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    posted a message on Not an OTK Hunter Deck

    Slightly, just not sure where to take the direction of the deck, so I'm putting it on stall until I grab some cards I need or until I strike some inspiration


    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Knives & Magic: A Spell Damage Rogue Deck

    Looks like a combo deck, definitely a different approach to a Rogue deck than Spell Power, but you essentially want to keep any good cards to keep the game going in your hand, Novice, Kobold, SI7, Perditions, FoK, Shiv, Deadly Poison, Backstab, and Blade Flurry are all valid options depending on who you go up against, it's a toss-up that's based on decision making relative to the possible options that the enemy has. In general, those cards will give you a safe early game to play with.

    The combo deck itself gives way to high damage Edwin plays and multiple draws from Gadgetzan, you basically stay ahead of the opponent and keep the board clear until you can find a Gadget to combo Prep/Backstab/Shiv and other spells with - then drop Edwin.

    Posted in: Rogue
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    posted a message on Paladin Template Deck

    Paladins happen to be in a tough spot right now, where they need to rely on a few less-that consistent cards to deal with the majority of aggression that comes out against them. They don't have a single answer that beats out general aggression, and in that lies a smaller weakness that popular decks tend to exploit. I think any well-crafted template deck can make it to 15~14, as this is where the majority of players tend to stay around. This is probably going to be many player's first wall then they make it to ranked.

    As for exchanging cards, I personally find that swapping in few epics slowly will do well. Wild Pyromancer and Equality are also favorites, but looking into your first cards to craft, Lay on Hands and Avenging Wrath are two key cards that Paladins love. If you like Sword of Justice, definitely add in more early game - Knife Juggler is a favorite, Argent Protector follow-ups are excellent to Knife Juggler, Bloodsail Corsair is another amazing card for Paladin, those will get you far with Sword of Justice.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Warlocks!

    Unfortunately, Equality will more often than not work with Pyromancer due to the +1 health effect of Blood Imp, it's suggested you don't try this. Abomination is a slightly less than desirable, he's more of a stabilizing factor once he hits the board and will not stop a strong board if you're behind.

    At best, you want to take at a look at your early game options and pre-4 mana curve, look for ways to strengthen the board with strong minions like Faerie Dragon, Knife Juggler, Argent Protector. The old favorites are reliable minions and labelled as such for a reason, a strong early game carries you far and some healing can't hurt.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Midrange Druid: Hit them with the big drops

    9/10 times I'm probably using the 2 damage with Keeper, the amount of control between TBK/Transforms/heavy single target damage is gives way to less of a need for a silence. The great part with Keeper is that it's always there. A second silence may make your deck even slower compared to a Twilight Drake if you consider the 4/3 body of the card.

    Dark Iron Dwarf needs some targets to actually buff, which ends up fruitless if you're getting overwhelmed early game. The attack buff is difficult to justify early game, it supplements an early game based around minions but doesn't do much more after. There's also the issue of accidentally bumping the many 5 attack cards up into Big Game range in this deck, but that's a bit more of a minor side effect.

    If you can somehow integrate two Novice Engineers into your early game, I can see Dark Iron Dwarf gaining his full worth as an excellent card. Don't have to be Novice, but you get the idea that it's something along those lines. You just need to be able to get a good target to up the damage up if you're using him.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on The Paladin Slowroll

    I added 2x Defender in place of an Earthen and... something. One of the lower drops I bet. I'll update the OP.

    Replaced one Guardian of Kings for a Priestess of Elune to fit into the 6 mana complement that better consumes the full 10 mana with the other excellent 4 mana Paladin cards. She's not the best card, but it's a good response when you're not trading off too many minions.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Suicide Jaraxxus Control

    The introduction of Blademaster is interesting, I think your deck has space for Earthen Farseer if you want to push for more versatility in the minion, or just remove Blademaster completely for it because you have some room for more healing. You migrated towards more early game and you might have a decent amount of board presence, so in terms of play, just be choosey where you decide to Hellfire. The deck looks good if that's what you have so far to work with between a mix of defense and offensive with reliable minion, that's for sure. 

    Posted in: Warlock
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    posted a message on The Paladin Slowroll

    I'm not particularly sure about the Rogue match-up using this deck, but I do know two things Rogues do best, it's that they handle Swarm well with a good hand and handle big drops well if they can stabilize after. They don't easily run out of steam in terms of cards, only health.

    If you stack up on more direct damage as well as put in more key cards to target their removal (of which they don't have much), you can win out again them. At best, all you're doing is surviving, then burning them down through two Defender of Argus, one Tinkmaster, one The Black Knight. If you can get enough openings by stalling until you have the correct cards to counter the board and stall, the game is yours. 

