oh yeah I bet you are afraid of "Overbuffs" like the devs were when they buffed exodar to 7 and called it "spicy" and said they will monitor it closely. LOL. From terrible to " busted" there is a long way to go dude. But sure lets keep the bad cards bad because oh no god forbid we have too many good, fun cards to play.
Omg talgath to 3 mana? That will surely do it blizzard, nobody will even remember that sonya existed with this powerhouse of a card you've just made talgath into.
ele mage nerf? that happened already, and the deck is just fine tier 2 deck that falls off as soon as you hit legend and getting worse and worse at higher levels. Or you just want mage to have literally 0 decks to play. Classic bronze player moaning.
@kawhi1weefc I don't hate value decks. Like I said before, I think that every strategy should be viable or at least have a shot so that there's a deck for everyone to enjoy but hey keep ignoring half of what I said and put words in my mouth like the very objective guy that you are lol. But you are right, in that usually the players that complain about "broken" strategies that kill them from hand on turn 5 are the ones that like to milk the value out of every card and sit there and gain armor and throw removal for 2 hours and expect the opponent to do the same. And I never said value decks are the only ones that struggle against holy wrath, as far as I know, druids can gain 1k plus armor, warriors can use ceaseless expanse too to gain 100 armor with dredge, mages have ice blocks and solid alibis, there's neutral cards that give your hero elusive and I could go on but sure ban the new card so that nobody can use it anymore because one deck uses it to kill people on turn 5.
"someone who judges the game ovjectively" ---> " players don't enjoy holy wrath because I say so and I know better than them what they enjoy" LOL yeah very objective. Players enjoy winning. You also enjoy winning, it's a very natural thing to enjoy and that's basically why everyone ever even bothers to play a game. To try to win at it. How they like to win is totally up to them with the strategies available. You play aggro, which is even more funny to judge a deck for winning on turn 5 given the fact that most aggro decks either lose or win by that turn as well. But hey, you play 5 more low cost cards than holy wrath paladin by turn 5 to win therefore you must be better than them and it means you actually enjoy the game unlike them right? lmao, there's that ego again " I'm smart because I don't play broken decks to win wow I'm so special".
And a "false sense of accomplishment" is the funniest shit, you are giving yourself too much credit for winning at a card game with a specific deck just because it's not one of those "broken" decks. Wake up dude, no matter how you win the game it's a "false sense of accomplishment" by that logic because you didn't actually accomplish anything more "real" than those guys who play broken decks. At the end of the day you are still sitting there on your chair and clicking a bunch of virtual green cards until your opponents health equals 0 or less, just like them. No matter how much you try to flatter yourself that what you do is real and matters more because you use a slighty more complex strategy than others. I know it's probably too much to ask but, grow up.
@kawhi1weefc Yes, they are. You've got triggered and started throwing assumptions around. You don't know the first thing about me or what and how I like to play the game. A lot of players will always choose what's the most easy and simple to play that also wins a lot. Often times because it's usually a cheap deck and many people are casuals that don't want to spend a ton of money to build whatever giga value based decks you fantasize about of being the only valid decks that all people should play because that's what you think it's fun and therefore "deserves to win". I think that this game should have a diverse set of options for decks and there should be something for everyone to play and enjoy. Playing your cards and winning is what people find fun, whether you want to accept that reality or not is a different topic. If you weren't so full of yourself thinking " I'm smart because I play more cards and take longer to win a game" and then patting yourself on the shoulder afterwards, you could see that people like different strategies and enjoy different things and that's totally fine. Even if some of those strategies require "less skill" to win a game. But it seems like you already made up your mind about what people should or shouldn't play or enjoy so... stay crying I guess because those players won't go anywhere and the devs will keep printing archetypes for them because they are easy to design.
Yeah it was from an event free track. for the anniversary I believe. I dont know if they will show up again, but it just sucks that you have these cards that you can't do anything with. No dust, No crafting or upgrading. Oh well
Hey guys, does anyone know if there's a way to get the golden version of the gift cards from each class? Like an achievement that says play it an x amount of time like there was in the past with other golden cards from previous expansion free reward tracks. I missed the event and it sucks when you can't craft the golden version of a card because it's behind a paywall like the paid rewards track or something. Thanks.
you're arguing with a bunch of crybabies that scream for nerfs everytime they lose a game to a card. It's the same on the reddit sub. "Braindead decks" always existed in hearthstone and they will always exist because they keep printing them. And they will nerf them 1 or 2 weeks after launch anyways because they nerf everything that is popular, even if it's a bad deck, like quasar rogue in standard for example. In reality people hate losing, so they go on and complain and ask for nerfs after 1 day of a new expansion. That's the emotional control and maturity of the majority of community.
canary reads : return an enemy minion to its owners hand . LOL what the hell is the point of putting owner there since obviously its the opponent?? I honestly remember this card being able to return your own minions to your hand , did they mess it up ?
Too bad they don't have the masks on . I really liked that whole set too , it would have been so cool to have it with the head piece on and that shadow wings effect that triggered in game from time to time , in the background too . Tier 5 and 6 were my favorite from Wow TBC , such a shame to not see them in full display .
oh yeah I bet you are afraid of "Overbuffs" like the devs were when they buffed exodar to 7 and called it "spicy" and said they will monitor it closely. LOL. From terrible to " busted" there is a long way to go dude. But sure lets keep the bad cards bad because oh no god forbid we have too many good, fun cards to play.
