• 1

    posted a message on Hearthstone Patch 15.6 - Battlegrounds Early Access and Patchnotes

    So, my favorite 100g quest of playing 50 murlocs is gone and the problem was that it was unpopular? Wow... I didn't know i was the only one that got as happy as if it was my birthday when i saw that quest. Also you are guaranteed to get a 50g quest when you reroll a 60g one? Okay...

    Also a hidden change i found out with a friend: if you concede bellow 15hp you don't complete "win with a class" quests while playing with a friend anymore, looks like you have to go down to 0hp (but looks like you can concede if you played -a lot- of turns already).

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on Sweeping Strikes

    Kripp is on this card's face Pog

    Posted in: Sweeping Strikes
  • 2

    posted a message on Final Witchwood Card Reveal Stream - Live Updates

    What Patch? If you mean the expansion release it the 12. If you mean when the quest for packs ends, today is the last day.

    Edit: oh nevermind, i just noticed you mean the patch that downloads the data before the expansion goes live.

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Final Witchwood Card Reveal Stream - Live Updates

    No, bbrode confirmed that shaman is the only one getting hero card this expansion.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Reveal - Lady in White

    3 mana 7/7 +1 spell power Street Trickster 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Minion - Redband Wasp

    Today i was thinking "Well, it might be a good time to try some -enrage- warrior since the new card has perfect synergy Frothing Berserker and maybe Gurubashi Berserker. Then this comes out, i like this card, it is a turn 2 with a 4/2 rush to protect your Animated Berserker.

    "Enrage Warrior" is a thing that could work with the new cards so far, and more if it gets even more support, just think about that one billon attack berserker that survives because you control the board thanks to this card/the enemy has no answer. It could work, i want to think that warrior can be great again, obviously control has more chances than enrage, but enrage could become a thing in this expansion.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 13

    posted a message on Witchwood Reveal Season Kicks Off! Newly Revealed Cards Within!

    Shaman still looks pretty dead FeelsBadMan

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Spell - Warpath

    This card looks terrible, i had been playing control warrior a lot for the last 2 expansions and this card is not even close to what warrior needs to be great again. If this card was somehow 1.5 mana it would be good, but at 2 mana it looks pretty weak.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Nefarian Rises! - Tavern Brawl #137

    Even if you face the most terrible partner, you can still win, i just won with a guy that was trying to go to my face all the game, NEVER did a single attack in all the game, only played to buff his minions and he MILLED me with mukla, he only played his card for himself, he buffed his useless minions with no effects, he did all the bad things that you can think someone can do, he used brann + nothing, he copied a non-upgraded hero power, he used his inner fire to get +3 attack on a terrible minion, so i decided to find a way to take nefarian fast to 60hp so i could play the 5 mana 3/3 that gains +1 +1 everytime someone plays a card, then buffed it as fast as possible to kill nefarian alone, and even like that he used his healing and buff cards on his own minions instead on my 35/12 with windfury.

    And we still won, easiest brawl ever.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
  • 3

    posted a message on Face Hunter

    Any replacement for second Snake Trap ?

    Posted in: Face Hunter
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