tbh I'd rather see buccaneer nerfed, no idea how that card is allowed to be as strong as it is. Just steamrolls the game early because 4 health isn't very easy to deal with on turn 2.
- 17Ducks
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HSam posted a message on Patch 31.4 Balance Changes Teaser - Shaffar and Fizzle Nerfed - Many Battlegrounds ChangesPosted in: News -
skelhs posted a message on 31.4.1 Patch Notes - Bugfixes to Inventor Boom, Artanis Hero Power & Protoss Discover OptionsPosted in: NewsThere was a twitch campaign with easy drops and not even a mention here, kinda disappointed...
lv426a11 posted a message on So where is it all leading?Posted in: General DiscussionI've got to laugh at people saying this is a healthy mini set. The idea that they were rolling back on power when you see the way that the zerg decks play out is absurd (and fortunately for me I missed the Shaffar madness).
It's board after board after board, endless resources, a hero power with a stupidly overpowered ability, a dirty rat on steroids, persistent buffs, a rush effect which lasts for all minions summoned (not just those on the board) and a spot of tutored draw and mana cheat into the mix. But ye - it's healthy...
Maybe (and this is a large maybe) when the rotation happens things will calm down, but I suspect not as most of the key cards in these decks seem to be from the miniset.
On a positive I'm glad that the focus for this miniset is back to the board rather then being killed from hand, but Blizz still seems to excel at making things about as uninteractive as possible, and they do love their power swing turns. I remember when a deathrattle was the least desired attribute because it didn't do anything the turn it was played and the opponent had a chance to interact with it and choose how best to trigger it. Not now. It's rush reborn for everyone!
Sadly for me, Hearthstone continues to be a game that I used to enjoy, but no longer do. This is the first time since the game launched that I haven't had enough gold to get the mini-set on launch simply due to a lack of desire to play, and I see no reason for this trend to change.
Back to BG3 it is...
YourPersonalGuru posted a message on Shop Update - Patch 31.4 Mini-Set, Mythic KerriganPosted in: NewsSome like tattoos, some jewelry, others prefer getting pixels for the same price....
Vladasko posted a message on Shop Update - Patch 31.4 Mini-Set, Mythic KerriganPosted in: NewsMiss the times when alleria, magni and medivh were the only skins in the game. Was proud to buy them for money back then. Lost all rarity, too many skins.
DatMageDoe posted a message on Shop Update - Patch 31.4 Mini-Set, Mythic KerriganPosted in: NewsNova is a Ghost. A highly skilled assassin who uses psychic powers and cloaking technology to become one of the most lethal assets to the Terrans. So she's got to be a Rogue. Right?
Blizzard: Nah, she's Paladin/Shaman/Warrior!
Dunyil0404 posted a message on Protoss DruidPosted in: Standard FormatMy take:
Druids greatest strength (ramp) is also its greatest weakness. As you correctly point out, having ramp as a class identity leads to the repeat of the same strategy and reliance on high cost swing cards. If the swing turn is too late, ineffective against the opponents board-centric strategy, or countered by tech cards, the. Druid is often left with nothing but a deck of ramp and draw cards. Blizzards idea of ‘class identity’ sees Druid as weak against swam (wide) boards and big stat (tall) boards, with minimal hard removal or AoE. Thus, due to ‘class identity’, Druid decks are destined to be packed with neutral removal tools and ramp/swing class cards—in the hope of producing imbalanced power plays (and abusive combos in wild) or face being overpowered by most other classes.
Moonsorrow posted a message on The +500 Gold Mini-Set ScamPosted in: General DiscussionYet it seems so far to be the most playable mini set of all time. Only ever usually a very small number of playable cards. People always seem to forget that. Also - this mini set is incredibly fun. Go cry about something else.
Moop547 posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - GruntyPosted in: Newswe already have like 12 other neutral legendaries that slot into every deck
Dragoon2k posted a message on New Neutral Legendary Card Revealed - GruntyPosted in: NewsFun card but feels missplaced, wish they would have released it outside of the set so many good characters still to take from Starcraft universe.
But the card design looks like it can be abit different and fun, we havent had any card quite like it before so I'm excited for it even if I would prefered a lore character from Starcraft instead and have this released on its own at released just to spicy the set up further.
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For the reasons described above - they are OP
It's a shame they don't pay attention to arena (nor to Brawl, nor to - almost forgot - Adventures) anymore. I think they promised some changes with the new HS year. Will see
With 11 wins you can be matched with opponents who have 10 or even 9 wins, especially if they haven't lost a game
For some reason this mini-set doesn't resonate with me. Feels a bit disconnected from the original "gorgeous-space-epic", which is the expansion. Now it feels like it turned to a low quality sci-fi flic with Starship Troopers at charge...
idk, maybe I'm just not a fan of StarCraft. No hate
Don't dramatize :) it's just 1 card that you'll most likely won't even see in most of the games.
Otherwise, you can just AFK for 3 games on your mobile.
Wow, they ACTUALLY did it - nothing!
That's a sign for you to spend your money wisely
Hope they are preparing something cool for the 500th Brawl next week
Not really. There weren't any from $80 bundles among least favorites
You were finally heard