legend

    why the keychains? Everything else makes sense I dont understand the key chains though

    Posted in: "New" BIG Spell Mage - 80% To Legend
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    posted a message on Bonds' The Best Reno DK

    Viper, Vampiric Blood, Corpse explosion

    posionous, lifesteal zilliax

    Posted in: Bonds' The Best Reno DK
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    posted a message on Bonds' Espionage Rogue

    summon 2, lifesteal prob

    Posted in: Bonds' Espionage Rogue
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    posted a message on Bonds' The Best Reno DK

    Druid Aviana you can swap to have 1 mana legendaries, swap out Warrior bombs that destroy your deck and hand, DK Plagues, priest infinite value in their deck

    It saves me some games just a win more card but not needed,  You could cut Tony, Fizzle


    Posted in: Bonds' The Best Reno DK
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    posted a message on Battlecry Shaman (PiP Mini-set Theorycraft)

    Incindius should definitely be in this deck id probably  replace a keychain for it but overall this is a good list 

    Posted in: Battlecry Shaman (PiP Mini-set Theorycraft)
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    posted a message on Rank 1380 legend Incindius Excavate Mage

    Creative deck. Would like to know if the cards Flint Firearm, and Mes'Adune are needed or how strong they are in this deck.

    My guess would be firearm is the least needed legendary in this deck. Mes'Adune seems like a cool tutor but how consistent has it been for you?

    also why no gorgonzola?

    You might actually be on to some secret meta, the mech package has good synergy and buy one get one freeze is actually crazy, im trying a reno version of this

    Posted in: Rank 1380 legend Incindius Excavate Mage
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    posted a message on Triple Blood Highlander Spell School DK

    Made 6 changes but I like it overall, Can't wait to put Zephrys in

    I already had a version of Triple blood reno that I liked but not enough room for spell school synergy but ill just use this deck as a variation for when I feel like playing something different

    Would like to know how Natural Talent and Carress worked for you. 

    In my experience cards like Tide pool and audio amplifier just worsen your draw. Hollow Hound isn't really worth it unless it gets handbuffed which this deck doesn't have, and I just think there are better options than hematurge but its not bad at all.

    Mind Control Tech, Glacial Shard, Asphyxiate, Chillfallen Baron are my 4 key replaced cards the other 2 optional for me. Im guessing you cut baron so your hand wouldn't be too full I still think its worth tho good value.

    Posted in: Triple Blood Highlander Spell School DK
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