• 0

    posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Defense Attorney Nathanos

    Yes, I know. What difference does it make?

    a) If they had no idea in advance of the relative strength of classes, that indicates they don't playtest enough or have no idea about balance.

    b) A farseeing design team would plan options to swap or change certain aspects of cards to adjust for balance issues, e. g. by having certain generically good cards in their sleeves they can hand out to multiple classes, adjusting to which class needs it the most.

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  • -3

    posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Card Revealed - Defense Attorney Nathanos

    Sure, let's hand out the second miniset legendary to the class that needs help the least at the moment, since it has the best deck outside of top 1000 legend.
    Why would Paladin and Warrior get new cards? They have all those dudes and enrage minions, right? And even flavourwise, it's not that one of those classes would have fit the theme of a defense attourney. Nah, that's more suited towards the most aggressive class in the game.

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  • 0

    posted a message on Murder At Castle Nathria Mini Set: Maw & Disorder - Launches September 27th!

    Given their recent design philosophy I expect something like a 10 mana 10/10 with Infuse 10 Silver Hand Recruits: Battlecry: You win the game.

    Which of course would suck, but hey, it's Paladin, who cares? Besides that, isn't there an unwritten law it has to be Mage that gets a mini set legendary?


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  • 3

    posted a message on 24.2.2 Patch Notes - Constructed, Battlegrounds, and Duels Balance Changes & Bug Fixes

    The problem is the barrier to get into the mode. If you don't invest huge sums of money into the game you only have enough dust to craft so much cards per expansion. So, if I had to craft like 3 legendaries and 6 epics for some wild deck, that would cost more or less my entire budget for an expansion and the risk of the deck not being good enough or me getting bored of the deck is too high. For standard, I know the meta well enough to have a rough estimate what cards will probably stay relevant for their entire rotation and thus are less risky to craft.
    Also, I don't really enjoy the insane power level wild has. The power level of standard is already too high for my taste. Most fun I have in the game is in arena.
    But all of this is OT anyway, this here is about standard nerfs.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on 24.2.2 Patch Notes - Constructed, Battlegrounds, and Duels Balance Changes & Bug Fixes
    Quote from ankha >>
    Quote from Proust >>

    im dying from cringe when i see "this nerf/buffs killed duels or killed wild" ... Who cares ? %99.9 plays standart. 

     And this is why Standard only players whine about nerfs every other week. There's only 4-5 playable decks at a time, do you not get bored lmfao

     Since wild is so diverse, isn't it? I've dabbled in wild once in a while, mostly to play some decks of earlier rotations I liked, and all I faced were Big Priests, Quest Mages, Handlocks, Shudderwocks and some combo decks from Druids and Warlocks. I get bored of that stuff after 5 games and return to standard where at least I don't need to craft cards from 4 years ago to be competitive.
    It's baffling that packs from wild sell for the same amount of gold/money as those from standard, as the actual value of the cards due to powercreep is way less. If they would sell wild cards much cheaper I might enjoy building a collection and trying some stuff out, but like this, no way.

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  • 3

    posted a message on 24.2.2 Patch Notes - Constructed, Battlegrounds, and Duels Balance Changes & Bug Fixes

    Probably an archetype that runs Wealth Redistributor then, right?

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  • 1

    posted a message on 24.2.2 Patch Notes - Constructed, Battlegrounds, and Duels Balance Changes & Bug Fixes
    Quote from Kizzyman >>

    Woaaaah, paladin tier 1?

     Certainly, this will shoot up the class winrate by ... um ... 0.1% maybe?

    Joke aside though, I actually think the nerfs will help Paladin a lot, at least Holy Paladin. From my experience playing that deck, it already was on the verge of playability with the most difficult encounters being Mage, Ramp Druid, Questline Hunter and possibly Questline Priest. With the nerfs to 3 out of these 4, this might give the deck just the needed time to find Lightforged Cariel and juice up Mr. Smite or Sire Denathrius, not to mention the decrease in popularity those countering decks will certainly go through.

    On the other hand, I still don't see how Dude Paladin or Pure Paladin are supposed to work, since their win conditions are just too weak or unreliable and missing synergy.

