I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I think what needs to change is the design view / the principles by which they print cards. I would like to see them addressing the stuff that is toxic for the game: mana cheating, disruption, cards that skip turns (time warp, ice block, cloak).
I think it’s probably getting to the stage where the game needs a total reset (or a sequel) to get all of the trashy cards out. It’s past fixing with nerfs or changes to card design strategy.
I know it's a band-aid solution but aggro wtih Eater of Secrets could help versus those pesky secret mages at least. Personally would never resort to playing such a simple and outdated deck as secret mage that plays the game for you. 2017 called and wanted their deck back. The irony is that the people who enjoy playing it are too young to have played the original version.
Eater of Secrets doesn't work if objection is up. I am sorry, but cheap techs don't work any more against the deck. The most effective way to beat it is to take calculated risks.
I can understand the outrage as board matters less and less with each expansion. I also hope board matters again because it's the most fun and challenging part of the game along deckbuilding.
I am not sure why you got banned, but calling out devs or other people who work on the game may not have the desired result. Even if you don't insult them, making them the focus of your anger instead of calmly assessing your issues with the game does not give any benefit to the discussion. Other than that, hopefully they hear the players' feedback and at least start reviewing their perspective on board presence and mana cheating.
Im convinced minisets are a mistake at this point. With so few cards being introduced at a time, chances are the top decks will just find upgrades while the crap strategies dont get enough to become viable.
Give us 4 expansions a year damnit, MUCK FINISETS!
Not mistakes. They're designed this way to force players to pay to upgrade their decks so they keep up with the meta. They can pay with gold if they save up, it's a common strategy among players, but they give so many incentives to deplete your gold resources before every miniset tho: heroic brawl, good skins in the shop.
Some use some software to skip animations. I am not sure of the technical details, but I know some wild pros found out there were players on high legend ladder using animation skipping.
I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I think what needs to change is the design view / the principles by which they print cards. I would like to see them addressing the stuff that is toxic for the game: mana cheating, disruption, cards that skip turns (time warp, ice block, cloak).
It baffles me how the community defends the Flurgl + Toxfin combo. Yes, the murloc package is a bigger issue atm, but a 3 mana board clear that requires an immediate answer from the opponent to not lose the game on the spot is not healthy for the game at all.
This community is filled with anger and personal grudges, so they lose sight of whatever is broken and unhealthy for the game. Usually they defend whatever is broken when they win with it or don't lose to, but when they lose to it, it needs an immediate nerf and it's the most broken thing ever. I'm playing mech paladin and I don't defend a turn 2-3 fill the board. It's toxic and broken. The game is at its best in the span of 6-9 turns. You feel you played the game but it's also fast enough you don't get bored of it and want to queue another game.
Sorry for the small rant, but seriously wild needs to be looked at because some cards or combos are getting too ridiculous. The community defending such broken cards or interactions is also ridiculous.
Five blood dks in a row. This game's playerbase is one of the greatest examples of how shallow, toxic, uninventive, spineless and ultimately depravated humanity can be. Fuck you all. For real.
Good god ! Just play relic dh so when you q up the mmr system won’t match you against a deck your deck is favored against unless there are no other decks in the q at the same time. You have to understand how to manipulate the system. I understand the hate with the time spent letting the world know but this shows you have the motivation to work the system in your favor and get those coveted ladder rewards for your efforts! Are you willing to learn? Send me a dm and let me guide you to legend.
What would it bring me? A better pay at my job? The sudden massive interest of attractive young ladies? A large home with a garden and a swimming pool? A fast car as a present? Some golden and diamond trophy? Don't think so, right? Just as I suppose it doesn't bring anything like that to any of those prized legend players. Except for a few packs and an epic card (not even golden anymore).
My lashing was directed at a community that has become increasingly win-obsessed, to the point where it's the only possible enjoyment they can get out of it. Even if this requires playing tens or hundreds of games in a row with the same deck, the same cards, played over and over again in the same pattern. Rinse and repeat. Rinse and repeat. Like bots. A million possibilities, hundreds of cards at your disposal, and you stick to 15/17 of them for days, weeks, months. Yeah! Cause it's tier one, baby! It gives me wins. GIVE ME MY WINS!!! MY PRECIOUS WINS! It's so sad that this mindset has become so overwhelmingly prevalent. And it's even sadder that it seamlessly extends to casual play as well.
I know the usual comments: "Everyone's free to enjoy the game the way they want!". True. But I still strongly believe that such ultra-committed mindsets, fully driven by efficiency and success rate, applied to something that still ultimately belongs to the fun/leisure/relax realm are pretty toxic and concerning.
You do win something for getting top 100 though: much longer queue times.
