Heeeeerrrrrree's Crowley!!!
- BearBrilliams
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Member for 9 years, 3 months, and 9 days
Last active Tue, Aug, 3 2021 15:15:01 -
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Leolph posted a message on Unwilling SacrificePosted in: Unwilling SacrificeWhile most players see only synergy with eggs or call it a worse Deadly Shot, I think this card also has it's value as a tech card that counters for example Corruption, Corrupting Mist and Embrace Darkness.
Also Shamans and Mages will have a ton of freeze effects and when you know you will loose your minion anyway you can sacrifice it and still gain some value out of it.
For PvE content it can also be good when you have to get rid of an own minion (for example when the opponent AI summoned a bad minion on your side of the board).
Kovachut posted a message on Clutchmother ZavasPosted in: Clutchmother ZavasThat's not a bad idea - on the one hand you kinda control which cards will be discarded and like you said you will keep your valuable cards (which is a pro for this type of deck), but this seems balanced for me, because if the minion is lacking on stats (like let's say 3 mana 2/2) and you didn't discard it earlier, you are stuck with a bad statted minion (like having patches in hand) and that would be punishing for running it in your deck. Every strong card should have its downsides or in this case the deck.
edalyas posted a message on LinecrackerPosted in: LinecrackerMight be okay in arena but standard doesn't seem to welcome it warmly.
Underrated1 posted a message on Hakkar, the SoulflayerPosted in: Hakkar, the SoulflayerLet me point out that the "draw a card" part is (or at least should be) indicated in the tooltip when you mouse over the card.
Herkull posted a message on War Master VoonePosted in: War Master Voonestop posting comments please
For_Display_Purposes_Only posted a message on War Master VoonePosted in: War Master VooneGood setup with The Boomship. A little early to say whether this is good or not, but I'm willing to bet that this will bring the new Dragon Warrior meta.
okydokysvk posted a message on Bwonsamdi, the DeadPosted in: Bwonsamdi, the Deadmaybe some shenanigans with Star Aligner
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This deck worked much better, once I took out Bogbeams and Mummys, and replaced them with breath of dreams, Archspore Msshf'n and Bone wraith
got something that helped me to survive and ramp to play the big boys. Bog's most of the time were useless since they hardly could kill anything and by the time they cost 0, i was death's door, and mummys have never been more helpful to you than they are for opponent, even a A.I one.
If hit by this and not having a copy that died before or after this hit the board, I don't think it will be resurrected.
You people are ridiculous about this whole thing. Jesus christ it's just art change. Nothing of importance is lost here, expect maybe a credit to original artists. And dont you yell me about "but muh blud und tiddies, censurship!", Its sad honestly.
I dont think Da Undatakah works with Cube.
More like Youthful Brewmaster on steroids.
no... the numbers brackets are just there to separate numbers that care about affecting mana costs.
Examples, Snowfury Giant, Far Sight, Evolve. Nearly all cards that affect or care about mana cost, have those numbers in brackets, if shown. (with exception of cards that care about very specific costs).
Again, look at Unexpected Results. It has to specifically say that it is affected by spell damage, since spell damage, well, would normally just affect the actual spell damage.
How is this modified by spell power? This isn't Unexpected Results, nothing indicates spell damage affects it.
It's almost like every class has different identities and have different levels of power and strategy. Almost like every class is different.
And yeah, druid has everything better, like board clears. Or single target removal.
I fail to see how this card is broken or how this video proofs it.
Dude, you're making a mountain out of a molehill.
- Hearthstone staff treats it as keyword, or at very least, a separate ability.
- Everybody already knows or should what it does, since it already has been a thing for years, it just got recent paint job.
- And even if you somehow would not know what it does, oh look, as soon as it happens, it is drawn, does its thing then draws you another card. wow. just like that. almost like you didn't have time to do anything about it and just watch it happen.
It's almost like a simple thing you don't really need to over-analyze.
Ps: I would actually just say, I ate a pizza if I were telling someone what I had for lunch. It's not necessary for me to tell them if had drinks or anything. It is not the main course. And restaurant would already know it too. almost like I already paid for it or something.