For new session this deck not work
- Bodycount1
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JimpdaPunk posted a message on Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Posted in: Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR) -
PTT69BIO posted a message on Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Posted in: Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Why do people vote up really bad decks?
B3NTOW posted a message on Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Posted in: Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Yea this is not a good deck. I make legend every season, wanted to get Golden DK so decided to build this. Deck is too slow, and helps the opponent most times as by the time you play The 8 Hands they already have utilized their low cost cards or have it in hand. Random demons also cant really win you the match most times.
WhatsaSasuke1236 posted a message on Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Posted in: Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)0-10 awful deck
Posted in: DraeniestI can't say you've done a great job on this deck... Seems like to me you searched your collection for draenei and then double clicked every single card that came up. This list is completely unrefined. I dont care if you opened K'ure and want to use it in a deck, it is a terrible card and I hope nobody out there crafts it, period. It does not belong in this deck at all.
Your deck has no gameplan and no removal. I also find Ace Wayfinder to be very inconsistent and not great for this style of deck. You should run less copies of bad draenei and more copies of Powercord Synch or creation protocol to get extras of the good draenei.
2/10, try harder
Tattwamasi posted a message on Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Posted in: Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)this was literally my first experience with this deck
MintMurderMedia posted a message on Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Posted in: Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Im sure the concept is nice but its legit not working. I am helping all of my opponents out especially Warlock. Thanks for the deck.
UzikUA posted a message on Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)Posted in: Control Kil'jaeden DK (79% WR)It is nice until you meet Warlock with the same Kil'jaeden and Wheel of DEATH!!!
M1ch43l posted a message on Balance Changes Coming Soon - Battlegrounds and Constructed!Posted in: NewsOnly 3 nerfs for Paladin... That's not going to cut it.
It's not fun playing against a 14/7 Leeroy with windfury!Giving paladin a windfury spell at all is the most ridiculous overpowered thing ever.
And that weapon that gives +1/+1 to all minions after your attack is ridiculous OP too. Giving that weapon -1 durability is the least they can do. -
RogueToad posted a message on Reno WarriorPosted in: Reno WarriorWhat do you think about adding Steamcleaner to help deal with Plague DKs that disable Brann?
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giving them rush and not charge would be fine. shaman can't bloodlust kill with no way for opponent to stop it without taunts.
Needs draw badly!
I removed one Brittlebone Buccaneer and one Mind Control Tech and added in two Chillfallen Baron.
I also removed one Runes of Darkness and added in one Frozen Over.
Now it has the draw it needs.
This deck still works well in today's brawl
Got to legend with this deck. Winrate wasn't 83%. You got lucky there. My winrate was more in the 60% range. I would get to 3 star rank 1 and go up against an aggro fast deck which this deck can't handle. I did kill all the druids with that same taunt deck and warriors with the armor deck. Those two were my highest winrates and ironically the class I played against the most during my climb.
Pic of my win count
I made one small change. I removed Eredar Brute and Quartzite Crusher and added in Foamrender and Champions of Azeroth picking horde each time. A lot of times I would get Shadow Hunter Vol'jin which is major disruption when they've been holding back on Kil'jaeden. Or Sylvanas Windrunner was another one I would get often which is another steal card. The Foamrender is just a logical choice over Quartzite Crusher because it spends corpses and hits for more damage.
can't copy/paste this deck because of your sideboard cards. do the zilliax correctly so we can copy/paste this thing.
sorry not trying to be mean here but this deck is no where near the win percentage you say. you got lucky and that's about it.
If you don't want to play against people getting their free pack, then don't play brawl on the first day it's out. Maybe even the second day as well. By the weekend you should get a lot more people who want to have fun.
I queue into three Astral Automaton decks for every other deck. But easily beats it?
It won't be a top tier deck. Not sure why people are voting me down. It will be fun to play and that's it. But will never be used in Diamond or Legend ranked.
Miniset priest cards have just been released. don't act like they've been out forever and you are calling him out. lol. Look at timestamps