i mean you can buy them, but get nothing in a way that your opponent will have an equally good team anyway, soooo... good job, you efficiently wasted your money. i'm sure the multi billion dollar company appreciates your efforts of trying, though
some weird thing that happened after the patch was i couldnt target basically the entire mid section of the screen, the left and right side of my side of the field were fine. no idea what caused this. had to reset all ingame options and it seems weirdly laggy sometimes and the animations felt too fast and not rendering properly
the only thing that pisses me off to say it mildly is that you need ingame gold to use in this mode when they should rather fix their stupid "real" game first. meaning you have to decide if you pay gold on this or the supercool real one, no irony included
this mode and battlegrounds being aggressively monetized just makes me immediately have no interest in it
thought i might start a new account today and some absolute d-bags play the full (i might add) questlines as if it was the actual ladder... no idea how they manage to even get these full lists with like 20 or so packs opened
at apprentice rank 40, 39 etc. mind you
the first guy i could tell was absolutely new to the game but from the 2nd game on it started with this horrendous meta you see everywhere and it didnt change. that was the only new player i faced in like 20 or so apprentice games and the ratio of decks played there is the exact same as in quite high ladder, great really
at 3-4 hours into the new account i immediately abandoned it, this shite spreads even at the lowest possible ranks
maybe, this was all planned because blizz never seemed to be a fan of control decks from the very start
and thats not gonna change, probably ever
yes, people hate long games where they might just "waste" 30mins from a lost game, but i rather have this than having no interactivity and 5min games where you couldn't even ACTUALLY play the game. sure this current state is better...not
there were always times when it felt absolutely dreadful to even bother playing, whats the f-ing point? i mean you could just play the stuff everyone else is doing, but it's terribly wuuurggghh
this one takes the cake, if not 2nd place of horrendous-ness
just personally waiting for them to FINALLY do something reasonable about this, in the meantime i'm playing classic and battlegrounds, both things i actually hate, but not as much as the "real" ladder. that's probably saying a lot about the current state of the game. basically just finishing the quests and gtfo there asap
this manacheat bullcrap needs to go NOW and some actual interactivity would be greatly appreciated, these aren't even real matches, just solitaire clownshows. while you're at it, ban some cards permanently or replace them with something completely different. thanks, and screw quests in general, not just these new ones
it has lost its appeal about a week after 'launch', maybe it's more exciting for players who didn't experience it as it was in 2014 but when you did, like me, it gets boring really quick and won't change in any meaningful way in the future. pretty much wouldn't matter if it didn't exist anymore
not to mention that this mode will NOT change in any meaningful way, it's stale as all hell with very limited options and the best decks have already been found. pretty much a lost cause
get rid of incanters flow and gadgetzan auctioneer
the first being absolutely abhorrent card design to begin with, but fiery war axe is still 3 mana... yeah makes perfect friggin sense... in fact get rid of all the mana cheat bullcrap, except for maybe the druid stuff, cuz that's its thing
why am i not surprised it's one of these threads again
big shocker
i mean you can buy them, but get nothing in a way that your opponent will have an equally good team anyway, soooo... good job, you efficiently wasted your money. i'm sure the multi billion dollar company appreciates your efforts of trying, though
some weird thing that happened after the patch was i couldnt target basically the entire mid section of the screen, the left and right side of my side of the field were fine. no idea what caused this. had to reset all ingame options and it seems weirdly laggy sometimes and the animations felt too fast and not rendering properly
now is probably one of the worst times to return to the game, not recommended to say the least
unless you like agony and clown show games
the only thing that pisses me off to say it mildly is that you need ingame gold to use in this mode when they should rather fix their stupid "real" game first. meaning you have to decide if you pay gold on this or the supercool real one, no irony included
this mode and battlegrounds being aggressively monetized just makes me immediately have no interest in it
probably should've called this expansion 'disconnected from gameplay', because that's what it is
you try winning by turn 6 and i do too & if either draws are bad you just lose because you don't have time to compensate
and if you can draw/play 5-10 more cards than me in that time, guess who's gonna win? big shocker, i know
really now, zola loses to fricking jade bitch??
wonderful.... jades were the worst "mechanic" ever put in the game and people vote for it, just peachy
thought i might start a new account today and some absolute d-bags play the full (i might add) questlines as if it was the actual ladder... no idea how they manage to even get these full lists with like 20 or so packs opened
at apprentice rank 40, 39 etc. mind you
the first guy i could tell was absolutely new to the game but from the 2nd game on it started with this horrendous meta you see everywhere and it didnt change. that was the only new player i faced in like 20 or so apprentice games and the ratio of decks played there is the exact same as in quite high ladder, great really
at 3-4 hours into the new account i immediately abandoned it, this shite spreads even at the lowest possible ranks
maybe, this was all planned because blizz never seemed to be a fan of control decks from the very start
and thats not gonna change, probably ever
yes, people hate long games where they might just "waste" 30mins from a lost game, but i rather have this than having no interactivity and 5min games where you couldn't even ACTUALLY play the game. sure this current state is better...not
there were always times when it felt absolutely dreadful to even bother playing, whats the f-ing point? i mean you could just play the stuff everyone else is doing, but it's terribly wuuurggghh
this one takes the cake, if not 2nd place of horrendous-ness
just personally waiting for them to FINALLY do something reasonable about this, in the meantime i'm playing classic and battlegrounds, both things i actually hate, but not as much as the "real" ladder. that's probably saying a lot about the current state of the game. basically just finishing the quests and gtfo there asap
this manacheat bullcrap needs to go NOW and some actual interactivity would be greatly appreciated, these aren't even real matches, just solitaire clownshows. while you're at it, ban some cards permanently or replace them with something completely different. thanks, and screw quests in general, not just these new ones
i don't think this would ever happen and if, they would be stupid not to take about 30% of your profits
obviously i think you could only set cards up for trade which you've paid for, e.g. crafted cards wouldn't count whatsoever
all in all, i still think it's a terrible idea to implement
it has lost its appeal about a week after 'launch', maybe it's more exciting for players who didn't experience it as it was in 2014 but when you did, like me, it gets boring really quick and won't change in any meaningful way in the future. pretty much wouldn't matter if it didn't exist anymore
not to mention that this mode will NOT change in any meaningful way, it's stale as all hell with very limited options and the best decks have already been found. pretty much a lost cause
to be real here, this card needs to cost like 12 mana and would still be reasonable to play
sketchy information + loan shark + gadgetzan fucktioneer + garrote + a bajillion of basically 0 cost spells + ethereal augmerchant =
an absolutely miserable experience for you
have a nice day
get rid of incanters flow and gadgetzan auctioneer
the first being absolutely abhorrent card design to begin with, but fiery war axe is still 3 mana... yeah makes perfect friggin sense... in fact get rid of all the mana cheat bullcrap, except for maybe the druid stuff, cuz that's its thing
those have been a plague for long enough