Death Knight - Hearthstone's 11th Class - with Card List!
With Hearthstone's next expansion, March of the Lich King, we'll be introduced to the game's 11th class -- the Death Knight! The class will become available on launch day, Tuesday, December 6, with a special Death Knight prologue adventure. Completing the prologue will unlock the entire Death Knight core set of 32 playable cards.
Death Knights are Hearthstone’s newest playable class, joining the tavern with Hearthstone’s next expansion, March of the Lich King. Death Knights are a diverse class that can harness the powers of Blood, Frost, and the Undead to devastating effects. They also have a unique class mechanic and special deck building rules. Master them all as you prepare to make the most out of your Undead army!
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Quick Summary
- Death Knight will be free upon completing the prologue on release day: December 6th.
- 68 cards in total: 32 core set, 10 March of the Lich King, and 26 Path of Arthas cards.
- Core Set cards are awarded for free upon completing the prologue.
- March of the Lich King cards can be obtained from corresponding card packs.
- Path of Arthas cards can be obtained from the Mega Bundle, a standalone purchase, or crafting.
- Hero Power: Ghoul Charge - 2 Mana: Summon a 1/1 Ghoul with Charge. It dies at end of turn.
- Class Mechanic: Corpses - Whenever a friendly minion dies, the Death Knight gains a Corpse. This special, class-specific resource can then be used to fuel and power up some of your cards.
- Runes - Dictate which Death Knight cards can be added to your deck during deckbuilding. There are 3 Runes: Blood, Frost, and Unholy.
Hero Power: Ghoul Charge
Death Knights have a 2 mana Hero Power -- Ghoul Charge. Ghoul Charge will summon a 1/1 Ghoul with Charge. Whether it's used to attack or not -- the shambling Ghoul will die at the end of your turn. Luckily, Death Knights can make good use of minions that die in combat...with a class specific mechanic called "Corpses". The Corpse mechanic is covered in the next section.
Class Mechanic: Corpses
Whenever a friendly minion dies, the Death Knight gains a Corpse. This class-specific resource can then be used to increase the power level of some of the cards in your deck. Every friendly minion leaves a Corpse behind, including minions you play, minions you've summoned from other cards, minions that are resummoned through the Reborn keyword, and the Ghouls summoned by your hero power!
Class Deckbuilding Mechanic: Runes
Some Death Knight cards feature colored symbols surrounding their mana cost. These are called Runes. There are three Runes, one for each Death Knight specialty: red is for Blood, blue is for Frost, and green is for Unholy. Choose carefully -- for these Runes dictate what cards you will be able to add to your deck.
When building your deck you will choose a combination of three Runes (these can overlap), which will determine which cards you can then use. You can choose to fully devote to one Rune type (such as triple Blood) or you can go primarily into one Rune, while dipping into another (such as double Unholy, single Frost). This Rune system allows for incredibly varied and powerful Death Knight cards, while making sure any particular deck isn’t just the best at everything. Each Rune type specializes in certain effects and abilities.
- Blood Rune (Red): Focus on board control, big minions, and life manipulation.
- Frost Rune (Blue): Powerful burst potential. Focus on spell synergies, direct damage, card draw, mana manipulation, and freeze.
- Unholy Rune (Green): The Undead Rune. Excel at summoning Undead, swarms of minions, and generating/spending corpses.
Core Cards
ALL cards have been revealed. Can be obtained by completing the Death Knight prologue.
The cards are ordered by Rune Color, Rune Cost, and Rarity, since this seemed the better option.
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Path of Arthas Cards
All cards have been revealed. Can be obtained from the Mega Bundle, a standalone purchase, or crafting.
The cards are ordered by Rune Color, Rune Cost, and Rarity, since this seemed the better option.
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March of the Lich King Cards
ALL cards have been revealed. Can be obtained from March of the Lich King card packs.
The cards are ordered by Rune Color, Rune Cost, and Rarity, since this seemed the better option.
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March of the Lich King Card List & Expansion Guide
Learn more and see all the cards in our dedicated Card List.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: u can buy PATH OF ARTHAS SET WITH GOLD through "GOLDEN PATH OF ARTHAS SET" in the store, then choose "NORMAL". have no idea!! why they made it that way if not to make it so noone pays through this method...
IMPORTANT NOTICE: u can buy PATH OF ARTHAS SET WITH GOLD through "GOLDEN PATH OF ARTHAS SET" in the store, then choose "NORMAL". have no idea!! why they made it that way if not to make it so noone pays through this method...
iis the ghoul from hero power an undead?
From the enemy perspective, can we see:
1. DK corpse count?
2. Rune investment?
corpse yes, rune no.
Interesting that the Unholy Rune got the least number of dedicated cards. I wonder if the first set of the next year will focus more on Unholy cards like March of the Lich King is focusing on Blood cards.
Is the Soulbreaker a 'Path of Arthas' card or a 'March of the Lich King' card?
March of the Lich King, I think.
Yeah 2 Blood & 1 Unholy rune is gonna be nuts
I wonder what an equal Rune spread deck and card looks like.
Great...need to craft cards for one more class .. I don't have that much money Blizzard
Depends on how much you played Hearstone and how you manage your collection in the game. If you are a new player yeh it's true to have a problem with the dust, or if you are a player that goes to craft cards for expasions on the 1st date without thinking about it 1st.
If you are and OG player you shouldn't have a probrem with craft. Old player have infested a lot of time in the game and have dust or the brain power to not craft a card on it's 1st day of realise. At least I don't do so.
If you need some tips about dust and cards collection follow the 3 rules.
1.Never Disenchant a card even you have mutiple copies of it, you never will know if that card will be nerfed.
2.Never craft a card on the 1st day, collect open packs wait a week or two to see the meta. Then craft the cards you will need.
3.Don't Disenchant a Legendary witch is terrible, you will only put it back into the pool of cards that you can get from packs.
What i do in every year rotarion i disenchant only the cards that leave the standart mod, talking only about the duplicates and the golden versions of bad cards.
Rule 3 is not correct, because you dont put a disenchanted card back in the pool. The duplication protection will still block the card until you have every other legendary card.
Quickly edit that rule 3 out , since its BS and you will be downvoted to oblivion :))
Even worse if Hungry Blizzard saw it and discontinued Duplicate Protection ,since they be milking HS players lately alot
but druid already have this bran + Sire combo available for months.. so its not something new right?
and Druid has the best token generate spells.
Unholy+Denathrius is going to be painfully unfunny. And Brann+Patchwerk. At least so far the runes thing forces them to limit their deck designs, that and the fact all of them will be all about swarm.
I have waited so many YEARS and I was so disappointed we got that pesky DH class instead of the Death Knight!
But here we are! FINALLY!
Me too finally! Started playing wow during tbc and mained dk ever since wotlk. was expecting it within the first 2 years of hearthstone. I even spoke with Ben Brode at the Amsterdam world championschips about my disspapointed with the dk hero cards
Does anyone know if the rune symbols are only a deck-building restriction, or do they prevent you from casting them? In other words, if some other class gets them (Theotar, Rogue, thief Priest, etc) are they castable?