None of fights was what I consider hard. It was more about getting the right draws. very rng dependant. It was fun the first few times to kill him. half way through I just wanted it to be done already.
It was always RNG dependent, that's the basis of the game. Agreed that playing the same encounter over and over got a little boring. It would have been more enjoyable with more variety.
Murlocs are clearly the bane of the Lich king. I tried different decks with no success and ended up killing him with fast decks (before turn 7) on 7 classes. only warrior and druid went longer than turn 7.
Murlocs and Vicious Fledgling. Maybe that's why he wanted to Join the HS crew, to Nerf cards. :)
I also used Alarm-o-Bot. You could also stall him on Turn 7 and stop him from attacking with a taunt and KT. From there building up a big enough board to OTK him is easy.
For me the hardest was paladin, but all of them are simple and possible to cheese once you know how and get the right RNG. Overall fun, but the same encounter with all classes? A little more variety would be nice next time.
After many attempts, I finally beat the Lich King with paladin. I tried to do it again as Arthas, and I saw the mirror match emote, but I was wondering if anything else happens?
I gave it a few tries with the same deck I used to beat him the first time, but 2 mana removal and turn 6 Blizzard, even coin 5 Blizzard denying me one win makes me question the if it's worth trying again.
I looked for videos, and didn't find anyone showing him being beaten by Arthas. Are there any other interactions or bonus rewards for doing it?
I got 2 in this first 6 packs, and thought maybe the drop rate increased, and Trump got 9 in ~90 packs, 1 in 10 average. So I spent all my 5k gold on 50 packs... And I get 1 legendary. Blizzard trolling me. I probably should have bought 40 and spent the rest on arena like I had planned to.
If there was some kind of bug like in MSG, then I thought it was best to open as many as possible and possibly get bonus packs. All of the above is within expected RNG though. Sometimes you get lucky, mostly you don't.
I did get decent legendaries though, LK, Uther, Rotface, and Jaina from the prologue.
Not lucky. I read his hero power. He heals to full each turn. So obviously I need to do 30 damage in one turn. Bloodlust seemed like the obvious choice. Flood the board. Lust. Win. Druid and savage roar is another obvious choice. No luck involved. I think you're confusing luck and basic logic.
No, it's 100% scripted. All cards cost more mana than you can play. You always get a rager on the final turn. If it was possible to choose your own deck, sure. As it stands, no.
Death's Shadow only gives one Shadow Reflection per turn, so you will only be able to make two 5/5s per turn. Still okay, but not the overwhelming board you imagined it would be.
How are these more challenging than usual? Are they comparing them to Kara? I beat all three on the first attempt with existing decks. No prior knowledge of the encounters. Shaman, get things on the board and bloodlust. Pirate warrior, build weapon, hit face. Priest, heal, silence, control board, hit face.
Hopefully it gets a little more challenging, but other than the final fight against the Lich King, I am not expecting much.
well like i said. All you really need is quest, 1 shadow caster and valeera and you can make a full board of 5/5s every turn.
Yes, I don't think some people in this thread realize how little you're sacrificing from a normal rogue deck just to make this happen. It's simply an extra win condition, not the whole purpose of the deck, which is the quest's usual weakness.
Battletag: Aradiel#1740Region: AsiaTrade Only?: YesCompleted with: Wombat
It was always RNG dependent, that's the basis of the game. Agreed that playing the same encounter over and over got a little boring. It would have been more enjoyable with more variety.
After many attempts, I finally beat the Lich King with paladin. I tried to do it again as Arthas, and I saw the mirror match emote, but I was wondering if anything else happens?
I gave it a few tries with the same deck I used to beat him the first time, but 2 mana removal and turn 6 Blizzard, even coin 5 Blizzard denying me one win makes me question the if it's worth trying again.
I looked for videos, and didn't find anyone showing him being beaten by Arthas. Are there any other interactions or bonus rewards for doing it?
Too much singing.
Battletag: Aradiel#1740Region: AsiaTrade Only?: YesCompleted with: Shraika
If the point of BK is to get through a taunt, I would say silence or removal like naturalize.
I got 2 in this first 6 packs, and thought maybe the drop rate increased, and Trump got 9 in ~90 packs, 1 in 10 average. So I spent all my 5k gold on 50 packs... And I get 1 legendary. Blizzard trolling me. I probably should have bought 40 and spent the rest on arena like I had planned to.
If there was some kind of bug like in MSG, then I thought it was best to open as many as possible and possibly get bonus packs. All of the above is within expected RNG though. Sometimes you get lucky, mostly you don't.
I did get decent legendaries though, LK, Uther, Rotface, and Jaina from the prologue.
They need to survive that long first, but if they can, then sure, it's OTK, as long as the turn is long enough.
No more OP than any other similar deck that requires extreme late game survival.
Not lucky. I read his hero power. He heals to full each turn. So obviously I need to do 30 damage in one turn. Bloodlust seemed like the obvious choice. Flood the board. Lust. Win. Druid and savage roar is another obvious choice. No luck involved. I think you're confusing luck and basic logic.
If you're missing your 3 log in packs, relog. Problem solved. I had the same issue on EU.
As for getting multiples, all within expected RNG.
Sure, you can eventually fill the board with 5/5s, but not every turn as you said a few posts back.
Edit: Nevermind, yes, you get a 1/1 from the shadow caster. So it is possible to fill the board. My mistake.
No, it's 100% scripted. All cards cost more mana than you can play. You always get a rager on the final turn. If it was possible to choose your own deck, sure. As it stands, no.
Death's Shadow only gives one Shadow Reflection per turn, so you will only be able to make two 5/5s per turn. Still okay, but not the overwhelming board you imagined it would be.
How are these more challenging than usual? Are they comparing them to Kara? I beat all three on the first attempt with existing decks. No prior knowledge of the encounters. Shaman, get things on the board and bloodlust. Pirate warrior, build weapon, hit face. Priest, heal, silence, control board, hit face.
Hopefully it gets a little more challenging, but other than the final fight against the Lich King, I am not expecting much.