• 7

    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Witch's Cauldron


    Quote from ZCFlayer >>

    Zero reason to run this over a Cult Master.

    Why do people insist on easily refutable absolutes?
    There are reasons.  Some examples: (1) you specifically want spells (2) you want spells not available to your class, (3) you are playing a control v control match and fatigue is a concern, (4) it costs less mana than cult master, (5) it has more health than cult master.
    They may not be GOOD reasons, but they ARE reasons.  Probably just a meme card though. 
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary - Face Collector


    Quote from Sherman1986 >>
    Quote from zmauls >>

    Utter garbage. "Random legendary" has never been good. Confessor, Sneed's, Rotgut... All unplayable in constructed.

    In arena this will be a decent card.

    Did you suddenly forget about Elise Starseeker?
     This comparison really highlights how much better it is to get a random legendary in your hand than directly on the board.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on New Rogue Legendary - Face Collector

    3 mana 2/2 draw a card.

    6 mana 4/4 in stats, draw 2 cards

    9 mana 6/6 in stats, draw 3 cards.

    This seems playable.  Not sure if generating a random legendary is good though.  Will have to look at the possible standard legendary pool after all cards are revealed.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on New Priest Minion - Glitter Moth


    Quote from Inzan1ty >>

    Lol, who is not voting "Meta Defining" ?

    Prince Keleseth on Steroids !! - of course Priest had to get this cancer -.-

     Only minions in play, not in deck.  (Watch the reveal video to see it in action).
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Azari the devourer is impossible as last boss.......

    Faced him with  big spell mage on my first run.  All my bug win conditions got burned, wish. The new dragon lady, rag, etc.  it was unwinable with that deck but I think a more well rounded deck that wasn’t focused in a few key cards would have a chance 

    Posted in: Dungeon Run
  • 2

    posted a message on 60 duplicates out of 200 cards
    Quote from SadTech >>

    That has to be wrong.... /s?

    Quote from Iplaywhite >>

    out of 57 packs I had 17 dupe rares and 109 dupe commons 0 legendary or 0 epics

     I’m assuming just talking dupes?
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Hunters unite. It's time to get the pitchforks and riot!
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from BemusedBear >>
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
     May I point out that Midrange Hunter is the same tier deck as Dragon Priest, which has the ability to reach rank 10 or higher.  So does Midrange Hunter, but it will take more time than Dragon Priest.
    Provide data for the decks you mentioned. Otherwise it's your opinion and that's about it. 
    On Vicious Syndicate: Midrange Hunter is Tier 3, Dragon Priest is Tier 4.  Other Hunter Archetypes weren't included. https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/drr/vs-power-rankings-data-reaper-report/.
    Tempo Storm also has Midrange Hunter at Tier 3, but lists Dragon Priest is Tier 2.  Famously, Tempo Storm is more reliant on expert opinion than data, so maybe you don't want to rely on this one.  Like VS, only Midrange Hunter is on the tier list. https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/standard/2017-11-19
    HS Replay shows us the overall winrate of each class and Hunter is right in the middle with 50.10% and ranked 5th out of 9 based on overall class winrate.  Looking at Midrange Hunter specifically, it has over a 53% winrate.  Beast hunter is close with over 52%.  This compares favorably to Dragon Priest which clocks in at a 49% winrate. (Browse https://hsreplay.net/ for the various stats).
    One thing that we can see on the data driven sites is that Midrange Hunter has favorable matches against some of the more popular decks such as Big Priest, Jade Druid, and all the popular Mage archetypes.  It get's trounced by rouge though...
    In Conclusion, the data shows that on ladder, Hunter is a middle of the road class at them moment.  It's biggest problem is a lack of deck diversity, Nzoth Hunter/Play Dead Hunter (one of my personal favorite decks at the moment) aren't seeing enough play to have significant data or make the tier lists.  This limit is balanced out by some of the Hunter's good matchups mentioned above.
    Hunter is in a decent place.  Decent may be disapointing compared to the OP days of yore, but its not worth all the doomsaying. Hunter is no where near what Priest, Shaman were at their low points that lead to such massive infusions of OP cards.  So maybe, anyone who wants Hunter to be OP again should welcome underpowered cards like To My Side! to knock Hunter all the way down to the bottom so Blizzard gives it a boost.
    You don't see the point of this outrage. People are not asking Blizzard to print OP Hunter cards. But rather asking NOT TO PRINT cards like To My Side for ANY class, due to various reasons. One being the card is so bad it is a clear dust and a problem when you open it as a FTP player. FTP is already a crappy experience and they keep making it even worse and rather then improving the experience, they print cards like this, which makes the entire experience crap for higher rank players. 
    MR Hunter is T3, low T3. It has high winrate, as mentioned because of its power at low ranks. The real reason why Blizz doesn't want to give Hunters good cards. Forget OP cards that made Priest and Shaman top tier, but good cards, or cards, RNG Gods forbid, that introduce a different play style for Hunters! Hunter has been playing MR since Old Gods, that's 2 years ago. Can we get a different play style? Hunter players have been asking for it for a long time. Secret Hunter was a thing, and it was T2 but died soon enough. Yoggnload was mainly a meme deck. You can't even make a meme deck with To My Side (seriously, they didn't spend time or creativity on the name...).
    Blizz deserves crap the are getting for crapping on the playerbase. So that they don't print cards like this again, not just for Hunters, for ALL classes.
     The fact that this is an epic is better for free to play. When staple cards are common and meme cards are epic it is more affordable to build viable decks.   Talk of “wasted “ epic slots is misplaced.  Blizzard has said tima and time again, rarity does not equal strength of cards but farther complexity and niche uses.   SURE some epics and legendaries are super strong, but some of the strongest cards in the game have been common.  
    Posted in: Hunter
  • 1

