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    posted a message on The next expansion speculations
    Quote from Thonson >>

    true 11 is odd. Also the introduction of Death Knight is quite odd as its the 3rd expansion of 2022 and will rotate immediately XD. Hopefully the introduce new class on 1st expansion so it wont rotate immediately.

    When they first announced DK coming out in the third expansion of 2022, I also thought that was weird.  However, when you look back at it in comparison to when DH was released, one big change was the existence of the Core Set.  Because Core existed they could not only make new cards in the expansion, and the Path of Arthas set, but they also had the Core set for DK to buff up their class card pool some.  So I guess they figured with that they could release the class at anytime.

    Also, when DH came out it was way over tuned.  So I guess going with the third expansion gives them a chance rotate really strong cards sooner and maybe avoid a bunch of big nerfs?  Still like 16 months of Standard play though for MotLK cards though.

    But then we also got to think of what another class might be? Monk is the most obvious.  What would that look like?  What might Monk’s class identity be?  I played a little WoW after Pandaria came out, but never really got into Monk so I literally don’t know their abilities.

    Nice analogy! I would like to see Monk! Im not a Wow player so I'm not so familiar with the other classes and got only introduced to its universe cuz of hearthstone. I would love to see Pandarens and like Aya again. Gadgetzan was the first expansion when I started playing and the art of them made me love the game <33

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The next expansion speculations

    true 11 is odd. Also the introduction of Death Knight is quite odd as its the 3rd expansion of 2022 and will rotate immediately XD. Hopefully the introduce new class on 1st expansion so it wont rotate immediately.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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