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    posted a message on [FiAV] DrekThar SMOrc Hunter

    You can remove Trogg and put in Demon Companion. Trogg is still good against Druid and pushing an extra damage or 2 from an extra minion.

    But the deck struggles and havent played since hearing the "nerf" news when I seen Moarg got "nerfed" turning into a 3 mana 2/5. Warlock and DH easily dealt with this deck and the 5 mana clear combo gives them a 2/1 you cant really ignore.

    The deck is strong and you might have more % opportunities to get under decks by the balance team sliding a 1 mana cost difference. But Hearthstone is already a highly stressful game with the player base's opinion on aggro or thinking deck heavy combo decks are "high skill". And the balance team design choices makes me question how and why they do things.

    Posted in: [FiAV] DrekThar SMOrc Hunter
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    posted a message on Mutanus vs. Owl

    I wouldnt question it being spaghetti coding with how Discover cards favor the newest set and Mutanus chance having higher odds of eating the newest expansion stuff.

    But most likely you've just been unlucky.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [FiAV] DrekThar SMOrc Hunter

    No its a feature. When Moarg was first release with Piercing Shot  I wanted to meme it up and run it in Hunter to blow up Warlock and Mage meta at the time.

    The spaghetti code doesnt allow it since the Damage is calcuated in hand and Moarg adds the damage after hand. Semantics that makes interactions unfair/unfun when warlock can destory Moarg with Destroy a minion then deal 2 damage AoE. But still getting 4 Damage AoE.

    Posted in: [FiAV] DrekThar SMOrc Hunter
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    posted a message on Owl Warlock is Toxic
    Quote from AngusEef >>

     Depends on the Warlock. You have Quest, Owl and Fatigue.

     It doesn't, because we talk here about Owl Lock.

     Continue to deflect.

    Warlock is overtuned and the meta will shift to deal with it and be more degenerate. I've been playing in 1000 Legend to basis my opinion and minion focused decks are heavily unfavoured with Warlock, Astral Alignment Druid, Mage OTK and Rogue OTK running around trying to rock, paper, scissors each other.

    I'm pointing out Warlock cause Druid, Mage and to a lesser degree Rogue can brick. Warlock gets saved from Tap and ways to tutor or draw 2 cards on average a turn. Even if your deck is playing out perfectly its still an up hill battle rather then you down playing it like you stomped them on Turn 5. (It does happen but personally think it was just bad luck and bad pilot. Doesnt happen AT ALL in high legend)

    I bring up the other variants to place emphasis Warlock has great cards to survive for till turn 7+ making things that shouldnt work out to well like Mutanus/Tickitus Fatigue Warlock actually working and being consistent. Whats the counter? "Just Mutanus the Tickitus, lmao". Even if they dupe it on the same turn they draw it. Just out pace them? Yeah good luck havings Robes early otherwise your better off playing combo and OTKing before they can Mutanus your own combo pieces.

    Quest Warlock is strong and has built in counter to fatigue. But its the easiest of the 3 Warlocks to Mid-Range or Aggro down.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Owl Warlock is Toxic
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from Papocopelo >>

    Destroying both weapons without discounting anytime its probably a 99% wr, the issue is to have those weapon removals in time

     If the Warlock knows what they are doing, they play Rod + Tap + Backfire in the same turn, so good luck with that.

    But that's 9 mana and in most cases Warlock can't afford to wait that long, because his survival tools are rather limited. Hell, in some games he can be dead at this point.

     Depends on the Warlock. You have Quest, Owl and Fatigue. You really cant mulligan to well as quest doesnt have the weapon and Owl might be hurting on destroying the weapon turn 4-5 or they dont really care cause they just slapped in ALL the removal they have.

    The weapon break is vastly overrated, imo. Since they can clear 4 health with just Mogar + 1 mana 2 damage AoE. Cause of that I find Robes better and helps against the OTK Mage match up. That way Warlock can just do the 6+ targeted spells they have and clunk up their hand.

    Why? Druid is pretty good at Warlock but thats if they happened to have Mr.Smite dupe combo after Survival. Depends on the decklist but the more popular ones are running Twisting for Druid.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why is Warlock so toxic

    Its easy, just play Warlock if you want to beat Warlock. You even have 3 different flavours and the class isnt overtuned

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Owl Warlock is Toxic
    Quote from AngusEef >>

    I've played against ALOT of warlock and they had no issue dealing with 4+ health. Full-Blown Evil covers any blind spot they use to had in making 1 big minion and praying it sticks. Even before then they still had Mogar + Spell.

