- AnonSpartan
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Clxmj posted a message on The Emperor of Price Slashing Card Design CompetitionPosted in: News -
Beatsz posted a message on Diablo Battlegrounds Loot & New Coins for Old SetsPosted in: NewsNo, that's really not how it works. Diablo effectively has no hero power for the first 3 turns. This means that by the time you face the whole lobby, you are statistically going to be weaker than 90% of the lobby, since at every decent rank the only heroes (with a few exceptions) that see significant amounts of play are the ones who have hero powers that give them early tempo advantage.
But let's say you had a lucky game, got some really good shops and are very strong for the current turn. Great, now you get all the treasures! ... right? Wrong. Since the only thing that matters is not whether or not you win the game but whether or not the 3/3 demon you summon survives, you could literally win all your games and get zero treasure if you're exceedingly unlucky. In practice it means you'll usually get 4-6 treasures.But lets say you got very lucky and have a full hand of treasures. Surely those will really help you cement a victory, right? Well no, again, not how it works. The treasures are relatively powerful if you use them on turn 5, but once it gets to turn 8 - which is when you should be using them, as you rightly point out - they're terrible. Deal 1 damage to 3 random enemy minions. Give a friendly minion +2/+2. That's barely even impactful at all by turn 8. And none of them are even permanent, they're all just single fight treasures. But hey, we had a full hand of treasures, at least we can guarantee we win most of the fights again and get another full hand of treasures. ... right? Nope. Remember the whole issue of it being possible to win the game and yet still get no treasure? Well, the odds of that happening just doubled from last time. A 3/3 on turn 4 has a decent chance to survive a hit from a small minion, but by turn 8, pretty much everything on the enemy board is going to have 6 or more attack, and they often have enough divine shields and deathrattles and stuff that your 6/6 demon will have to attack, and that pretty much guarantees that it dies. And that problem just gets worse the longer the game lasts, even if you're the strongest player in the lobby, your odds of getting a treasure just keep getting lower. I've had games where I won literally every fight on turn 8, and got ZERO treasures.
And that's not even mentioning that as the game goes on, fewer opponents remain, so your odds of getting treasures get even lower (since you don't fight against ghosts), while your opponents' odds remain the same. In other words they mostly have good hero powers that they've been using all game long, while you have a bad one that just keeps getting worse and worse the longer the game goes on.
I could go on, but this is getting long enough. Diablo is terrible, and very unfun, since you either highroll or you just get eighth. And even when you highroll, you're not nearly as powerful as other highroll heroes are, and hsreplay data supports that, Diablo has a terrible winrate.
Tarious posted a message on Blacksmithing HammerPosted in: Blacksmithing HammerWhere were cards like this when warrior's weapon quest was created?
That quest got ZERO support.
C4lm posted a message on Short guide for Mercs PvE idle farmingPosted in: MercenariesI don't understand why you want to farm exp. The real issue is farm tasks. You can simply put the merc low in the team while you are farming tasks.
It seems very pointless to me your idea.
What, you don't like to rack up free Gold while you could do something else on your device? Alright, your loss.
C4lm posted a message on Short guide for Mercs PvE idle farmingPosted in: Mercenaries1. Start a new bounty run on Mercenaries. Doesn't matter which one.
2. Select any party you've got and start the run.
3. Select the 1st encounter on the bounty map and choose Begin. Wait for the match to load up.
4. When you get to the game board screen (the one where you see your enemies, choose your mercs etc.), just shut down the game. You can either close the app (on phone) or hit Alt and F4 (on PC).
(Optional) 5. Feel free to shut down your PC or mobile device and get some sleep, do your schoolwork or go out for a walk. No need to rack up your electricity bill for nothing!
(Also optional) 6. Check back after 25-ish mins. You should still be in the encounter, which you can now power through for more EXP. Select the next encounter and repeat steps 4-5.
(Also optional) 7. Repeat steps 1-6 many time as you want. Enjoy the free XP while conserving your electricity bill :)
And there you have it! Next time you log in to HS, check your Journal for current XP. If you were gone long enough to "get disconnected" from the match, you should have gotten 120 XP (no BP) or 144 XP (with BP).
Winning encounters, at most, nets you 168 XP (no BP) or 202 EXP (with BP). This caps out somewhere around 30 min mark, so if you really wanna milk it, check back after every 25-27 mins so you don't lose out on XP.
At worst you're sleeping overnight and wake up with free 120 XP.
Not bad for doing such minimal effort!
