Shadow Ascendant, on the other hand, is most likely a one or two turn card, and you don't really wanna play it naked. I would rather have my whole deck buffed rather than one or two minions.
It would suck if your weapon got ooze'ed. There is a card that I don't remember its name now but it essentially returns a destroyed weapon to your hand. Rummaging Kobold Could be a lifesaver for this kind of deck. As a backup.
Well thought out deck. First time to not want to change anything in a deck. Loves how the deck made around Lady in White but at the same time totally works without it. Such cards I’ve seen in the previous deck, Unpowered Steambot, thats only great with Lady, but with this deck, all the cards have value on there own.
I've always thought she's half in water, but it turns out shes shooting some kind of a light beam out of her mouth. Mhm.
When I wrote that comment you didn't had Baku the Mooneater on the decklist
Is this a joke?
You don't have any card draw for the Mountain Giants to work and you don't have any buffs for Lightspawns to be worth it
It is not that Holy Nova is overpriced at 5 mana. Its that 5 is an odd number!!
That's the purpose of Auchenai Soulpriest × 2 + Circle of Healing × 1 combo and Duskbreaker × 2 as well as Primordial Drake × 2 for late game.
The problem with this deck is that it's over dependant on Lady in White to the point where if you don't play her early, your deck is worthless.
Blessing of Kings is a card that only paladin runs, Spellbenderwould be good if you're trying to counter a paladin deck.
Acidic Swamp Ooze is a neutral card that any class can run. And not surprisingly, many meta decks run it.
Can you tell the difference now?
I feel like this deck could easily cut out Shadow Ascendant × 2, Faerie Dragon × 2 for Prince Keleseth. Most of the time I keep Faerie Dragon So I always have Duskbreaker Activated, and by the late game it's not very useful.
Shadow Ascendant, on the other hand, is most likely a one or two turn card, and you don't really wanna play it naked. I would rather have my whole deck buffed rather than one or two minions.
Cards to consider for replacing those 4 cards.
Shadowreaper Anduin - Solid hero power. Extra removal.
Another Primordial Drake - Synergies with Lady in White. Taunt. AOE damage. A Dragon.
Another Nightscale Matriarch - Synergies with Lady in White. Great value. A Dragon.
Grand Archivist - Synergies with Lady in White. If everything goes right, it's an 8 Mana 7/7 that summons an 8 or 10 Mana minion or Mind Control another.
It would suck if your weapon got ooze'ed.
There is a card that I don't remember its name now but it essentially returns a destroyed weapon to your hand. Rummaging Kobold Could be a lifesaver for this kind of deck. As a backup.0
Maybe you wanna separate them for which is in Standard and which is in Wild only.
Well thought out deck. First time to not want to change anything in a deck. Loves how the deck made around Lady in White but at the same time totally works without it. Such cards I’ve seen in the previous deck, Unpowered Steambot, thats only great with Lady, but with this deck, all the cards have value on there own.
Battletag: DONE
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first!
Why no Shadowreaper?
Where is Raza? Why is Brann there?