The Definitive Guide to Hearthstone's Dungeon Run Mode
This page is a huge work in progress.
What is Dungeon Run?
Dungeon Run is a new roguelike game mode added to Hearthstone in the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion. Your goal is to make your way through a dungeon with randomized encounters using your chosen class and treasures you find along the way to defeat enemies that get in your way.
- Dungeon Run is completely free to play and does not make use of your collection.
- There are no rewards for completing dungeons outside of the card back for beating it with all 9 classes and introductory quests / a daily.
- Once you lose to a boss, your run ends.
Here's some important things you need to know before starting.
- All starter decks are predetermined sets of 10 cards.
- After each win you will receive the option to pick between three bundles of three cards. This is how you'll build a different deck on each run.
- After every other win, you will get to add a special, powerful treasure to your deck.
- There are 48 bosses in total and you'll get to encounter 8 of them per run.
Below we've broken down the different parts of Dungeon Runs to better explain them.
Class Starting Decks
Each class has a predetermined starting deck consisting of both class cards and neutrals. The decks contain 10 cards each and consist of multiple themes from the class so you can take the decks anyway you feel fit without penalizing yourself. The following are the starting decks for each class.
Minion (7) |
Ability (3)
Loading Collection |
Card Bundles
After each successful boss kill in your Dungeon Run, you will get to choose from 3 bundles of cards to add to your deck. Each bundle has a different theme to it and itself contains 3 cards that fit the theme. The game seemingly tries to give you at least one option that works with previously picked bundles to try and create a cohesive dungeon experience.
We've got a definitive list of all the card bundles in the game. You can check them out here.
There are two types of Treasures available to dungeoneers - Passive Treasures and Playable Treasures.
- Passive Treasures are a bonus that becomes active as an aura once the game begins.
- Playable Treasures are cards that are added to your deck and require mana to be played.
You will receive a treasure after defeating the first, third, fifth, and seventh bosses with the first treasure being a Passive treasure. The treasures alternate between Passive and Playable and you will have a guaranteed treasure pool of 4 should you make it to the eighth boss. You will get to choose which treasure you want to take with you via an interface much like discover with the treasures presented being randomly chosen.
Bosses Defeated | Treasure Earned | Total Treasures |
1 | Passive | 1 |
3 | Playable | 2 |
5 | Passive | 3 |
7 | Playable | 4 |
Should you be lucky enough to encounter the Treasure Room boss, troves of treasure await you! Defeating the 0/10 Treasure Coffers spawned on the other side of the battlefield will reward you with an extra treasure for each coffer killed.
Below you will find all the treasures available to you, both Passive and Playable.
Passive Treasures
Playable Treasures
There are over 48 bosses available in the Dungeon Run mode (6 are repeats). Some bosses are able to be found on multiple levels of a dungeon but these levels are very clearly defined and not randomized.
We're working on getting boss guides put together as well, stay tuned.
- Bosses that appear on level 1 or level 8 are unique encounters limited to those levels.
- Bosses that appear on level 2 also are available on level 3, some even go to 5 and 6!
- The most levels a boss can appear on is 4.
- Each boss has a specific class they've been assigned, usually using cards from that class, which is handy to know for cards like Hallucination.
- Some bosses are Rare which means we've seen them less than others. Some bosses may be rarer than rares.
All bosses found in Dungeon Run can be found down below. We show you which levels of dungeons they can be found on, the health they have at each level, and whether or not they are a rare encounter.
Boss | Lvl 1 | Lvl 2 | Lvl 3 | Lvl 4 | Lvl 5 | Lvl 6 | Lvl 7 | Lvl 8 | Rare? |
A. F. Kay | 40 | Rare | |||||||
Azari, the Devourer | 70 | ||||||||
Battlecrier Jin'zo | 30 | 40 | |||||||
Bink the Burglar | 10 | ||||||||
Blackseed | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | |||||
Brimstone Warden | 30 | Rare | |||||||
Bristlesnarl | 50 | 60 | |||||||
Candlebeard | 15 | 20 | 50 | 60 | |||||
Chronomancer Inara | 50 | Rare | |||||||
Elder Brandlemar | 15 | 20 | |||||||
Elder Jari | 30 | 40 | |||||||
Frostfur | 15 | 20 | |||||||
Fungalmancer Flurgl | 30 | 40 | |||||||
George and Karl | 60 | Rare | |||||||
Giant Rat | 10 | ||||||||
Gnosh the Greatworm | 40 | Rare | |||||||
Graves the Cleric | 15 | 20 | |||||||
Gutmook | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | |||||
Ixlid | 20 | 20 | Rare | ||||||
Jeeru | 40 | Rare | |||||||
King Togwaggle | 70 | ||||||||
Kraxx | 30 | 40 | Rare | ||||||
Lava-Filled Chamber | 50 | 60 | Rare | ||||||
Lyris the Wild Mage | 30 | 40 | |||||||
Mushhuckster Max | 30 | 40 | |||||||
Overseer Mogark | 15 | 20 | 50 | 60 | |||||
Pathmaker Hamm | 15 | 20 | 50 | 60 | |||||
Russell the Bard | 30 | 40 | Rare | ||||||
Seriona | 15 | 20 | |||||||
Spiritspeaker Azun | 30 | 40 | |||||||
Tad | 20 | Rare | |||||||
Thaddock the Thief | 30 | 40 | |||||||
The Darkness | 70 | ||||||||
The Mothergloop | 50 | 50 | Rare | ||||||
Trapped Room | 40 | Rare | |||||||
Treasure Vault | 0 | Rare | |||||||
Voodoomaster Vex | 50 | 60 | |||||||
Vustrasz the Ancient | 70 | ||||||||
Waxmancer Sturmi | 30 | 40 | 50 | 60 | |||||
Wee Whelp | 10 | ||||||||
Whompwhisker | 30 | 40 | Rare | ||||||
Xol the Unscathed | 70 |
Does anyone know of a website or link that ranks or rates the passive and active treasures as to which ones are preferred over others if your playing a specific hero?
