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    posted a message on Best Card From Each Expansion - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

    I had forgotten how insane this set was.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Cheap Handbuff Pally?

    This [deck]AAECAZ8FBubkBY3+BdOpBtG/BubmBtuXBwzJoATLxAW4xQXYxgXQ0AW5/gX4lQa0ngbQngbQqQbRqQbJ9AYAAA==[/deck] is the deck you'll be working towards.

    For any Legendary you might be missing, replace it with cheap minions with abilites (for example Gold Panner). Don't include spells or other weapons.

    Your goal is to find and play the weapon on curve and then claw your way back in the game.

    However, I'm not sure this deck is worth crafting, as it will be gone with the rotation in a couple of months.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Is Hearthstone dying?

    People who are happy with a game don't often post that it's fine. Those who dislike it do.

    They are not the majority, but a vocal minority.

    That being said, the game is old and with a lot of competition. People will leave to try something fresh, and even though a lot of those will return, some won't. On top of that, because Acti-Bliz has nuked any chance of having a proper community, it is difficult to approach new people.

    All in all, i don't think Hearthstone is dying, but it IS shrinking.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Math for calculating discover odds

    Wasn't weighted odds for class cards removed from the discover mechanic some time ago?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The 'No more homebrew' theory.

    They must have missed me cause I've made at least diamond 5 playing my own decks with minimal to no effort every season.

    On top of that, it's a weird choice by Evul Blizz to make cheap, almost common-only decks S-tier for the last couple expansions if they're trying to force players to spend money.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Developer Insights: Pre-Release Tavern Brawl

    The reward structure could be good only for domeone missing lots of PiP cards, but since this is a constructed brawl, you can't expect to win any games in that case.

    That means that the only meaningful reward is the new packs, of which you get less than 3 on average for 300 gold.

    This event is a scam.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Help with pain warlock

    It's as simple as you described it, but it is not a deck that can beat everyone equallly.

    You will be heavily favored in some matchups and unfavored in other, and as long as the average is above 50%, you have to live with that.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Nerf Crystallizer?

    This is a contextually powerful card in Wild, a format that needs to work exactly like that.

    The real culprit in Quest Lock is Darkglare. It allows for amounts of mana cheating that is too much even for the Wild format. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ragnaros skin stops special board interactions on your side

    "I don't use that feature, so you shouldn't care if they ruin it" is such a weak and lame response.

    I hope this is a bug that will be fixed. Have you looked if there is a post about it at the official forum?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Multiple New Warlock Cards Revealed

    You added conditions for both cards, meaning they would not be powercreep even if you didn't conviniently misrepresent them.

    Fine Print is not one-sided like Flamestrike and Sap is not temporary like Deadline.

    Posted in: News
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