    Supposing this might be an issue, you either need more burn in your deck (Avenging Wrath, Tirion), more threats in your deck (Tirion, Rag, Sylvanas), or more clear (Baron, Avenging Wrath, Equality, Pyro). If you're facing those balls-to-the-wall rush Rogue decks, it's just a matter of mulligan-ing more aggressively and hopefully picking up the cards you need to survive with.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Miracle Druid: A spell-heavy combo deck

    Yeah, I've took it into rank a dozen or so times myself to no net change, heavy-hitting classes like Paladin and Druid take it down a couple notches, but come draws against Rogue and the healing/burst against Mage give me a few wins.

    Probably not the best deck for ranked unless you can tweak it a bit or load it up with legendaries to beat the big drops (I've been wrong about my decks before, so I hold out on absolute judgements), but it's great fun.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Nat Pagle is poor value, a statistical analysis

    Of course, that's the whole idea behind the card - the potential. Card advantage is a main factor in winning games and no one wants to lose to a reason that early. If you're aiming to kill Nat Pagle on turn 4, you have your work cut out for you as I'm sure there's either another card protecting it or more minions on your board. Remember that it's not only an advantage to draw a card, but you're thinning your deck as well. 

    When you get a two mana board presence alongside two cards, the difference it makes in the game is huge. Novice Engineer becomes Arcane Intellect, Arcane Intellect becomes Nourish, Nourish into... Divine Favor? You get the point. You only give up an aggressive start if you put him out early because chances are he'll pay you back your one card. If there is no response, your momentum continues along its merry way as you have a prime target on the board that will absorb a good 4 damage before any of your actual minions.

    While my analogy is slightly flawed here, but it's not far from the actual argument in layman's terms: would you flip out on a Mage playing turn 2 Nat into a turn 3 Arcane Intellect? The comparison to AI is difficult to make if you understand how differently Nat effects momentum. There's no giving up a turn 3 playing Arcane Intellect, they're instead keeping board presence while reinforcing the board and protecting Nat. If a card was a 2 mana 0/4: draw 2 cards, everyone and their mother would play it harder than Defender of Argus. 

    Of course, this is all considering you see him turn on the first available turn, which is rare in and of itself. The "what if" land is one that skirts between a chance at losing or winning the game on turn 3-4, as much as betting on Tinkmaster or Arcane Missiles.

    As for my rule on Nat Pagle later game, I kill him whenever he draws his first card. Sometimes it's out of the way, I've seen Nat hidden behind Ancient of War, +2/-1'd, Armorsmithed, some pretty interesting stuff that abuses his 4 health. I don't find him such a threat late game when he hits the field so letting him sit there a few turns isn't going to be ridiculous (all depending on match-up of course). Early game? The opponent is just open to so many more options from the draws while you're still struggling to set up for removing Nat.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Nat Pagle is poor value, a statistical analysis

    Data isn't wrong and numbers don't lie (rephrased cause I actually didn't double check it), but turn 1 Nat is such a headache to deal with for certain classes. If you don't have an immediate response, the opponent will simply reinforce him and easily snowball off card advantage with a little luck. As the turns pass, less luck is needed.

    For what it's worth, I hate him, but there's a modicum of fear I have when he hits the board that forces trades. I don't see myself ever spending Wrath/Soulfire/Frostbolt/insertearlyremoval on a Novice Engineer, but Nat Pagle? I'm practically forced to or else I'm at risk of giving away the game.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Warrior Beatdown - Win faster than ever!

    Yeah, but it puts too much of a focus on Alex and Charge isn't going to be as efficient elsewhere imo. You don't need for it to be an OTK, you can be equally scary just playing Alex the turn after Gorehowl without Charge or playing Grom the next turn. 15 health is 15 health and that's scary enough when facing a Warrior late game. Warsong Commander can be considered if you want the possibility of an OTK, but it's far from what I would want to be the focus of the deck, at best icing on the cake. (First turn Gore + Warsong, second turn Alex).

    Maybe with a second Pyro or Gadgetzan? That would be make up for the innate -1 on Charge. It could be a card to look into, I won't dismiss anything without testing.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Warrior Beatdown - Win faster than ever!

    This is a very rough first draft:

    [Pre GvG] Experimental Non-OTK Warrior Deck
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    I honestly have no sense of whether two Brawls/Executes are too much or if the deck has too little draw power due to Cult being slightly situational. Try to understand these cards based on your own experience and see if you can't send feedback to this thread for me to fix it up. I've never built a deck as a secondary source and it might prove interesting!