    For once, I'm surprisingly quite content with the balance changes. Those nerfs look very reasonable and I would have never thought they were actually going to nerf Questline Hunter (very welcome surprise indeed). I would have liked an adjustment to Sire Denathrius as a very dominant neutral win condition, but I kind of understand their reasoning of evaluating the outcome of the Kael'thas Sinstrider nerf first.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    My Mage opponents in arena: Play a deck full of Blizzards, Flamestrikes and Deathbornes to blow up every board I could possibly develop.
    Me when I try to pull a Mage deck off: Get offered a single Blast Wave as the only AOE in my deck.

    By the way, out of the four arena matches I played today, all were Mage vs. Mage. Isn't it fun and diverse? But who's to blame when such a ridiculously overpowered card as Nightcloak Sanctum is in the rotation? If they won't nerf it in standard mode (which they should), they should at least ban that card from arena. 76% mulligan winrate, enough said.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on When are the next batch of nerfs coming, devs?
    Quote from Jonesy978 >>
    Quote from Deck_Fiend >>

    We actually need the freeze mechanics right now in order to have something that can deal with big minions that can't be dealt with by silencing them. without it, the meta would be even smaller. I think it's a good thing we have freeze decks right now, just like I think Implock is a good thing for the meta... These things keep other things in check. 

    This is what I've come to understand with my limited time back in the game and with the current decks. There are a few decks that can play massive minions that nothing can be done about, other than freezing them, so it's something that's needed. 

     This is a fair point. But the answer to that, I think, is not excessive freeze mechanics. It's less insane OP bullshit in the first place.

     Exactly. Everytime I read or hear someone say "but we need x to keep y in check" I want to scream at my screen. Maybe just nerf y alongside x? You can't repair a bad design by creating another bad design that counters it.
    In an ideal version of HS, I would expect a random arena deck having like a 35-40% chance against the top tier meta decks. In reality, I guess it would probably be more like 10-20%. That gap is far too wide.

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  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Arena rewards are a fucking joke. That's what you get for a 9-win run? For a 75% winrate, way above average, I get just a little bit more than 2:1 on my investment in total game ressources. I might as well play the lottery.
    I mean, it's still the only game mode that's fun for me consistently, so I'm gonna play it anyway, but that's not how you motivate people playing that mode.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    If anyone wonders why Paladin sucks at the moment: I just had about 10 turns in a row with always 1-3 giant minions on the board, but none of them got a single attack through against the Mage opponent. Location, Location, Flurry, Location, Location, Blizzard, Flurry, Location and so on, and so on.

    As long as freeze exits in this ubiquity, board based decks and classes won't stand a chance.

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  • 1

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Why are there still degenerates that play Curse Warlock? It's not even good anymore, it's just toxic as fuck. And we already have Quest Hunter for that in the current meta.

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  • 1

    posted a message on New Miracle Rogue List is Unbeatable
    Quote from brother >>

    I just conceded a game where i was looking at two 9/9 stealthed minions, a 13/13 Edwin, and a 6/2 weapon on turn 5 or 6. What the hell am i supposed to do? I can’t even target half of the board. Only warrior has Brawl and Priest has the only spells that can actually counter something like this as far as i’m aware. Maybe mage could stall a turn or two by getting lucky with freezes i guess but are you kidding me? It’s the most ridiculous thing i’ve ever seen in this game all year (in standard format obviously). If anyone has any ideas on how to stomp these guys out i’d love to know about it

    Holy Paladin works like a charm. Watch them cry when you destroy half their deck with a single Equality + Wild Pyromancer/City Tax/Blademaster Samuro combo. Probably the only Paladin deck right now that's somewhat decent. Sure, Druid is a pain in the butt and against Imp Warlock you need a very good draw, but otherwise I've had moderate success with it.

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  • 0

    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place! V2

    Since they appear to be nerfing based on "feel" nowadays, how can it be that one of the most toxic decks ever, Questline Hunter, is allowed to dodge the nerf hammer again?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Isn't play 30 infuse cards quest a bit much?
    Quote from SpaceTimeDream >>

    Honestly there are like a handful of cheap infuse cards. I guess it is one more quest to reroll for me but I hate to get stuck with both battlegrounds quest and this one...

     At least there are common, rare or even free infuse cards. The quest that wants you to play questlines from UiS infuriates me far more. But hey, you get to reroll it and have a week time, so whatever.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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