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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    As I said in other players comments, it’s doable with a great game plan and of course great rng. I’m not facing many priests as well, actually most of my games are Druid and Rogue at rank 1 or 2, cannot speak for lower ranks.

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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    Hey there buddy thanks and glad is working amazing for you. Regarding Leeroy can work out, but 2x Lifedrinker can absolutely make the difference in winning or losing to other Aggro decks, Leeroy does not, and also doesn’t have beast synergy.

    Also I would say that keeping Dwarving Sharpshooter is not good, because if the opponent does not have early game low health minions you have a dead card in your hand, think about it. I’m currently top 500 NA and I only keep it if I already find Toxic Reinforcements.

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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    You need toxic reinforcements and the rest is all about hoping for good draws and for your opponent to not have the best starting hand. Also drawing our silence and Hunter’s Mark is key to win the game. You can even keep one if you find your quest already.

    I recently started my climb on EU and after struggling with Galakrond Warrior, I switched to this deck and I’m currently rank 1 3 stars. This is one of the best decks in the meta right now, no doubt about it. 

    It is proven that is possible to reach legend even with F2P decks or very custom ones. It’s all about how good you can play it.

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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    I would say Druid it's not the best match up for us but with a good starting hand and ofc with rng on my side when it comes to card draw the game is winnable, i would check your plays first. If you are not climbing with this deck you are 100% misplaying somewhere. Obviously in a day where you are meeting only Wall Druid and Priest you want to switch to a different deck to make your life easier.

    Every single deck has a counter or an almost always unwinnable matchup, it's how Hearthstone works. You take wall druid against Quest Resurrect Priest, they can only conceed.

    If anyone needs help with some tips feel free to add me, I also do cheap coaching from many years, glad to help.

    Posted in: Easy Legend Face Hunter
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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    Hey there thanks a lot for your comment. I’ve seen the lists you are talking about and personally I think that Knife Juggler + Snake trap could be a bit too slow for the deck. Getting tons of value out of the Juggler it’s only possible for us with Unleash the Hounds or when completing the quest, which makes me think the addition is to have higher win rate against Zoo Lock and Token Druid. The two decks are almost gone from the meta right now with Druid playing the wall version and lock playing only the control list. Juggler is definitely a no for this list right now, also because of the card rng factor.

    About Snake Trap i don’t really see any reason to run it, unless you want an extra Kill Command activator which we absolutely don’t need. The deck is designed to have more direct damage than board presence. And replacing a Freezing Trap/Explosive Trap it’s not in my opinion worth it. If you wanna test it out tho, I would advise you to - 1 Freezing Trap +1 Snake Trap from this list.

    Let me know how the change feels, cheers!

    Posted in: Easy Legend Face Hunter
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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    I'm sorry for you if it's not working, i'm currently climbing with it. Keep trying. Many pro players even reached top 5 and top 10 spots in the legend ladder with face hunter. It's not that is trash, it's just that you are not good enough.


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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    It’s for sure our worst match up, but compared to the other face hunter lists you can find around, this one gives you a much better chance to win the game thanks to our Ironbeal Owl and Hunter’s Mark. If you can nicely curve out with your quest from turn 1 and then draw into one of the 2 removals, you have a good chance to win the game. 

    The key to win the game is to not attack till turn 4-5 so they can’t complete their quest and you developed a decent board. We can deal easily 10 to 15 damage a turn with some nice combos, so be patient, relax and wait for the best opportunity to burst the priest down.

    Keep in mind that I got legend with the deck before the latest adventure was released which means only quest resurrect priest was around. Now there is combo priest and nomi priest around which are almost free win for us.

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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    Check deck description. Tech choices are explained there.

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    posted a message on Easy Legend Face Hunter

    Very good question, the answer is no, i would say not always of course. There are some situations especially against Zoo Lock, Warrior and Mech Paladin where you will need to trade the first minions in the game to get the board control. For example hero powering + Dwarven Sharpshooter or Eaglehorn Bow on the Eternium Rover. Once you get the board and the enemy is "reacting" to your plays, always go face never trade once. Generally speaking you only want to trade minions that can provide too much value for the opponent (like Armor or a very high stats minion)

    Posted in: Easy Legend Face Hunter
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