I am fairly certain this legendary will be Meta-Defining! I need some text to explain why.
Mage will lose all it's deck archetypes: Control mage (aka Highlander/Reno) with Reno Jackson gone, Tempo Mage with Flamewaker gone and most importantly Freeze Mage with Ice Lance gone. Freeze Mage was around for a long time, virtually unchanged. Most people don't mind - it was a pain to play Freeze Mage and it was a pain to play against.
That said, Mage needs new powerful deck archetypes - yes - more than one. One of course will finally be Secret Mage from the cards we have seen.
The other will most probably be Elemental Mage. And that's where this card comes into play. I think the Mage quest will be around elementals. Most of the quests don't involve the things a class normally does. Shaman has Murlocs (not overload), Rogue has play minion four times (not combo), Warlock has discard (not play demons). So mage won't be play spells or something like that. It will be around elementals.
I have a very specific idea about the quest: "Play an elemental five turns in a row." I.e. have the elemental buff active for five consecutive turns. Why that exact quest?
1. The difficulty fits the other quests. Compare to priest: Play seven deathrattle minions. Of course you can play more than one deathrattle minion a turn and you can skip turns without losing the quest. So, having to play something turns in a row is harder than playing something generally. So five in a row will be about the same difficulty as seven overall.
2. Elementals are about to play one after the other. There are cards that benefit from elementals played last turn and there will be more cards that are elementals und benefit from elementals played last turn (similar to dragons that benefit from dragons in your hand or from friendly dragons on the battlefield).
3. Pyros I think Pyros is designed around the quest. If you play Pyros turn 2, you can play 2nd Pyros turn 6 (the last turn of the five). The same is possible for turns 6 and 10. So if Quest is played on turn 1 and Pyros is played on turn 2, the opponent will desperately be trying to get rid of Pyros using hex or silence. Wasting a powerful disabler on a 2/2 card that is played on curve - essentially losing a lot of tempo. You still have the elemental buff and can finish the quest because the condition is met.
Also this card is a two mana card. Many two mana cards have little value after turn 10. Not this one. Played after turn 6 you can even have three of the five elementals from this card and of course this card allows you to spend 18 mana for value without drawing an additional card therefore giving you card advantage. Even without the quest the card will be very strong, with the quest this card will be the bomb.
Got it on my only restart.
"How did that get past QA?!?"
I'm trying this version, under the name "From Outta Nowhere." Great guide!
That's the best board I've ever seen. I love the madness of Kel'Thuzad.
I love this deck, but can I get some advice on how to face off against Warlocks, specifically the new Malygos hotness?