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    posted a message on Unauthorized Bot-Ban Update – March 2024

    lol thanks for the downvote btw. I mean I thought about this as possible, but 85,000 of them? are 100,000's of accounts being sold? I also kinda figured that this late into hearthstone's life that not many ppl would still be doing that. But thanks for being particularly uncool about it lol

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Unauthorized Bot-Ban Update – March 2024

    can someone explain to me why anyone would bot in Hearthstone? where is it profitable? what is the motivation? I don't get it

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Card Revealed - Odyn, Prime Designate

    @victorC_01 lol its not about that. It simply reads weird - seems like it should say "after your hero gains armor, gain that much attack..." no need for he, she or they. Its confusing imo

    Posted in: News
  • -1

    posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - Flame Behemoth

    The one weakness of aggro Mech decks in Wild was running out of juice, and those decks do not need a buff. 

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on New Paladin Legendary Card Revealed - Amitus the Peacekeeper

    This feels screwed up - I think this was intended to be a 2 attack minion, but I'm guessing at the last minute they realized it was way too powerful with the resurrect of 'Tyr' (the other pally legendary) but then they ended up keep it because it was too late to change(?) or maybe because they didn't have any other ideas to not make it OP(?).

    I hope there are other cards in the set that make this make sense - maybe there is an upcoming card - 'resurrect a 1 attack minion' or something like that and so it had to be not so strong, as they anticipate 2 or 3 of them being played each played each game. 

    *shrugs shoulders*



    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on 26.0 Patch Notes - Warlock Cards Unbanned & Changes for New Wild Cards - Duels Updates

    yeah from what I remember the quest would often be finished on turn 4 or 5 and then play Tamsin on 5 or 6. With all the damage, does this delay them 1 turn?  They might nerf again. The Demon Seed Wild era was one of my least favorite ever (also see Darkest Hour and Juicy Psychmelon/Star Aligner)

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Most Underrated Cards of New Set

    With Holotechnician - Reckless Apprentice comes to mind. Actually a lot of different cards can make this into essentially a Flurgl+Tox combo.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Most Underrated Cards of New Set

    ok gotcha, still strong lol 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on ETC made Wild far better

    I haven't played many other card games, but when I was in middle school I played Dragon Ball Z collectible card game and they had a 'Sensei Deck' which was a side deck of varying sizes you could used to substitute cards deck at the beginning of the game once you saw your opponents deck type and hero  (in that game you randomly discarded cards and put the new ones in) feels very much like that to me, I've heard others say other card games have had things like this. 

    I think it is a great mechanic too, feels good and effective and strong, but not overly so. I love how once the card has been discovered from 'the band' it can't be discovered again (I tried to go infinite with Zola in there my first game lol) I think they knocked it outta the park. 

    OP: interesting choice on Togwaggle, I'll have to remember that. Btw - I really don't like Shuddershaman rn lol

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Most Underrated Cards of New Set

    Hello all. Looking here for the hottest takes or your cleverest, most hipster takes or what cards you think are being under-discussed or underrated from the new set - and tell me why. Now that everything has been revealed I have a couple that I think should be more discussed. 

    Merch Seller 

    I play mostly Wild, and I see this legitimately getting play in plenty of Reno style or disrupt oriented decks. You can almost freeze your opponent out of the game for some turns/slow down their game plan/muck up their hand fairly easily. I have run a lot of Oh My Yogg! in my day, and when it comes to getting random spells (though I know those are cast randomly) it works out for you less than 50% of the time imo not to mention the stifling of other parts of their game. 

    Outfit Tailor

    This card is crazy powerful in handbuff decks. Even if you give this just +2/+2 in hand (which isn't hard) - this becomes a 3 mana 4/4 give a minion on board +4/+4...huh!? 

    Barrel of Monkeys

    Seems completely broken, to be able to get 3 taunt minions on the board for 2 mana each, and so much value without disrupting your deck. I'm thinking about the beast synergy alongside this as well, it feels insane. 

    Edit: Correction by xskarma on 3 monkeys total, not 4

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Festival of Legends Final Reveal Stream! - All Cards Revealed, Launches April 11th!

    The two Paladin spells look pretty weak to me. Harmonic Disco I can't make sense of. Unless you can double up on casting a spell somehow, I really don't see these being playable. Probably should've been: Discover 5 cost - give +2/+2 - then swap.

    Posted in: News
  • 12

    posted a message on New Druid Epic Card Revealed - Free Spirit

    This is the most broken card in the set. They will change this to battlecry or deathrattle only - callin it now.

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    posted a message on New Neutral Epic Card Revealed - Cover Artist

    I think they're in on this joke too - it looks like there is a tentacle around his neck if I'm not mistaken. 

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    posted a message on New Neutral Cards Revealed - 5 Cards

    annoying fan - is the only one interesting for constructed for me. I keep tilting my head at this one seeing something potentially really powerful

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    posted a message on DUEL! 3.0

    I have not, but it really doesn't need it. Currently sitting Diamond 1 with this deck and have only played this on my climb (other thana tiny bit else down in bronze) 

    Posted in: DUEL! 3.0
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