This doesn't add cards to your hand either. It's the tradable card adding a card to your hand, not this. This just lets you choose which one it will be, like Sightless Watcher.
- Bazza74
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Member for 8 years, 1 month, and 6 days
Last active Tue, Mar, 5 2024 13:12:08 -
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MisterCerberus posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Auctioneer JaxonPosted in: News -
Sarlatan posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Auctioneer JaxonPosted in: NewsThat is one disappointing legendary
LightBladeDK posted a message on Weekly and Daily Quest Status - Missing Quests & CompensationPosted in: News -
xskarma posted a message on Masters Tour: Jönköping - Results and Decklists!Posted in: NewsPoor DeadDraw. So close, yet so far. Again.
Bicepsor posted a message on 17.2.2 Client Patch - In-Game Shop Opens Again & Bug FixesPosted in: News -
Skelos_bg posted a message on April Ranked Ladder Changes - All the Details!Posted in: NewsYes, really. You'll understand why soon enough.
DjZoNe posted a message on April Ranked Ladder Changes - All the Details!Posted in: NewsBecause golden epic at Rank 5 worth 4x more, than the current reward. Now I have absolutely 0 motivation to play the ladder.
Keema posted a message on Specialist Format Retired and More Changes for GrandmastersPosted in: NewsSpecialist was one of the worst decisions in HS esports. I’m pretty annoyed that nobody will be relegated though, based on their Season 1 performance. Players like Thijs and Pathra do not deserve GM status after coming last in their groups.
davidivad121 posted a message on Decks Assemble! is This Week's Tavern Brawl!Posted in: NewsThe first time this brawl aired was on December 2, 2015, Week 25.
Then February 10, 2016, Week 35;
November 22, 2017, Week 128; Note: Awarded A Kobolds and Catacombs Pack.
October 31, 2018, Week 177.
You start with a deck with a few chickens, coins, and spare parts and every turn you discover a new card to add to your deck.
At the end of your turn your hand is reshuffled into your deck and you draw 4 new cards.
Personally, I really like this brawl, I remember there being some cool things you can try to do like burn your deck with Fel Reaver, and I think discarding your cards in Warloc may have worked.
This is the first brawl that will be around all week including Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and I think it's a good one to start that cycle on.
Note: that took me like 3 minutes to find the history of the last times this brawl was used and around 5 minutes to write the rest of it. Wonder how long it took hearthpwn to write theirs.
Marega posted a message on Fireside Gatherings 2019 - Real Life Rewards, Fireside Home, Tavern vs TavernPosted in: NewsNew features? Hahahaha MTG Arena is laughing. Blizzards luck is that HS is an established sucess. If both games were launching at the same time guess who would've taken the cake?
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Aviana back to 9 mana again oh dear is this the 3rd time now and who says Blizz never learns
These nerf ideas are so bad I think the blizz dev team will offer you a job
@Kiljaedan. And what has this to do with arena lol......
Just one question, how did this mode ever pass quality control?
I think why most people get frustrated is the fact that the main game is currently in a pretty poor state in terms of general bugs and balance and it seems they spent a lot of company resources to release a mode that on the face of it and in the opinion of many looks pretty drab instead of addressing a lot of the issues in the main game and other current modes
Want to build a deck and play against other deck builders. I suggest you press the game mode button and select Arena :)
Lower skill players complaining about strong decks, surprise surprise. Why not spend the time focusing on improving your gameplay to improve your winrate against strong decks rather than screaming for nerfs or the cycle simply continues. There's a reason as you approach high legend (top 200) that paladins win rate decreases substantially
Ice block frost bolt ice Lance Or
Embiggen patches mark of the lotus
Pointless brawl... They should have banned some of the more obvious broken cards for this brawl to make it interesting. It's not like they haven't done it 3 times before so they do have data on it
Highlander hunter double brann combo see if I can get it to work that 1 in a 100
Battletag: Bazza#21517
Region: Asia
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first