    posted a message on Hunters unite. It's time to get the pitchforks and riot!
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
    Quote from Ashaf306 >>
    Quote from GrillaGamingYT >>
     May I point out that Midrange Hunter is the same tier deck as Dragon Priest, which has the ability to reach rank 10 or higher.  So does Midrange Hunter, but it will take more time than Dragon Priest.
    Provide data for the decks you mentioned. Otherwise it's your opinion and that's about it. 
    On Vicious Syndicate: Midrange Hunter is Tier 3, Dragon Priest is Tier 4.  Other Hunter Archetypes weren't included. https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/drr/vs-power-rankings-data-reaper-report/.
    Tempo Storm also has Midrange Hunter at Tier 3, but lists Dragon Priest is Tier 2.  Famously, Tempo Storm is more reliant on expert opinion than data, so maybe you don't want to rely on this one.  Like VS, only Midrange Hunter is on the tier list. https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/standard/2017-11-19
    HS Replay shows us the overall winrate of each class and Hunter is right in the middle with 50.10% and ranked 5th out of 9 based on overall class winrate.  Looking at Midrange Hunter specifically, it has over a 53% winrate.  Beast hunter is close with over 52%.  This compares favorably to Dragon Priest which clocks in at a 49% winrate. (Browse https://hsreplay.net/ for the various stats).
    One thing that we can see on the data driven sites is that Midrange Hunter has favorable matches against some of the more popular decks such as Big Priest, Jade Druid, and all the popular Mage archetypes.  It get's trounced by rouge though...
    In Conclusion, the data shows that on ladder, Hunter is a middle of the road class at them moment.  It's biggest problem is a lack of deck diversity, Nzoth Hunter/Play Dead Hunter (one of my personal favorite decks at the moment) aren't seeing enough play to have significant data or make the tier lists.  This limit is balanced out by some of the Hunter's good matchups mentioned above.
    Hunter is in a decent place.  Decent may be disapointing compared to the OP days of yore, but its not worth all the doomsaying. Hunter is no where near what Priest, Shaman were at their low points that lead to such massive infusions of OP cards.  So maybe, anyone who wants Hunter to be OP again should welcome underpowered cards like To My Side! to knock Hunter all the way down to the bottom so Blizzard gives it a boost.
    Posted in: Hunter
  • 1

    posted a message on What is the most unique deck you've played with or against?

    Recently, End of Turn priest with things like Hogger

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Neutral Minion - Void Ripper
    Quote from RAMTZ >>

    Nice!!! Another Doomsayer counter. And great for Egg decks. And what about setup all Spreading Plague to Aoe clear??

     Also the terrifying inverse if you don’t clear the spreading plague fast enough and they follow up with this
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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