When you face a lot of aggro decks , you need some heal. Twisting nether is a costly removal ( 8 mana ) . And most of the time , you don't get to fatigue ( only against galakrond warlock and highlander mage ) . Sacrificial pact is an easy heal : and if you play against hunter , you can remove Frenzied Felwing. That card it's a demon. So , you can remove a 3/3 and heal for 5 for 0 mana. So i would not take out one Sacrificial Pact
I only played one game that was decided in fatigue , agains highlander mage. In the current meta , there are many aggro decks or decks that can snowball hard sometimes. I don't think Elysiana can fit into this deck now . Maybe in the next expansion. I will try her tomorrow to see if she does the job.
When you face a lot of aggro decks , you need some heal. Twisting nether is a costly removal ( 8 mana ) . And most of the time , you don't get to fatigue ( only against galakrond warlock and highlander mage ) . Sacrificial pact is an easy heal : and if you play against hunter , you can remove Frenzied Felwing. That card it's a demon. So , you can remove a 3/3 and heal for 5 for 0 mana. So i would not take out one Sacrificial Pact
I only played one game that was decided in fatigue , agains highlander mage. In the current meta , there are many aggro decks or decks that can snowball hard sometimes. I don't think Elysiana can fit into this deck now . Maybe in the next expansion. I will try her tomorrow to see if she does the job.
Good luck !
I kinda need to play more games with this deck to master it and to understand the mulligans but I will post some ideas around the deck
I hope you reach legend. Good luck !!!
If you need any advice , send a message and I will help you. Good luck !!!