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    posted a message on How would you improve my Elemental Mage deck?

    Pyros is a bit slow in the current meta, although I love it. Sindragosa isn't bad and is fun if you have it. Geddon is pretty stylish but not so great, it looks better than it actually is. If you're pure elemental you should be able to sustain without him. Geist is only useful if you face specific match ups. Lich King is fairly over-rated, Medivh is way better than him in this deck.

    You should also cut Eater of Secrets, no way is it worth teching against quest mage since it's so rare. Also, hunter suck, you don't need to tech against such a bad class.

    Posted in: Mage
  • 1

    posted a message on Mike Donais Explains the Categories of Hearthstone's Mechanics

    I'd like to see quests brought back however given the nature of most classes they are at a major disadvantage quite quickly. Maybe when a quest is played you get a 1/1 on the board or they cost 0 mana or something. You obviously should have to sacrifice something for playing quests to get an awesome reward however surely the penalty is enough by just having to cripple your deck. I mean there is no decent quest deck around now aside from warrior in the odd tournament match, and we are one expansion on from the quests being release and zero of them see play on a consistent basis, clearly something will need to be altered with them. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Shadowstep

    Some people have actually cut it, especially the lists running Golakka Crawlers and Eviserates. Shadowstep is decent but yeah, mostly situational, sometimes it can be a bit of a dead card and you very rarely get the prince+shadowstep off despite what people think.. and the only time you really want to do that is on turn 2 anyway otherwise you barely have enough time to get the value.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Ban a class in ranked mode idea

     There is no one oppressive and OP deck on the ladder, there are a small few tier one decks and they are all very much beatable. What ever happened to using intuition and deckbuilding skills in order to overcome difficulties faced on ladder. I get that Jades can be a little annoying to face, but I wonder what the meta would look like without Jade Druid, probably not too pleasant. Like those who call for Patches to be nerfed, he is probably single handedly the one card keeping aggro/midrange decks alive. If they didn't exist, then the meta would just be a bunch of super greedy decks and games would last 30 minutes+ which is really bad for the game. But yeah, I don't think Jades are a problem, however the combination of it with ramp and UI/Auctioneer being available is the problem. Jades are a really cool design for shamans and very fun with Rogue, however with druid it works a little too well. Personally I would like to see Druid a little less strong post-expansion release, however it always seems to be top tier.

    But yeah, there is nothing that is too broken that can't be beaten. If you're really struggling against a particular deck, then do something about it with the resources available. If then you're still struggling then you need to assess your own performances. People act like we live in the sort of age where there are original Miracle Rogue/Patron Warrior/Pre nerf Jade Druid. It's not like that at all, every class is viable and many archetypes are available.

    I don't think bans are necessarily the answer, nor does it develop you as a player to just pick and choose what you want to play. However I do agree that the ladder needs to be revamped. I would have a bronze league, silver, gold and platinum league that have relegation/promotion rules and similar rank systems to current, but in leagues and the higher up league you are, the better end of season rewards you are so that would stop people camping rank 20 for easy gold since there is more incentive to be in a higher league.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on If you could ban 1 class from your ladder climb what would it be?
    Quote from jazzwitherspoon >>
    Quote from moonsorrow999 >>

    None tbh, the game is pretty well balanced. All classes are perfectly viable, you just need to know how to play the matchups and optimally, at a push I'd probably ban mage since they have four very viable archetypes and it's often challenging to mulligan against plus they can easily hide the quest, although quest mage probably being the easiest to face.

     So you've never played with, or against, Evolve-Doppelgangster, then???
     Of course I have, what's wrong with it?
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on If you could ban 1 class from your ladder climb what would it be?

    None tbh, the game is pretty well balanced. All classes are perfectly viable, you just need to know how to play the matchups and optimally, at a push I'd probably ban mage since they have four very viable archetypes and it's often challenging to mulligan against plus they can easily hide the quest, although quest mage probably being the easiest to face.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on We really need to talk about how you guys evaluate cards.
    Quote from Vernula >>
    Quote from moonsorrow999 >>

    Aluneth could easily fit in a tempo mage deck. Easily. Draws you three, it may get oozed but if it doesn't then you'll get 6 or 9 which is gamebreaking. It's basically divine favor that works all the time.

    Lyra was considered bad because priest was basically a meme deck apart from dragon priest and it was losing like 80% of the cards it used!

