There was some interview where it was revealed that Patches the Pirate was in development during the first "Goblins vs Gnomes" set, but it was pulled because they thought it combined with One-Eyed Cheat was unfair (and instead OEC was just useless). So yes, you can expect cards to have been around for easily 2-3 years before you see it.
My patches has long been disenchanted (same with the dragon cost down one) but I put in the fire elemental who makes all "elementals" cost 1 less in hand. Really good. I almost wonder if Sludge Slurper is bad, because this deck doesn't have a bad curve at all. Angler and Warper are great 2 drops. Still I won and got instant concedes, thanks for helping with my quests.
Probably one of the best values I've seen in a while. If the rest of the mini-sets are like this I will be ecstatic. My only question is will the option to buy with gold be around a while (I'm a bit short and on level 47) and is the impression of the cards so far positive? To me they look pretty fun and all solid, even the boring ones are playable.
I'm honestly there and I only do dailies/weeklies, as well as a handful of times spent really playing to reach diamond each season. Of course this is after all of the concessions to the system Blizzard made when we rain felfire over it.
It seems like you can't complete certain quests in friendly matches against friends. For example the "play 3 games with x, y, and z class" triggered and completed but not the ones like "play 25 minions" or the new "play 50 cards under 3 cost". Was this intended? I'm fairly certain it worked a few days ago but I've been out of the Hearthstone loop. So I'm not even sure if this is a bug or removed feature.
Zilliax and Loatheb are definitely among the best designed cards. Their impact could completely change the flow of a game, which is how a legendary should be.
There was some interview where it was revealed that Patches the Pirate was in development during the first "Goblins vs Gnomes" set, but it was pulled because they thought it combined with One-Eyed Cheat was unfair (and instead OEC was just useless). So yes, you can expect cards to have been around for easily 2-3 years before you see it.
Day one gold craft for the art alone.
My patches has long been disenchanted (same with the dragon cost down one) but I put in the fire elemental who makes all "elementals" cost 1 less in hand. Really good. I almost wonder if Sludge Slurper is bad, because this deck doesn't have a bad curve at all. Angler and Warper are great 2 drops. Still I won and got instant concedes, thanks for helping with my quests.
Lol who is this blizzdrone?
Probably one of the best values I've seen in a while. If the rest of the mini-sets are like this I will be ecstatic. My only question is will the option to buy with gold be around a while (I'm a bit short and on level 47) and is the impression of the cards so far positive? To me they look pretty fun and all solid, even the boring ones are playable.
I'm honestly there and I only do dailies/weeklies, as well as a handful of times spent really playing to reach diamond each season. Of course this is after all of the concessions to the system Blizzard made when we rain felfire over it.
So I can dust my normal Edwin for full value then craft him in gold for rotation? Nice.
It seems like you can't complete certain quests in friendly matches against friends. For example the "play 3 games with x, y, and z class" triggered and completed but not the ones like "play 25 minions" or the new "play 50 cards under 3 cost". Was this intended? I'm fairly certain it worked a few days ago but I've been out of the Hearthstone loop. So I'm not even sure if this is a bug or removed feature.
Watch this be the week I get the tavern brawl quest.
Now this is theorycrafting at it's finest.
Zilliax and Loatheb are definitely among the best designed cards. Their impact could completely change the flow of a game, which is how a legendary should be.
If I had a dollar for everyone who has dusted cards and regretted it, I could have an entire golden collection.
Are ranked seasons still just one month or are they longer now? I'm not excited to be bumped to essentially Rank 50 every month.
Warlock deserves one good class card for once.
I think this card is fine, the effect is boring but it's a basic card. And it has some fun combos.