this isn't bad, i was using it more for the monster hunt
This is 12/6/18 and I'm still struggling to finish this dungeon run. I will post what I did to beat some of the runs:
For pally and hunter: i forgot.
For shaman, druid, and rogue: go jade.
For mage: go elementals
For priest (faced Darkness): go 2x potions of vitality, portable wall, and wax rager; go resurrection for KT x4, get Shadow Anduin x2 and Lyra the Sunshard x2 in combo or bag of tricks.
For warlock (faced Vustrasz): go deathrattles and sceptor (5-minion cost) with huge hands, dire demons for Mal'Ganis, and horn of centarius treasure to recruit minions
Warrior took the longest to beat (faced Darkness): go armor as main! get cloak of invisibility, make sure you get geosculptor yip! if no armor available, get smash or get ragnaros, marin the fox, y'shaarj, madam goya, and/or the boogeymonster.
Thanks for the guide. In the mage deck they replaced Mana Wyrm with Arcane Anomaly
I have all boss decks posted here for those interested
So uh, where's the guide? I see a list of all cards and bosses, but not a word on the actual strategy/card priorities, etc.
"This page is a huge work in progress."
Am I blind or is the treasure missing that every minions chooses randomly a side ? wanted to know the name, but I can't see it...
Scroll of Confusion. And yes, it isn't currently up there. Do keep in mind that this is a WIP, though.
Thank you for this long and detailed guide.
I am struggling very hard with Priest, it seems like I always run into a boss that just so happens to counter what I have. Any tips?
I just finished Priest with the Deathrattle passive and upgraded hero power. Deck is mainly deathrattles and elementals, which worked just fine. I had Candlebeard as the 7th boss and that was the hardest one. Once I had one of my Spiritsinger Umbra's stick it was easy though. Ater that it was just a matter of dropping Sludge Belcher's and Carnivorous Cubes.
Last fight was against Xol. Very easy matchup, though I did take a beating in the early game. The big swing turn was when I could play Boots of Haste into Obsidian Statue and Carnivorous Cube.
I dropped 2 of his minions with the doubled deathrattle and could suicide the cube 2 turns later for another 4 Statues. Xol never recovered from that.
As a mage, i finished dungeon run pretty easily: i was lucky enough to get two cloaks with spell damage, and just picked things which give random stuff, Profit.
As a priest i was VERY lucky to get x2 health potions as passive treasures, and also Rod of Roasting. I crushed 3 last bosses just using this MVP Rod, cause i had way more hp than any of the bosses. Seems legit xD
I won as a warlock by using a ton of demons, with flag as a passive treasure and horn as an active. So i just mulliganed for horn, and it was my win condition. Win against Vustrasz was tought, but i was lucky to get magick stick, this helped we alot.
Druid and rogue, one word - jades. I had 7 Aya Blackpaws in my deck at one moment, so i pretty much overvalued the Darkness, mentioning his incredible steal spells and free 5\5 each turn
BUT i 100% think King Togwaggle is some kinda op, due to having well fitting treasures at any situation. He triggers me the most, who knows how to potentionally kill him? After beating darkness as a mage and rogue i dont really think darkness is the one to complain about.
So this is super late, but honestly the best bet for Togwaggle is either: just beating him down before he can get any good treasure, or hoping he uses the golden kobold to ruin his hand of GOOD treasures and replacing them with random BAD legendaries. Either scenario takes a bit of luck, and he's for sure the most RNG boss.
(Finally) cleared on all classes; is there another special reward for defeating each unique encounter? or just bragging rights?
The struggle of clearing 7 classes with less than 43 total boss kills per class; to warrior and shaman having over 200 bosses defeated was not worth just a card back....
I just had to restart the game and it was there.
I think one person cannot judge encounter rates. I've encountered A.F.Kay at least 5 times, which is more than Lava-filled chamber, I have never encountered Jeeru and Tad even though I cleared all 9 classes.
Like the poster above said, your experience isn't necessarily indicative of others' experience. I've fought George and Karl, A.F.Kay and Tad 3 times each but I've only received the Trapped Room and Ixlid once. I don't think I've even seen the Mothergloop. My guess (if I had to wager one) is that the Trapped Room and Treasure Vault are in the legendary category as they are either incredibly devastating or incredibly rewarding.
Anyone else feel like Shaman is spread too thin? Hard to get a solid deck when there's 48 different combinations to choose from (i.e. mage was "Big Army" "Unique" "Fire" "Elementals" ..... Shaman feels like there's so much more to choose from each lacking decent synergy with the other)