Greetings, Traveler!
Hearthstone is now ~ 2 years old, but there aren't any achievements in it yet. My question is: why not? This would be a great way to motivate players over a long periode of time, especially now with the upcoming formats. So I thought about possible some achievements ... but there was a problem: where should they be placed Ingame? After a few hours, I created some graphics to explain my result.
Okay, let's get started. First of all I placed the Achievement button next to the Collection, directly on the right side. By clicking on it a new layer opens:
(Click here to watch the full sized grafic)
On the left side, you can see, that there are 3 categories: Collection, Account and Conditions. The first one contains Achievements based on generell all Hearthstone cards. Summoning a minion, activate a spell for the first time, collection a special amount of a cardgroup etc. Here's an example:
The thing is, that you don't have to own this minion for this achievement, you also just can play it in Arena/Brawl. After reaching, this achievement get's a 'tick' and coloration.
But that wasn't all! When you have this achievement, you can work on the next one:
Simple, isn't it?
The next categorie is Account. Here are all achievements, which depends on the own progress like completing an adventure or reaching a rank in a season.
The last categorie are the Conditions, as shown in the graphic. These achievements needs special Ingame situation like winning a match with a complete-murloc deck, killing your opponent with e.g. the Leper Gnome-Deathrattle, summoning Thaddius and many different more (there are like endless ideas, but I just made three as an example in the graphic).
Normally, you can only reach the achievements in Play mode, Arena, Brawl or sometimes also while fighting adventures, but some achievements shows the following icon:
This means, that you can solve them also in a match against friends (because they may not be solvable in normal matches). The reason of this is, that achievements should be a longtime-motivation.
Work in progress! =]
Work in progress! =]
Okay, that was my "short" explaination for the achievements. What do you guys think? Do you want this in Hearthstone or not? And what are your ideas for achievements (also different ones!)? Let's start a collection for Blizzard! :)
Sorry for grammar-mistakes, I'm not a native speaker. ^^
Greets, XanXon
Some other graphics from the next sides:
=== >
This is a new design. You can find the old one here:
Greetings, Traveler!
Hearthstone is now ~ 2 years old, but there aren't any achievements in it yet. My question is: why not? This would be a great way to motivate players over a long periode of time. So I thought about possible some achievements ... but there was a problem: where should they be playced Ingame? After a few hours, I created some graphics to explain my result.
Okay, let's start. First of all, I plaiced the Layer directly next to the Quests. So instead of just showing the Hero-level, Quests and Co., it also now opens a Layer with the Achievements - something like this:
(You can open a fullsized version of this graphic by clicking on it!)
On the right side, you can see, that there are 3 categories: Cards, Account and Conditions. The first one contains Achievements based on generell all Hearthstone cards. Summoning a minion, activate a spell for the first time, collection a special amount of a cardgroup etc. Here's an example:
The thing is, that you don't have to own Ysera for this achievement, you also just can play her in Arena/Brawl. After reaching, this achievement get's a 'tick'.
But that wasn't all! When you have this achievement, you can work on the next one:
Simple, or?
The next categorie is Account. Here are all achievements, which one depends on the own progress like completing an adventure ore reaching a rank in a season.
The last categorie are the Conditions, as shown in the graphic. These achievements needs special Ingame-situation like winning a match with a complete-murloc deck, killing your opponent with e.g. the Leper Gnome-Deathrattle, summoning Thaddius and many different more (there are like endless ideas, but I just made three as an example in the graphic).
Normally, you can only reach the achievements in Play mode, Arena, Brawl or sometimes also while fighting adventures, but some achievements shows the following icon:
This means, that you can solve them also in a match against friends (because they may not be solvable in normal matches). The reason of this is, that achievements should be a longtime-motivation.
Okay, that was my "short" explaination for the achievements. What do you guys think? Do you want this in Hearthstone or not? And what are your ideas for achievements (also different ones!)? Let's start a collection for Blizzard! :)
Sorry for grammar-mistakes, I'm not a native speaker. ^^
Greets, XanXon
This is a very special deck and many of us know why.
After the passing of our great friend Harambe, many of us hadn't had the motivation to push forward anymore. Many of us feel defeated, but this deck will give you the hope and support you need.
King Mukla and Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale are our win conditions in this deck. Harambe gives us strenght to defeat our opponents.
We are all akin to the Inner Rage we suffer. There's not a single day we don't think about our Revenge for what has transpired that dreadful day. How oh how we desire to punish that Cruel Taskmaster that ended his life.
But that's why we need to join together in our Battle Rage and utter a Commanding Shout so that the Harambe nation can rise and finally Slam our Fiery War Axes in unison! Finally we will truly be Blood Warriors with Harambe. We await the day we'll Bash all those who say that he was just a gorilla.
Our plan is simple. We just need to remember the Acolyte of Pain, the suffering that we've gone through. Harambe was a good Violet Teacher for all of us. That's why we need to get The Curator. We really need it.
On our quest for the golden Harambe, Elise Starseeker will be of help. Tomb Spider is invaluable, we can discover more Harambes. What could be better? We could even make mini Harambes with Barnes! Oh, this is truly splendid. With Faceless Manipulator, more Harambes will spawn to put our enemies to an end.
And of course we'll have the aid of our trusty Harambe soldiers, the noble Silverback Patriarch, the young Fierce Monkey, the warleader Mukla's Champion and the technological marvel, cyber Harambe, Gorillabot A-3.
Join me in the quest for the Golden Monkey!
Check if you didn't accidentally log into a different region, like, if you usually play on US, check if you didn't accidentally log on EU.
No, it has been fixed. I'm a veteran wow player and I had a lvl 17 druid for the longest time. I logged in today, hit lvl 20 and got the achievement. I also played a HS game as Liadrin to make sure it works. And it does.
Paladin, Paladin, Paladin. I'm so sick of facing Paladins. There's no contest most of the time, I can only beat their overpowered curve if I get a stellar draw and even then they might still overpower me just because they keep drawing big threats.
I remember getting back to back 9-0s but that was pre-GvG... (And just now I remembered there that it didn't go past 9 wins)
Cool deck. I'm running Prophet Velen in it, it's just great. Hero power for 6 damage.
Yes, that is a reportable offense. Go to log in and submit a ticket. I'd usually submit it under World of Warcraft because there's an appropriate section there, but feel free to submit it under Hearthstone too, it will get answered anyway.
My greetings. I want to share this awesome deck I've been playing it, the semi-original Reno Druid.
Full writeup is included in the deck page, as well as stats. Right now, I'm at rank 5 right now and have about 72% winrate with this deck, as well as 100% versus Hunters! It's a very competitive deck and fun to play.
Feel free to post questions or comments regarding the deck here or in the deck page, I'll answer them.
Not a problem with the deck itself, it has been stated that this deck has kind of a tough learning curve. Also, no card draw? There's Wrath, Bloodmage Thalnos, Azure Drake, Ancient of Lore and even Raven Idol can be a pseudo-draw.
Mulch doesn't give you what The Black Knight does, which is give you tempo in the form of a 4/5 minion. Also, it's not common to hold onto a card for several turns in the sense of saving it for removal, even Bloodmage Thalnos is something I usually don't save unless I already have the Swipe in hand and the board shows that I'm going to be able to use it soon. Which would be the problem with Mulch, you won't always have it and when you do, it's probably not going to be as good.