• 3

    posted a message on How do you guys keep putting up with this?

    Stopped playing right after KotFT dropped.  Decided to check out the new release this week. Got some free packs, dropped into ranked for a few games. It's STILL the same old shit.  How do you guys continue to put up with this?  Oh. now it's a CubeLock deck instead I guess. But the same routine every expansion. One or two decks rule, everything else is a waste of time and theres like one counter deck that loses to everyting else except the top tier decks. I even still see jade druid is around and now with massive early game armor gain. Man, I tell ya guys. Quit this game. Theres so much better stuff out there than this. This is just so bad and nothing ever changes: just swap Shaman for Caverns Rogue then for Jade Druid then for Cubelock. Just keep spending gold to buy the one deck that is playable each season. Its such a boring game. Take a break fellas. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Why are last bosses so unfair?

    The unfairness is going to make this mode get tiring though. Fun the first few times, but how often do you go back and replay Lich King? Never. Because it was unfair and you finally rng-ed your luck into beating him but not worth doing again FOR FUN. This mode needs to be a little better balanced and it would be a permanent mode. As it is, why would I want to keep playing an unbalanced, rng dependent last boss after already playing a 60 minute run to get to him? With no reward too. Nah. It's a fun mode but it wont last. 

    Posted in: Dungeon Run
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Hi. I play Highlander Priest deck with all legendaries (plus Lyra) at rank 19. I'm apparently a motherfucking retard to still be at this rank with this $900 deck, but my mom says im smart. Isnt this game fun? Its fun to play against Highlander priest decks at rank 19. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Such a boring ass meta

    There's SO many options with all the junk in the latest expansions but the meta is Jade Druid, Priest and some aggro Rogue. Then some tier 2 crap like a beast hunter and other boring ass trash. I dont even have the energy to grind out to rank 10 this season. This game is so borrrrring. God I miss the days of cool decks and fun combos and crazy plays. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    The RNG is just out of hand in this game. I lost (a perfectly played on curve game btw) to a Rogue who cast Jaraxxus, a 7 mana Pyroblast and a Fireball. It doesnt matter how well you play or how strategic you are, in the end everything will boil down to random bullshit pulled out of thin air. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -7

    posted a message on [Legend-66%Win] Evolve Shaman V19

    Statistically impossible winrate. The problem with ALL evolve decks is really that there is only three "evolve" cards in your deck. And you need to have them in your hand when you need them. Otherwise you end up stuck with awful boards of piddly little minions that your opponent can easily clear (even the weakest board clear spell can wipe a pre-evolved board and by turn 3 any minion your opponent drops is bigger than any minion in your decklist).  They are fun decks to play, but I cant tell you how many games I lost due to not drawing the Thrall DK early enough, or only drawing 1 evolve and having to see my board wiped every round because theres nothing you can do. So, 3/30 does not equal 66% in any universe. 

    Posted in: [Legend-66%Win] Evolve Shaman V19
  • 1

    posted a message on Spreading Plague is still Broken. More nerf?

    Yeah, the nerf really didnt touch Druid at all imo. games against them still play out the same exact way. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on [KOFT] Handlock is BACK!
    Quote from J_Westy2000 >>

    I use this deck as my main and love using it but im struggling to get out of rank 18, I dont know if I am using the cards wrong or what, can anyone offer some advice?


     Youre not. This deck isnt good. It loses to every basic Huntard deck ever made and any aggro because it has no early game. Turn 4 is your first play and thats too late
    Posted in: [KOFT] Handlock is BACK!
  • -9

    posted a message on Budget Midrange Paladin with Elementals and DK!

    Acolyte of Pain is the weirdest popular card. I've never found it useful in my entire career. You get what, on average? One card draw? And then you wasted a draw drawing the Acolyte and the mana to play it. And when you do draw it there's always a card in your deck that would have been better to pull that turn. I've never in my life drawn Acolyte of Pain and thought "Yes!"  My advice, swap it for nearly anything else. Chillwind Yeti is a better card. Personally I went for a Spellbreaker and a Chillblade Champion

    Posted in: Budget Midrange Paladin with Elementals and DK!
  • 1

    posted a message on Rate the upcoming balance changes

    It's total bullshit and frankly the last, insulting straw in this game. JD is going to remain basically untouched, but warrior, a class already not is super great shape, gets hit with a huge crippling blow. I mean, if you're going to go after a class card like FWA you need to go after the PW spells and Holy Nova, Bloodlust, Frostbolt and Fireball, etc etc. I mean why are all THESE cards "OK" but FWA is not? It's just such amateur hour bullshit. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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