This is not a bug. They usually add the next couple of months' card backs when they do a major patch. Similar to how upcoming hero portraits, BG cosmetics etc. is often added before they become available. All the new hero portraits from the MotLK battle pass is there too, and a new Malganis one we haven't seen before.
- Baba_Jagga
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Last active Fri, Feb, 3 2023 14:11:12 -
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HoraceWalpol posted a message on New card backs for 2023 visiblePosted in: General Discussion -
Pacific_Onion posted a message on Murder At Castle Nathria Final Reveal - All 30+ Remaining Cards Revealed!Posted in: NewsKing Togwaggle + Steamcleaner means both decks get completely destroyed!
irhmgg posted a message on New Warlock Common Card Revealed - ShadowbornPosted in: News5 mana Nether, 1 mana Phylactery, who needs Rod anymore?
Mine warlock is the new Scam deck
Sacrificial Summoner was OP and now found the home
i see an absolute meta defining card
Lower_Your_Head posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Revealed - PelagosPosted in: Newsrunning out of ideas?...
The_George posted a message on 23.4 Patch Notes - Much Mercs Content - Diablo Returns To BG - Book of Heroes Returns Too!Posted in: NewsJesus flying fuck, no one gives a piss about Mercenaries and Battlegrounds!
Does ActiBlizz not get that!? ...Don't answer that.
BlueStripe posted a message on New Features Coming Soon! Upgrade to Golden - Share Deck Codes - Favorite Multiple Card BacksPosted in: Newsfor the glory of N'Zoth, of course!
AndreiLux posted a message on Just a Hallucination is This Week's Tavern BrawlPosted in: NewsPeople are roping because they don't have enough time? Let's give them even less time!
M1ch43l posted a message on Balance Changes Next Tuesday - Kael'thas, Switcheroo, Warrior Quest & MorePosted in: NewsQuest hunter needs a good nerf too but it remains untouched somehow.
Shipmen posted a message on No Communication from Team 5Posted in: General DiscussionMy issue is opposite. I am not talking about the general situation in HS now, but the approach.
In general I would like to not see any balance changes after the releases. Game is out and it should be already tested. This approach is frustrating, why have we to always wait adjustments for something that should be already developed.
And also this cause me a lot of delays in playing this game.
After every release I have always to wait the first balance changes to craft something because I already know that they will nerf everything in the first 1-2 weeks, than I have to wait the new meta and at this point I can craft. So, I have to wait nearly one month or more every time to craft something. Is this possible? Can team 5 simply test and stop this bullshit nonsense? They have to test not us.
Tensaipengin posted a message on Wow, even wild sucks now ...Posted in: Wild FormatProblem is that these same toxic decks are played in Casual also...
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11 legendaries from both bundles and one of them is signature, one is mage minion that will be in golden so pretty good.
craft whole decks, not random legendaries.
Nice tempo card, dudes often live one turn. But it takes card space from deck so... not worth it probably, maybe with 40 card decks...
But nice art and reveal pic.
Thats good thing. if games are long, that means they are interesting and both players had their chance to win.
I will rather play one game that last for one hour in which i play all my cards, think about every move and try to out smart oponent that playing 6 10 min games against aggro that i will loose cause i didnt have board clears or i just had them and they lost.
dust value of golden mni set is 46.400 dust.
if i compare these golden standard bunldes, there is no way you can get more dust from them.
70€ isnt cheap but for some people im may be worth it, you can craft few decks for that.
I didnt get any. Golden cards are still in collection. EU server.
amazing deck. i have about 30 games with it and im having sooo much fun :-)
good old days... control priest mirror was gentlemans game, like control warrior...
he made this game so much better. thats why.