    Everyone looks at cards differently, sometimes people are right about some things, others not.

    Also, there's a difference between being slow in terms of costing 5 mana and requiring very little set up, rather than spending what... 35 mana? On something that can be silenced, something you have to commit really bad stuff into and something doesn't automatically win you the game.

     How do we know that the Warlock weapon isn't "Sacrifice a random minion/discard a random card: Regain 2 or 3 mana crystals when you cast a spell"? Just like Pyros wasn't obvious why you would want to play him right off the bat, we don't know what else is coming up for Warlock, especially not with all the Health Cast cards it's gotten recently. Not that that weapon would be good when the expansion hit due to all the weapon removal everyone would pack, but still.
    Let's say you did have Aluneth equipped for 3-4 turns. You're now 9-12 cards into fatigue (if you're not just flat out burning cards out of your hand) and that's not even a guarantee you've killed your opponent due to how much life/armor gain KotFT just gave all the classes.
    Lyra being considered a bad card because priest was a meme deck at the time is exactly why people need to try to look at what could be, instead of what is right now.
    And if Aluneth is 6 mana for 3 cards then immediately gets oozed, that's not going to see play; people don't play Sprint, they won't play Aluneth.
     Of course we don't know that but we haven't seen any other cards yet, so we can only talk about cards with what we can see now. There could be a card that reads 'play every single seal'. But until that card is printed then we are unsure. You wouldn't be burning the cards if you build an aggressive type of mage. I can see an archetype whereby Aluneth is used, but I cannot see a world ever where Rin is used, and nor can anyone but you apparently.

    It's pretty hard to know what the meta is going to be when things rotate out. All the pro's thought elementals were going to be OP. Look how that went, card speculation is fine however nobody is actually reviewing the card. People don't play Sprint, however miracle would if Auctioneer wasn't a thing!

    You're basically saying I'm wrong for saying Rin is too slow because playing it is an utterly ridiculous thing, unless you've forgotten ,there's a card called Patches the Pirate that will eat you alive. I'd be very surprised if they printed a card anywhere near his power level. Tell me to wait and see with regards to it, fine, PM me once all of the cards are revealed and I'll talk about it with you, but I'll tell you to wait and see with regards to the weapons! Who knows, legendary weapons may be immune to weapon removal.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on We really need to talk about how you guys evaluate cards.

    Aluneth could easily fit in a tempo mage deck. Easily. Draws you three, it may get oozed but if it doesn't then you'll get 6 or 9 which is gamebreaking. It's basically divine favor that works all the time.

    Lyra was considered bad because priest was basically a meme deck apart from dragon priest and it was losing like 80% of the cards it used!

    Everyone looks at cards differently, sometimes people are right about some things, others not.

    Also, there's a difference between being slow in terms of costing 5 mana and requiring very little set up, rather than spending what... 35 mana? On something that can be silenced, something you have to commit really bad stuff into and something doesn't automatically win you the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Mech Decks should make a comeback

    Hmm, Mech Mage was fine, just a variant on old school tempo mage. It was fine, but not mech shaman TYVM. Accept that aggro has to exist, even play it myself, but aggro as it is at the moment is way more fun and skill testing than the pure face decks. Personally, they would be very bad in this current meta since they would want to utilise their early game with mechs and wouldn't have good access to Patches The Pirate, and that's one of the huge reasons why hunter sucks, you can play Patches but it doesn't synergise with your beasts.

    Also, Antonidas being cloaked through that spare part was pretty much GG, and that shouldn't be a thing.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How Bonemare is responsible for devastating the meta
    Quote from Sharkman >>
    Quote from moonsorrow999 >>

    If you hate Bonemare, you must have really hated Dr Boom! If it was a legendary, people probably wouldn't bat an eyelid too much and if you're playing tempo you probably won't play two in a game, plus it does have pre-requisits. Two of the three tier 1 decks don't even run this card, I'm not convinced it is that astoundingly broken, just a very strong card, and you know what? That's okay. 

    Imo it is one of those cards that looks better than it actually is. Ultimate Infestation looks absolutely insane but it actually isn't, it's just the fact that you can play it on turn 5-7, and any 10 mana card is devastating then. In fact, I don't think any other class in the game would run UI, not even Raza Priest since your hand will be more than 5 cards each time. 