Isbul posted a message on Two Pre-Order Skins From The Past Have Appeared In The ShopPosted in: NewsSuch an amazing offer! Too bad I have them, wanted to buy them again and support that poor company! :/
Itoldyou posted a message on 21.3 Patch Notes - Constructed & Battlegrounds Balance Changes, Warlock Quest Banned In Wild & More!Posted in: NewsI came back to see this moment. The moment where Hearthstone is already finished. it has become another google play game BS.
Ben Brode really was the Boss of this game, after his departure, look at the state of the game. -
JawsLoanCompany posted a message on Why there is so much hate on Mercenary mode or on Hearthstone in general?Posted in: General DiscussionWhy even bring up Slay the Spire if it wasn't at least comparable? Anyway, there's no way I'm spending money on another game. If they had devoted even a fraction of the effort and manpower working on Mercenaries and redirected it to enhance and improve Hearthstone....
And speaking of money, if they don't nerf the living tar out of questlines, especially the Warlock one, I'm going to be playing Hearthstone a lot less and I won't be spending another dime on it. I have already been reduced to completing the quests and that's it.
Heck, Hearthstone is now a button in the program's main menu. It's an afterthought now.
3nnu1 posted a message on Why there is so much hate on Mercenary mode or on Hearthstone in general?Posted in: General DiscussionBecause the mode confirms everything we have dreaded blizzard becoming. I have been a blizzard fan for more than 20 years. I was a top 500 star craft player in a former lifetime and looked forward to every blizzard product.
The decline started with their purchase by Vivendi, but still Blizzard put out great products that were well worth the money. Even if MMORPG were not your thing, they certainly did it well with WOW. Blizzard was known for not releasing games until their ready and were not known as money grubbing scumbags like EA.
Even Overwatch was a good game on release. Well polished, solidly balanced and fun to play. Only the matchmaker was aids.
But in Hearthstone, you see every cynical trick. Every change is designed to extract more dollars from their player base. The rigging is so disgusting it is absurd, it is like you are not even playing a game, just something meant to feel like a game that attempts to get you to spend money. I was overjoyed when I found hearthstone, I was a former ranked magic player (the physical card game over 20 years ago) and had given it up when my kids were born (too much time, too much money) so hearthstone was a god send. A digital way for me to play an old gamestyle I thought I could never return to from a company that I then respected and trusted.
Then I saw the rigging....and then I came here to ask about it, what people thought and was met with such a ridiculous response of derision and gaslighting that I was taken aback and decided to re-evaluate my stance. i looked into blizzards game design philosophies, I watched videos, read articles and found that no, I am right, the game is rigged. But I could not understand why so many bright, articulate people on this site were so absolutely sure that hearthstone was not rigged. Then when you laid out the case for why you believe it is.....the response says everything.
The response was well, that is not proof and you are stupid tinfoil hat, confirmation bias dumbass if you think it is rigged without definative proof......and I thought...what a bizarre response......then I learned what a community manager was.
See I started on the internet in a different age, when people had open and honest conversation and looked to learn from each other. The various boards were not filled with shills and plants hammering their talking points and brigading anyone who dared stray from the corporate script. But now the internet is filled with people with agendas, be they corporate or political, and to think that some innocent kid comes to a site like this to find out more about a game they like and are met by a bunch of goons trying to make sure he spends the most he can is disgusting to me.
So I come by from time to time to tweak the shills and point out the obvious about the game. Things like team 5 sucks and the quests are all overpowered, things like merenaries and duels are cynical stupid products that people should avoid. I will give the occaisional positive shout when they do something good like fix the terrible reward track or release classic mode. But it general my stance toward blizzard has changed quite a bit in the last 5 years. Mercenaries is just one more step down the EA path.
The_George posted a message on Why there is so much hate on Mercenary mode or on Hearthstone in general?Posted in: General DiscussionI think you should go back to reddit, with the rest of the Blizzard shills and apologists.
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Day one gold craft for the art alone.
I can't believe the comeback this card has made.
I'm honestly there and I only do dailies/weeklies, as well as a handful of times spent really playing to reach diamond each season. Of course this is after all of the concessions to the system Blizzard made when we rain felfire over it.
So I can dust my normal Edwin for full value then craft him in gold for rotation? Nice.
It seems like you can't complete certain quests in friendly matches against friends. For example the "play 3 games with x, y, and z class" triggered and completed but not the ones like "play 25 minions" or the new "play 50 cards under 3 cost". Was this intended? I'm fairly certain it worked a few days ago but I've been out of the Hearthstone loop. So I'm not even sure if this is a bug or removed feature.
Watch this be the week I get the tavern brawl quest.
Since I have a golden Lurker, this change is great because now I can actually use him!
Now this is theorycrafting at it's finest.
Are ranked seasons still just one month or are they longer now? I'm not excited to be bumped to essentially Rank 50 every month.
Warlock deserves one good class card for once.