So everybody knows the latest nerfs were not enough and there are still a lot of problematic cards out there. So I took the time and recreated the most insane cards of the current meta (Standard and Wild) to make them more balanced (but still playable).
First Day of School is a Paladin staple. My approach was to just swap the numbers. It won't change much, but it's a start:
Secret Passage is almost fine as it is now, you just have to increase the mana cost:
To nerf Archwitch Willow was the right decision. But why lower it's mana cost??
Guardian Animals is almost perfect as it is. Maybe they should just give it a minor downside:
Kael'thas Sunstrider is still a HUGE problem, played almost in EVERY deck, it NEEDS to be nerfed a third time:
Eveybody knows Ace Hunter Kreen has DOMINATED the meta for weeks on end, so I made some adjustments that keep it balanced:
Yes, it's finally time to talk about an ongoing problem, no one dares to speak out about .... Chillwind Yeti!! A 4 mana 4/5 without a drawback?? Ridiculous?? What were they smoking?? The uncrowned king of cards has to take a hit, hands down:
For Wild i think, Leeroy Jenkins is still SUPER UNFUN to play against .... let's turn that upside-down:
Also what's going on with these super-high health Poisonous minions?? Infinite damage to minions?? This needs to stop!! They have to be removeable!!
But because there are still a few unplayable cards in the game, let's buff a card or two (Poisonous is the way to go in my humble opinion, I know it's controversial, but buffed cards HAVE TO FEEL POWERFUL):
Yes the new Epic gem on Toothy Chest is not an accident - because there's still one more card to nerf:
So what do you think? Could these changes make the game more fun and interactive?