    At the moment there is a very good balance between control decks, midrange decks, aggro decks and combo decks. The balance is really good, just some cards are more powerful than others, and that's how it should be, we aren't playing chess, a game where you have no dice rolls and you follow your own path. This is a card game, so expect there to be some strong cards and some weak cards, that's just basic principles of a TCG.

    One thing I will also note, tempo/midrange decks would probably not be anywhere near viable WITHOUT Bonemare, and that is a not a meta I would like to be part of. As I said before, there's a good balance of every sort of deck. Each class is viable with multiple archetypes.

     Then tell me why not viable archetypes exist like , jade deathrattle rouge, enrage warrior, secret hunter.  Dust trap for the naiv beleivers like myself. Blizard should stop creating cards that are weak or maintain globaé balance.
     Jade Deathrattle rogue is viable, I took it to legend during the Jade Druid era. Also took a tempo warrior to rank 5 with Rotface. Secret Hunter will be viable once Patches rotates out, rather Secrets will come back in. Not every single card in the game can be good. To have good, you must also have bad.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on How Bonemare is responsible for devastating the meta

    If you hate Bonemare, you must have really hated Dr Boom! If it was a legendary, people probably wouldn't bat an eyelid too much and if you're playing tempo you probably won't play two in a game, plus it does have pre-requisits. Two of the three tier 1 decks don't even run this card, I'm not convinced it is that astoundingly broken, just a very strong card, and you know what? That's okay. 

    Imo it is one of those cards that looks better than it actually is. Ultimate Infestation looks absolutely insane but it actually isn't, it's just the fact that you can play it on turn 5-7, and any 10 mana card is devastating then. In fact, I don't think any other class in the game would run UI, not even Raza Priest since your hand will be more than 5 cards each time. 

    At the moment there is a very good balance between control decks, midrange decks, aggro decks and combo decks. The balance is really good, just some cards are more powerful than others, and that's how it should be, we aren't playing chess, a game where you have no dice rolls and you follow your own path. This is a card game, so expect there to be some strong cards and some weak cards, that's just basic principles of a TCG.

    One thing I will also note, tempo/midrange decks would probably not be anywhere near viable WITHOUT Bonemare, and that is a not a meta I would like to be part of. As I said before, there's a good balance of every sort of deck. Each class is viable with multiple archetypes.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Golden Marin

    You'll be able to DE when he rotates, free cards are free so just enjoy that they're doing this.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Do Dungeon Runs really have no rewards?
    Quote from Traktat >>
    Quote from moonsorrow999 >>

    It looks a whole lot of fun and gives you a card back when you complete with all classes. 

    Blizzard just gave you a free legendary card that is super fun.
    They also gave 2 free packs each week as well as 2 free arena runs in a super cool new way with dual classes.
    They gave a free DK with ICC.
    They gave you a Golden Pack (partnered with Amazon Prime but still them)
    They give you a free legendary in first 10 packs.
    They're giving you a free legendary weapon in new expansion.
    They're giving you a free mode that looks loads of fun.

    I wouldn't complain if I were you. 

     Im not complaining I really like the new node and Im really exited to play it.As I said above I read it and got confused.
    You didn't say that! XD 'I also saw many treads about the Dungeon runs not having rewards(expect for the card back) and I dont know if I can belive this.' - Sounds to me like you're outraged they won't give more free things. 
    Posted in: Dungeon Run
  • 1

    posted a message on Is there any chance Harrison Jones is getting a change ?

    Keep him, he'll always be useful in a meta that uses weapons. Hard to use in the face era of Pirate Warrior but aggro has slowed down a bit and there are fewer weapons, however we are going into the expansion of weapons. They won't change him, he's not too strong. Reminds me, I'm looking forward to the 'Black Knight will be tier 1' thread before the expansion as well as 'Wow, aggro won't exist anymore' posts. :D 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Do Dungeon Runs really have no rewards?

    It looks a whole lot of fun and gives you a card back when you complete with all classes. 

    Blizzard just gave you a free legendary card that is super fun.
    They also gave 2 free packs each week as well as 2 free arena runs in a super cool new way with dual classes.
    They gave a free DK with ICC.
    They gave you a Golden Pack (partnered with Amazon Prime but still them)
    They give you a free legendary in first 10 packs.
    They're giving you a free legendary weapon in new expansion.
    They're giving you a free mode that looks loads of fun.

    I wouldn't complain if I were you. 

    Posted in: Dungeon Run
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