    That's the main issue, you should evaluate the deck by playing it, not only against it... That's why Hearthstone community (mostly on Reddit) is full of whiney ignorants, crying to nerf everything they don't like.

     I dont have the dust to even make the deck and I dont need to play the deck to understand how it functions or makes it strong. I've been playing aggro and despite people thinking its low skill deck you really need to factor in the odds of your opponent having removal or hard sending this praying they had a bad mulligan. Half the time I feel like I even won against Warlock cause they drew heavy for 3 turns, which is unreasonable to suggest thats a viable way to win. Its like Quest Mage, "Oh you can win if they brick". I've played that deck at full power and nerfed, the only time I lost was just cause I couldnt draw into spell power draw or needed to hold it 3 turns to pop off.

    Warlock the weapon removal doesnt do enough for aggro since the extra mana cheat isnt useful for them to effectively remove your stuff. And they have 1 - 2 drop units that can help them stall or get to break points they needed. As Hunter you cannot reliably do Turn 1 Trogg/ Arcane Anomaly Turn 2 Doggy Biscuit as the break points is 5 health. Something they can easily deal with.

    Yeah going seconded you can Anomaly Coin Doggy Biscuit and have 6 health. But they can even deal with that threat easily over 2 turns and after that? Playing pure Burn style and Hero Powering every time letting them clog up their hand or waste removal till I can play minions again. Not a fun match up

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Owl Warlock is Toxic

    They have access to a 5/5 Rush and a 5/4 Rush. Coupled with insane healing from Mogar and a casual deal 6 damage and heal 6 life steal minion. Warlock can easily fill a mid-range niche by taking out the Owl for the Battlemaster. They can easily pressure the board with 8/8's and 8/6.

    I've played against ALOT of warlock and they had no issue dealing with 4+ health. Full-Blown Evil covers any blind spot they use to had in making 1 big minion and praying it sticks. Even before then they still had Mogar + Spell.

    Warlock has a lot of good tools along with card draw options no other class can easily abuse making them more consistent then something like Priest or Shaman. I'd say the deck is even stronger then pre-nerfed Quest Mage since they can fumble with a bricked hand. Warlock? eh, tap will bail me out.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on [FiAV] DrekThar SMOrc Hunter

    Yeah if you dont control the board turn 1 from miss a 1 Drop its a lot more difficult. Try cashing in as much damage as you can; even if it means breaking your weapon. Paladin while having decent card draw is usually playing 2 cards a turn and not gain huge hand advantage and by the time turn 7+ happens they should be under 10 health making the Hero Card useless.

    And if they stabilize sometimes Tavish hero power can slip by a win or the Ramming Mount still lets you kill off 8/8's keeping the board advantage and either side thumb wars a win.

    Posted in: [FiAV] DrekThar SMOrc Hunter
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    posted a message on Why is Warlock so toxic

    What are you playing where they even care about the Viper? Even 8/8's dont matter cause they can just play 3 mana Deal 5 with Morgar Artificer.

    The issue isnt disrupting their mana cheat but finding things that can actually survive the removal. Since all your really doing is survive till they draw through their whole deck instead of winning on 7 or 8.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on SMOrc DrekThar Hunter. Counter to Owl Warlock/ Paladin/ Warrior

    I dont understand? Try piloting the deck and you'll find its strong. Its prone to bricking and it feels bad but Tavish acts like a scuffed Deathstalker Rexxar bailing you out.

    The deck has really strong early game and DrekThar thins the deck or tutors the readers. Letting you draw into more burn. Most matches you can get them down to 15-ish health and it isnt unreasonable to think you can burn out the remaining health from turn 5 - 6.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Owltk and its inevitability

    Its a popular deck. Played 80% Warlock on the grind from 5 Diamond to Legend.

    2000+ legend came across more variety with Paladin, Shaman, Warrior. But even then I'd still say half my matches are either Shaman or Warlock

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on SMOrc DrekThar Hunter. Counter to Owl Warlock/ Paladin/ Warrior


    I made a decklist and a short write up for the match up experience. I posting it cause SMOrc Hunter is pretty cheap for a new person to craft that doesnt have 6 Epic slots or 4 legendaries.

    Owl Warlock , its a difficult frustrating match up. But Tavish and burn usually helps you to win against them. Paladin/Warrior the new Weapon in the set Bloodseeker really cleans up 2/2's or Paladin playing the 3 drop and Hand of A'dal. (5/2)

    Posted in: Standard Format
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