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    posted a message on Deck building 101?

    I usually first put in the cards I want to work around as a special mechanic. like if I want to try meat wagon synergy I start by putting meat wagon and the all the card with 0 attack which is supposed to gives me the synergy.

    Then I analyse the base. Does the mechanism fit aggro control or midrange type of deck ? Then I add the usual suspects to fit the archetype

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Opinions on DK legendary in order to craft

    DK craft 

    • Rank 1: get them if you play the class
      • Priest
      • druid
      • Warlock
    • Rank 2 : get them if you really want to play the DK gameplay. Deck supported is playable 
      • Rogue
      • hunter
      • Mage
      • shaman
    • Rank 3 : get them only if you have 10k+ dust laying around 
      • Paladin
      • Warrior

    The only viable quest currently is Quest mage, deck is nice and tier 2

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Exodia mage or mill warrior

    All mill deck are fun but fu**ing hard to play, like real hard. The principle of the deck make it so that you cannot highroll a win quickly. Lots of fun.

    if you pick mill warrior expect an end season result 5 rank inferior compare to your normal season rank. I normally reach easily rank 5 every month. Last I topped rank 10 with mill rogue

    exodia is currently more competitive. Probably the best choice 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Do u think blizzard should award players with full golden deck ?

    Golden decks should start with an extra card or an extra mana crystal.

    Seems fair and balanced to me. It is not that easy to get a golden deck 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which one you think I should craft?

    Arfus is subtier, only saw it in some n zoth quest  priest. Krul is meh. Worse effect than the DK fir almost the same cost.

    the prince are better, only the 2 mana and 4 mana see play. Of the two I feel the best should be the 2 mana as it allows for a nice advantage when played early. Works a little like a Reno deck and creates a new archetype by itself. The 4 mana is nice to have  but I would not craft it, he is more easily replaced 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on People who say wild is easy..........
    Quote from captram77 >>
    Quote from Toymachine >>
    Quote from masterquintus >>
     Well if you are that experienced in wild, can you tell me any  shaman decks that are viable expect aggro and kelthuzad? I get you but some classes really suck in wild and some classes are really op in wild. Hunter or Rogue for example, have you ever tried them? If you play them you will see that these classes literally begs to have a good match up. 
    And lastly what mid shaman deck are you using? I didn't see any mid shaman deck in ages
    Sure! Malygos Shaman is really good, just played vs a guy that was top 10 legend (#7) with it. Similar like normal Control Shaman with Barnes and all, too much anti-aggro stuff and aoes, yet too much burst dmg vs Control decks and Reno Mage that beats it is not played. As for Rogue, it doesn't suck, normal old Miracle Rogue (with Questings and all) works very good, obliterates Druids and Big Priests as well as Murloc Paladins that I personally used to climb to Legend this season - one of the rare losses was Rogue on Rank 2.
    As for Hunter unfortunately it does suck as a class atm and is limited to specific broken combo, however it's possible to get to Legend cos of Giants and I've seen two personally between Rank 5 and Legend. Didn't try it myself but it seems pretty strong and you can check couple of lists around, top Wild decks of the week here on Hearthpwn have 2x Giant Hunters.
    As for Mid Shaman, I referred to the past, it was before Claws nerf when I used Mid Shaman (can check the list in my decks). Climbed to #16 Legend with it, same Standard list except I had 59% wr in Standard and 81% wr in Wild with the same deck, since Wild is just... easier.
    Not sure why is this easy but I have couple of assumptions:
    • People don't have Wild cards - many dusted them, many never had them, and are missing key legendaries
    • People are not using Wild cards - they mindlessly copy Standard decks from pros, I saw 0 Dr. Boom for example which is one of the most broken cards in history, and it didn't changed, wasn't nerfed - it is still as broken and a must in every deck, people don't understand this and they use worse cards than they can, for gods sake Hunters don't even use Mad Scientist anymore. Why? 
    • People play decks that are not optimized - pros cover Standard, there almost aren't any polished decks around on the internet for Wild mode, mostly variations of Standard decks with some wild cards fit in here and there even if that. If you know how to make a deck you will abuse this a lot and simply obliterate everyone
    • People play worse - I simply notice more mistakes from my opponents in Wild mode than Standard, they make bad trades, make silly ordering mistakes and such, they are just easier to beat. Can't explain this other than less tryhards maybe there?
    • Less people - ultimately this comes on top of all the above. You simply meed the same people more, I obliterated one Jade Druid 3 times in row, this really helps you climb if you meet same bad players with sub-optimal decks, and you also know exactly what they are playing and if they have some tech in their deck. This goes both ways, but one player always abuse it more, at least in my experience

    The only people who say Wild isn't easy are those that play it regularly and climb to Legend, they like to think they achieved something and they don't wanna admit how easy it was. Also people that fail there for sure won't say "it's easy". But in my experience, add 20% to win rate from Standard every time and you get Wild. 

    Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it or something, but to say it's same or worse than Standard when it comes to climb is just not true (or simply individual)

     Not everyone ups there wining rate by 20...or make it to legend.  
     The lack of polished deck is obvious. And that the main argument that make me play wild.
    You can actually make your own deck, with strange cards and have a fighting chance to climb. Sure you will meet the occasional try hard with pirate warrior, jade Druid, big priest, reno priest, but lots of deck you face are not optimal and you don't feels facing a powerhouse with your meager synergy deck.
    For instance I am playing a beast stealth buff Druid. The basic is abusing the stealth to hit face and the good beast synergy in wild Druid. Lose to pirate warrior and taunt deck. But can do some crazy combo. That could not be exist in Standard not because it would be too strong or because it use broken cards, the deck could' it exist in standard juste because standard are rotated some cards out.
    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Why am I losing?
    Quote from Garthym87 >>

    Updated the deck, picked up two Wrath and a Spellbreaker.  Seems to be going well so far.  Thanks again for all of the constructive feedback.

     Rules of thumbs: the less tech the better.
    To much tech makes a deck inconsistent. And however you think heavily tech for one bad matchup will never make you favorable. You will go from 35% win rate to 40-45% at best. But I may decrease your winrate for 4/5 other matchup by 2-3% making you lower your winrate across the board.
    1/2 tech card is ok, 3 is top maximum and above that you better meet 50% of this matchup. Some decks accept tech card more easily or the tech has so synergy otherwise. But most of the time try to avoid teching too much before you understand what you are doing (like reach rank 5 every month). Stick to the list or play a netdeck with the tech inside 
    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on New mill rogue is INSANE
    Quote from RavenSunHP >>

    I have tried Alexstrasza in mill in the past, and the main problem is her cost: if you draw her early, she's a dead card, and in lategame your hand is already overcrowded AND your opponent compels you to take action to defend yourself from critical damage - Alex helps in neither while occupying the whole turn.

    She is useful sometimes, but as a heal she's often insufficient, and as an offensive tool she makes you terribly vulnerable unless you're already ahead.

    I was dubitative too about her, then I tried her in the current meta and I am not looking back. I most situations if I draw her she will be useful.
    I use her both aggressively and as heal. Most of  my win against aggro deck involved her in one way or another. Run them out of ressources, vanish/clear a board, then play her aggressively and try to close the game. Getting her From shadow caster 1 mana is really nice to.
    Posted in: Rogue
  • 0

    posted a message on Wild Pyromancer interaction with Obsidian Statue

    As someone said that is one of the few time this intersection is not benificial for you.

    order is: 

    1. spell takes effects
    2. direct effect of the spell take effect (deathrattle and other.
    3. After that start the wild pyro effect.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Arena pick for warlock : Lich King, Bloodreaver Gul'Dan or Y'Shaarj

    I would go with lich king if you don't have demon in the deck, kabal trafficker is not reliable enough.

    Posted in: The Arena
  • 0

    posted a message on How to get Spare Parts!
    Quote from HillyBilly >>

    The Finicky Cloakfield is giving me Doctor Who vibes...

     You must have used TARDIS to even find this thread.
     Reading that thread felt like opening a time capsule. What I find impressive is that most posters are still active on the forum
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Craft Bloodmage Thanos Or Velen?

    In your list of legendary there's no mention of the DK. If you have it and main priest and reach highe r rank (more control decks) I would go with velen to increase the deck reach.

    I feel thalnos kind of lackluster in the current jade/aggro druid meta. +1 damage to a AOE is not enough nowadays.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Crafting Advice: Golden Arfus for Tirion Fordring

    I would say go ahead, Tarim and tirion are good enough on their own. The other paladin leg are more for fringe deck i.e.: pals control, handbuff paladin, corpstaker paladin and so on. 

    With tarim and tirion most paladin decks are enough to get you rank 5

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Question about hunter
    Quote from danklesminky >>

    Yogg and load was a tier 2 deck for a short time. Reno hunter is a thing in wild right now. It's not that great but just strong enough to barely be playable.

     Reno hunter feels more carried by all the strong neutral cards in the deck compared to it class cards
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Why am I losing?

    Deck is not optimal, too much tech and bad ones, 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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