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on Miracle Druid: A spell-heavy combo deck

    My Deck Threads Index
    Warlock Low Mana Rush 
    Warlock Suicide Jaraxxus Control 
    Warlock Zergrush 
    Warrior Beatdown 
    Warrior Molten Giant OTK  
    Paladin Slowroll
    Paladin Kodo & Friends 
    Druid Slash & Burn 
    Druid Force of Murloc 
    Druid Miracle Deck 

    Druid Midrange 
    Rogue Knives & Magic 
    Not an OTK Hunter Deck 

    Template Decks 
    Warlock Aggro Template Deck 
    Rogue Template Deck 
    Paladin Template Deck 
    Druid Template Deck 
    Shaman Template Deck

    [Pre GVG] Miracle Druid
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    Minion (11) Ability (19)
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    Hey guys, Aishi here. I've always been a fan of how much direct damage Druids can put out behind their strong minions, from finishing games that start with hyper-aggressive Murlocs to more controlled decks like heavy spell power. This deck was a result of the introduction of 0 cost cards into a card list based around a Gadgetzan Auctioneer draw engine with heavy hitting burst - something I'd more readily classify as fun and unique. The list I've made available in this post is on the cheaper side when you discount two more easily substituted legendaries and the inclusion of multiple forms of board clears are perfect to play against low minion cost decks. I've always associated the moniker "miracle with a deck as one that has both the draw power and combo potential to make clutch plays happen at the end any point of a game. That's exactly what this deck does and it works out pretty well. 

    A few cards that stand out in this deck are definitely the Moonfires, Gadgetzan, Force of Nature, and Savage Roar. They work exactly as you expect on paper, the deck's draw engine is from a high amount of low cost spells that feed into Gadgetzan to find your large burst damage from Savage Roar and Force of Nature alongside addition board clear/damage with Swipes and Starfire. Pyromancer and low cost spells such as Wrath, Coin, Innervate, Claw and Moonfire provide additional support for your early game in dire situations and Healing Touch is perfect to bump your health up while finding your winning hand. 

    There are some movable cards: Harvest Golem, Keeper of the Grove, Druid of the Claw, and Mad Bomber, these ar cards I tried to splash into the deck to find a little substance in terms of early-to-mid game. As for the inconsistency known as Mad Bomber, he'll hit something, the same way Tinkmaster will transform. The two legendaries are Leeroy as a charge minion finisher and Thalnos as support for spell damage. Both easily replaced by cards such as Wolfrider and Kobold Geomancer respectively. 

    There's a lot of directions to take this deck, you can shift the mana curve into the later game and play with some of the solid 7 mana Druid cards such as Ancient of War/Lore, add in some more combo heavy cards or charge cards to make it into an aggressive aggro deck, or go nuts with swarm and play cheap minions with windfury and Soul of the Forest. These are all just suggestions, find the one that you have the most fun with.

    Cards to consider:
    Power of the Wild: Minion early on, 3/2 that lets you draw with Auctioneer later!
    Healing Touch: Heals are fine if you can draw with Auctioneers, but you only have two Auctioneers and you need to make them count
    Faerie Dragon: An excellent early game presence that can keep you in the game long enough to actually do something
    Faceless Manipulator: A great combo card with Leeroy Jenkins to finish games as well as steal legendaries with Tinkmaster
    Ancient of Lore: The draw power behind a 5/5 minion is excellent and can only help if you feel like you lack board presence
    Ancient of War: A Druid card that's too good to pass up if you want to turn this into a later game deck
    The Black Knight: Taunt-be-gone!
    Tinkmaster Overspark: People tend not to like Naturalize, with Gadget it's only a -1 at 1 mana which will help you easily mill through your deck, this is the alternative to an easy removal for taunts and problem cards
    Malygos: Gives you a new lease on life as a destructive powerhouse with Moonfire and game-ending force with other damage spells


    Any questions and suggestions, feel free to ask. My tag is Aishi#1473.
    My stream is at http://www.twitch.tv/aishi_ Live often around evenings @ EST
    My youtube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/vtxaishi - All my videos are there!

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Your thoughts

    No call outs on forums, regardless of intention. This is best left for PMs or in this case, for the original thread where you found the inspiration for this deck.

    As for the deck, you more heavily skewed it towards late game while keeping a very high amount of 4 mana cards as well as cards that do not provide much support for your early game but rather stall it - Sword of Justice for example. You definitely have an idea of what cards to add, it's now just an issue of what cards to remove.

    Posted in: Paladin
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