"Everyone is free to enjoy the game the way they want" but unless you're playing a tier 1, you're memeing. As a wild player, it saddens me even more to watch how the whole community except for a few individuals play the same decks. And by the same decks, I don't mean the same deck lists, I mean the same archetypes. You queue only into questline druid, kingsbane rogue or whatever is popular right now.
I feel you man, but sadly this is how it is. The community will never change.
FUCK mages , FUCK their fucking 10 solid alibis , Fuck their board freezes , and fuck their discovered by , discovered by , discovered by DISCOVER MY ASS who the fuck enjoys playing against this stupid fucking obnoxius deck ever??????? fuck blizzard for enabling such a stupid archetype . It's the only thing more frustrating and annoying than facing a control priest , I wanna pull my hair and freaking die inside while waiting 3 hours to lose a solitaire .
I can assure you nobody enjoys playing against it.
The question is who tf loves playing it. Probably the most sadistic and psychopathic people who play this game.
Can we just delete Open the Waygate already? This card's been the most frustrating thing in Wild since it was first introduced. Every couple expansions it comes back from the dead to haunt us all.
Wild is about skipping your opponent's turn. This card is the mascot of wild. If they are serious about doing major changes to the format, they should do something about all the ramp, skip turns, freezes. The game is just not fun when you're just sitting and watching the opponent do stuff.
Are people hacking or what? How is it possible to face the same player as 2 days ago, playing mech mage again, and beating me with the same hand on the same turn? It's not a fucking combo deck ffs
Agree. It's more realistic this way at least.
Nerf the decks I don't like. Buff the decks I like.
Eater of Secrets doesn't work if objection is up. I am sorry, but cheap techs don't work any more against the deck. The most effective way to beat it is to take calculated risks.
I can understand the outrage as board matters less and less with each expansion. I also hope board matters again because it's the most fun and challenging part of the game along deckbuilding.
I am not sure why you got banned, but calling out devs or other people who work on the game may not have the desired result. Even if you don't insult them, making them the focus of your anger instead of calmly assessing your issues with the game does not give any benefit to the discussion. Other than that, hopefully they hear the players' feedback and at least start reviewing their perspective on board presence and mana cheating.
Not mistakes. They're designed this way to force players to pay to upgrade their decks so they keep up with the meta. They can pay with gold if they save up, it's a common strategy among players, but they give so many incentives to deplete your gold resources before every miniset tho: heroic brawl, good skins in the shop.
Some use some software to skip animations. I am not sure of the technical details, but I know some wild pros found out there were players on high legend ladder using animation skipping.
I don't think nerfing cards that are popular now will solve anything. You nerf them, other decks and strategies which are just as toxic will emerge after that.
I think what needs to change is the design view / the principles by which they print cards. I would like to see them addressing the stuff that is toxic for the game: mana cheating, disruption, cards that skip turns (time warp, ice block, cloak).
It baffles me how the community defends the Flurgl + Toxfin combo. Yes, the murloc package is a bigger issue atm, but a 3 mana board clear that requires an immediate answer from the opponent to not lose the game on the spot is not healthy for the game at all.
This community is filled with anger and personal grudges, so they lose sight of whatever is broken and unhealthy for the game. Usually they defend whatever is broken when they win with it or don't lose to, but when they lose to it, it needs an immediate nerf and it's the most broken thing ever. I'm playing mech paladin and I don't defend a turn 2-3 fill the board. It's toxic and broken. The game is at its best in the span of 6-9 turns. You feel you played the game but it's also fast enough you don't get bored of it and want to queue another game.
Sorry for the small rant, but seriously wild needs to be looked at because some cards or combos are getting too ridiculous. The community defending such broken cards or interactions is also ridiculous.
You do win something for getting top 100 though: much longer queue times.
"Everyone is free to enjoy the game the way they want" but unless you're playing a tier 1, you're memeing. As a wild player, it saddens me even more to watch how the whole community except for a few individuals play the same decks. And by the same decks, I don't mean the same deck lists, I mean the same archetypes. You queue only into questline druid, kingsbane rogue or whatever is popular right now.
I feel you man, but sadly this is how it is. The community will never change.
I can assure you nobody enjoys playing against it.
The question is who tf loves playing it. Probably the most sadistic and psychopathic people who play this game.
Wild is about skipping your opponent's turn. This card is the mascot of wild. If they are serious about doing major changes to the format, they should do something about all the ramp, skip turns, freezes. The game is just not fun when you're just sitting and watching the opponent do stuff.
Everyone and their mother playing combo, non-interactive decks. To all who play combo a big fuck you.
Are people hacking or what? How is it possible to face the same player as 2 days ago, playing mech mage again, and beating me with the same hand on the same turn? It's not a fucking combo deck ffs
What is wrong with people? It's a rarity to find an opponent who doesn't emote the shit out of me. This community is so fucking toxic.
I think he's referring to Tony Druid. It's the only way it makes sense.