Omg talgath to 3 mana? That will surely do it blizzard, nobody will even remember that sonya existed with this powerhouse of a card you've just made talgath into.
ele mage nerf? that happened already, and the deck is just fine tier 2 deck that falls off as soon as you hit legend and getting worse and worse at higher levels. Or you just want mage to have literally 0 decks to play. Classic bronze player moaning.
@kawhi1weefc I don't hate value decks. Like I said before, I think that every strategy should be viable or at least have a shot so that there's a deck for everyone to enjoy but hey keep ignoring half of what I said and put words in my mouth like the very objective guy that you are lol. But you are right, in that usually the players that complain about "broken" strategies that kill them from hand on turn 5 are the ones that like to milk the value out of every card and sit there and gain armor and throw removal for 2 hours and expect the opponent to do the same. And I never said value decks are the only ones that struggle against holy wrath, as far as I know, druids can gain 1k plus armor, warriors can use ceaseless expanse too to gain 100 armor with dredge, mages have ice blocks and solid alibis, there's neutral cards that give your hero elusive and I could go on but sure ban the new card so that nobody can use it anymore because one deck uses it to kill people on turn 5.
"someone who judges the game ovjectively" ---> " players don't enjoy holy wrath because I say so and I know better than them what they enjoy" LOL yeah very objective. Players enjoy winning. You also enjoy winning, it's a very natural thing to enjoy and that's basically why everyone ever even bothers to play a game. To try to win at it. How they like to win is totally up to them with the strategies available. You play aggro, which is even more funny to judge a deck for winning on turn 5 given the fact that most aggro decks either lose or win by that turn as well. But hey, you play 5 more low cost cards than holy wrath paladin by turn 5 to win therefore you must be better than them and it means you actually enjoy the game unlike them right? lmao, there's that ego again " I'm smart because I don't play broken decks to win wow I'm so special".
And a "false sense of accomplishment" is the funniest shit, you are giving yourself too much credit for winning at a card game with a specific deck just because it's not one of those "broken" decks. Wake up dude, no matter how you win the game it's a "false sense of accomplishment" by that logic because you didn't actually accomplish anything more "real" than those guys who play broken decks. At the end of the day you are still sitting there on your chair and clicking a bunch of virtual green cards until your opponents health equals 0 or less, just like them. No matter how much you try to flatter yourself that what you do is real and matters more because you use a slighty more complex strategy than others. I know it's probably too much to ask but, grow up.
@kawhi1weefc Yes, they are. You've got triggered and started throwing assumptions around. You don't know the first thing about me or what and how I like to play the game. A lot of players will always choose what's the most easy and simple to play that also wins a lot. Often times because it's usually a cheap deck and many people are casuals that don't want to spend a ton of money to build whatever giga value based decks you fantasize about of being the only valid decks that all people should play because that's what you think it's fun and therefore "deserves to win". I think that this game should have a diverse set of options for decks and there should be something for everyone to play and enjoy. Playing your cards and winning is what people find fun, whether you want to accept that reality or not is a different topic. If you weren't so full of yourself thinking " I'm smart because I play more cards and take longer to win a game" and then patting yourself on the shoulder afterwards, you could see that people like different strategies and enjoy different things and that's totally fine. Even if some of those strategies require "less skill" to win a game. But it seems like you already made up your mind about what people should or shouldn't play or enjoy so... stay crying I guess because those players won't go anywhere and the devs will keep printing archetypes for them because they are easy to design.
Yeah it was from an event free track. for the anniversary I believe. I dont know if they will show up again, but it just sucks that you have these cards that you can't do anything with. No dust, No crafting or upgrading. Oh well
Hey guys, does anyone know if there's a way to get the golden version of the gift cards from each class? Like an achievement that says play it an x amount of time like there was in the past with other golden cards from previous expansion free reward tracks. I missed the event and it sucks when you can't craft the golden version of a card because it's behind a paywall like the paid rewards track or something. Thanks.
you're arguing with a bunch of crybabies that scream for nerfs everytime they lose a game to a card. It's the same on the reddit sub. "Braindead decks" always existed in hearthstone and they will always exist because they keep printing them. And they will nerf them 1 or 2 weeks after launch anyways because they nerf everything that is popular, even if it's a bad deck, like quasar rogue in standard for example. In reality people hate losing, so they go on and complain and ask for nerfs after 1 day of a new expansion. That's the emotional control and maturity of the majority of community.
canary reads : return an enemy minion to its owners hand . LOL what the hell is the point of putting owner there since obviously its the opponent??
I honestly remember this card being able to return your own minions to your hand , did they mess it up ?
Too bad they don't have the masks on . I really liked that whole set too , it would have been so cool to have it with the head piece on and that shadow wings effect that triggered in game from time to time , in the background too . Tier 5 and 6 were my favorite from Wow TBC , such a shame to not see them in full display .
same value
fuck imps
another L for warlock , fucks sake
this forge mechanic at the very least may help curve out turns more easily to help trigger finale in decks for warrior and such
heck yeahhh