- Birdzerker
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Member for 4 years, 2 months, and 21 days
Last active Fri, Aug, 30 2024 08:04:36 -
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Phoesias posted a message on ShroomscavatePosted in: Shroomscavateit enables so easy OTK bu*lls*hit in Paladin - super frustrating and annoying card to deal with. You always have to keep in mind now that your opponent is be able to use or discover this and easily otk you with some buffs out of nowhere -
Anomaly98 posted a message on Corrupted Rustwix Warlock!Posted in: Corrupted Rustwix Warlock!Made a deck with OBLIVION!
Played 1 game.
Coined him out on 8 vs a control priest.
Ez clap. Jaraxxus MURDERS priests!
Anomaly98 posted a message on Corrupted Rustwix Warlock!Posted in: Corrupted Rustwix Warlock!Trust me I haven't forgotten. If the meta slows down a lot within the next couple of weeks, im going to try it and lose some games for you!
Wonderbuster posted a message on TickatusPosted in: TickatusBattlecry: Tell Mecha'thun and other combo decks to go fuck themselves.
Posted in: VectusPlagued Protodrake combo's great with Vectus alongside the old Scrapyard Colossus to give Shaman a new spin on Deathrattle Muckmorpher deck:
Kissmealloveragain posted a message on Favourite and least favourite classes?Posted in: General Discussionfuck priest
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Windfury is a very powerful keyword.
A keyword that is often given to minions with less attack than health, and that can't attack face on the get go to balance it out.
Giving a minion windfury for so cheap, along with divine shield to clear a taunt or make it more difficult to clear, is simply criminal.
Deserving of a nerf.
I can't think of a "Rest of game" condition that was actually enjoyable to play against.
Since when was ignoring fatigue a fun game mechanic?
Maybe it would be better if damage was shared with the opponent instead of fully put on them?
Tamsen herself says "Share my pain" and the animation for both players is the same.
I think warlock had enough healing cards to still make it interesting!
I don't even really know how you'd make this fair.
Make both players take damage instead of just the opponent?
Really a card that puts Blizzard in a corner.
Regardless, the card is so good, all I see in ranked are warlocks now.
Grinds all the variety and enjoyment the game offers to dust.
Yeah.. Thanks Blizzard..
I'm alright with win condition cards, as long as they are enjoyable to play against, or you have to put some work in to pull off.
C'Thun, the Shattered, Uther of the Ebon Blade, Mecha'thun are win conditions you have to structure decks and combos around in order to utilize well, all while fending off an opponents attacks.
Even less popular OTKs like Raza Priest and Waygate Mage took time to accomplish.
This.. Takes nothing.
With all the mana cheating options druid has been given, it's easy to slot this in anywhere, and pull off with little to no sacrifice.
Embiggen has a similar effect, but with a sacrifice tagged to it that balances out the boost in stats.
But worst of all, it's a win condition that doesn't end the game with a bang like we've seen with others.
Instead, the match turns into an sluggish and frustrating onslaught as you get overwhelmed by big numbers and value.
Just a hopeless, uphill battle you're forced to concede to.
And I'd rather get blown up by 20 fireballs in a flashy combo than fight a hopeless battle, that feels unfair and unearned.
- Poorly designed card that is too perfect for the class it's been made for
- Adds no enjoyment to the match
- Easy to pull off with a massive reward
- No sacrifice and no reason to exclude this card from your deck
1/5 Stars, haha big minion go brrr
Admittedly, I do really like this card and have it in my warlock deck; but it is too impactful and unhealthy for the game.
I feel as though it should cost 8 mana so it is more difficult to corrupt, should have 10/10 stats so it can be more tempting to play un-corrupted, and should maybe burn 3 cards max.
Removing such a huge portion of cards from an opponents deck for 6 mana, with a big body on top.. Maybe a bit much.
Especially with our favourite free value god, Y'Shaarj, the Defiler.
Fun to play.. But not enjoyable to play against.
Definitely a problem as it stands now.