Quote from darkspear743 >>Wild in agony. Pls nerf Sorcerer's Apprentice, is the most cancerous card ever
if you start to nerf one card in wild, theyre gonna have to nerf tons of other cards in the future, its not happening. Wild is wild man. It's why nobody plays it.
This response always annoys me a bit. I play a lot of wild (probably a ratio of 3/4, wild to standard), and I've never gotten the impression that it's lacking in players. Is there a published ratio of Standard to Wild players per month? Or do you just assume that because you don't play the format that no one does?
The deck is medium, the creator probably lied as is the case with a ton of people posting horrible decks on here. Far from the worst, but still. Loads of people lie on the internet, try not to be sucker.
Play standard if you want regular balance changes and a regularly changing format. That's the point of standard.
This game is 7 years old, what the hell are you talking about? I don't play much standard, probably still won't, but this is only a positive thing. Standard has been boring power creep for it's entire existence, they've only very recently been trying to mix it up with their design.
They should have rotated the classic set from the start. Instead they picked away at the classic set over time, removing most of the worthwhile cards via nerfs/HoF. That is worse for new players, as they are encouraged to get bad cards.
Nobody likes mill in hearthstone.
Yogg was literally this and already saw comp play.
The deck is not that good, it is objectively not tier 1. The average player of this game is an idiot.
I really can't get into the mind of the average HS player. Secret mage is a better and more popular deck than either of the quest mage variants. Nobody complains about that deck despite it's power and popularity. Yet they want to hammer the quest decks into the ground which are some of the more interesting archetypes in the trashfire of a format that is wild. All because of "RNG" I guess. Because it's better to lose to the same tempo vomit from secret mage, mech decks, pirates, etc than it is to lose to RNG somehow?
For as bad as Team 5 is at balance, I think the average player is far worse. I’d rather them do nothing than listen to some idiot who has terrible ideas for the format.
Ultimately I think un-nerfing some rotating cards, as they suggested they might do, would be the best thing to strive for over nerfs anyway. Hopefully they still intend to do that, and all of this was only in reference to nerfs.
Naturalize used to be considered a trash card, which made it indicative of Druids bad removal ability. However, the games power level has shot up over time. Naturalize was actually seeing standard play prior to it’s rotation, because Druid was given such ridiculously powerful draw and defensive capabilities that he could care less if you draw 2 cards. This continues to be the case in wild.
Draw is not a weakness of Paladin, they printed a 1 mana draw 2 into the class. DF was rotated simply to allow other good draw to be printed. They have been chipping away at the basic/classic sets like this for some time to create new design space when it’s convenient for them. Team 5 is too lazy to just rotate the entire classic set and actually become competent game designers.