Prince Malchezaar Boss Boss Guide
Welcome to our Prince Malchezaar boss guide for the One Night in Karazhan adventure. Below you can find more information on this fight including tips to fight against the boss, successful deck lists, and the rewards!
Table of Contents
Boss Overview
Prince Malchezaar is the third and final boss in The Spire wing of the One Night in Karazhan adventure. This is the final fight in the adventure and details about who we will be fighting are currently unknown. We will likely have to wait for the patch to hit to find out.
- Nazra Wildaxe is the first boss you fight. Moroes has opened the wrong portal!
Pro Tips and Strategy
This fight has a couple of phases you must fight through.
Nazra Wildaxe
- Control the board as best you can until you have a solid hand and can make quick work of Malchezaar.
- Card draw during this phase is super helpful to get that hand filled with goodies.
- Taunt minions will help prevent damage done to your hero and if she is low, will prevent her from attacking into you to with weapons, killing herself.
- Acidic Swamp Ooze and Harrison Jones can dismantle her arsenal of weapons quickly.
- Do not flood the board when you are ready to kill her. Everything will die thanks to Twisting Nether once she dies.
Prince Malchezaar
- 30 health and 30 armor, oh no!
- He starts at 10 Mana and you will start at whatever your mana cost was during the Nazra fight. Two 6/6 Abyssal will drop from his hero power after Twisting Nether.
- Your want to kill him fairly quickly, or be a super control masta. There's a few good strats:
- Murloc Zergrush: Anyfin can happen yo!
- Kel'Thuzad Can't Die: Ancestral Spirit on KT keeps him out of removal's way and lets us use our minions to slay those abyssals.
- C'Thun OTK: Super rude damage to the face. Build up C'Thun before Malchezaar pops out and then unleash hell with the Priest essentials of Divine Spirit + Inner Fire.
- Medivh gives us Atiesh at the start. A high-cost spell played when coming into the second part of the fight is filled with value.
Winning Deck Lists
Minion (21)
Ability (9)
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Defeating Unknown Boss for the first time will reward you with cards!
Once the regular version of the card(s) is unlocked, you can craft the golden versions.
One Night in Karazhan Bosses
We've got boss guides for all the other One Night in Karazhan bosses! Click on their portraits below to learn more about their fights.
- The Prologue - Wing 1
- The Parlor - Wing 2
- The Opera - Wing 3
- The Menagerie - Wing 4
- The Spire - Wing 5
just beat the boss today. Same tactic with Kel'Thuzad.
Here's my deck:
### Жрец3
# Класс: Жрец
# Формат: Вольный
# 2x (1) Божественная кара
# 1x (2) Слово Тьмы: Боль
# 2x (2) Темные видения
# 1x (3) Владыка Смерти
# 2x (3) Смоляной страж
# 2x (4) Вечное служение
# 2x (4) Костяной дух
# 2x (4) Могильная руна
# 1x (4) Шельмобот
# 1x (5) Зиллиакс
# 1x (5) Сгнившая яблоня
# 2x (5) Убедительный лазутчик
# 2x (6) Защитник Хартута
# 2x (6) Сущность тени
# 2x (7) Оберег: малый алмаз
# 1x (8) Катрина Муэрте
# 1x (8) Кел'Тузад
# 1x (9) Массовое воскрешение
# 1x (9) Обсидиановая статуя
# 1x (10) Н'Зот
And yeah... i am russian, how you see.
There is english version:
### Жрец3
# Class: Priest
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Holy Smite
# 2x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
# 1x (3) Deathlord
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 2x (4) Bone Wraith
# 2x (4) Eternal Servitude
# 2x (4) Grave Rune
# 1x (4) Hecklebot
# 2x (5) Convincing Infiltrator
# 1x (5) Rotten Applebaum
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 2x (6) Khartut Defender
# 2x (6) Shadow Essence
# 2x (7) Lesser Diamond Spellstone
# 1x (8) Catrina Muerte
# 1x (8) Kel'Thuzad
# 1x (9) Mass Resurrection
# 1x (9) Obsidian Statue
# 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor
I used Big Priest wild deck to win this boss, summon Ysharaj and Ragnarok and non stop revive them. Finish the boss with 2 Lesser, win on my second try
I beat him with big jade idols. Many taunts and armor to easy survive.
Thx for the deck.
I defeated him with a modified KT Shaman deck:
Highly RNG based encounter but successfully completed it with this deck.
Easier to pull off than 72/72 C'Thun I guess...
Edit: doesn't work ;(
this card doesn't work in adventure mode
Many wins with this deck once you understand the deck it has a very high win rate
I used this deck to beat it. It took me just a few tries. (Less than five)
The whole idea is to get your C'Thun to at least 72/72 and be in your hand as you kill Nazra. Once you have this it's an instant win since Prince Malchezaar has 60 health and summons 2 6/6 infernals. That totals 72 health and a win :D
The hardest part with this deck is surviving the early game and getting your board set up for the endless stall to buff your C'Thun.
I've written more on the decklist page as well if you want to check that out.
the deck from Tommy works perfectly vs it, you just need to survive till turn 9+ here is the decklist, it have alot common cards in it: ofc you need RNG, like if he playing arcanite reaper and he attacked before with another weapon and after you playing ooze etc. and here is my proove screenshot:
The Anyfin deck works, but it took like 6 tries.
Beat him today on my first try (with this deck)
This is totally foolproof you basically only need to survive phase 1 and prepare for phase 2.
Sure, you can get totally unlucky in phase one but everyone should beat him in the first 10 tries with that list.
And the deck is rather cheap no non-Adventure legendaries (other than the free C'Thun) or Epic Cards needed, no wild cards needed either.
You need to get Power Word: Glory early. I did cast it on her 3/3 charge minion to negate the damage it deals early on.
Dont play Nortshire Cleric early in the game it will get removed.
Use Shadow Word Pain early in the game until you have a board.
You want to have Tournament Medic on Turn 4 and protect it (preferably always with full health due to execute)
Use the Combo Hooded Acolyte and Tournament Medic to heal and buff your C'Thun at the same time. These minions are the most important in phase 1, protect them (Besides Emperor Thaurissan but you will drop him only late and when you are in control of the game anyway)
You definitely will be at around 10 health at some time in this fight. If she bursts you down from there with no board and only cards from her hand there is nothing you can do about it.
That, the card draw and maybe if you get unlucky with her executes are the only RNG Parts in this whole fight (Phase 1 and 2 )
Holy christ who tested this boss? Turn 3 I have 7 health? wtf?!
Current AI is actually a lot easier than before, especially Nazra since a few of her spells were nerfed. Its a poorly designed encounter though, heavily RNG dependent and made artificially difficult unless you've been playing since Beta, and only then if you didnt disenchant your cards that rotated to wild. For new players such as myself who don't have Naxx cards or GvG it took me a couple of months in order to finally win. I had to go out of my way to craft cards from TGT just so I could maintain some kind of advantage. It ended up costing me a significant amount of dust, all for a meager card back.
I've since recycled the cards, and have no intention of playing the encounter again. It simply is not fun. Im not a fan of the Adventure system to begin with. I would rather just pay money to get the card straight up, rather than having to go through hours of pointless and frustrating grind.
So in summary, you probably have the right strategy, you just haven't gotten lucky yet. Because in this case Luck > Skill
Really? I started playing 3 months ago, just use a Zoolock for the first two wings and then just decks that make sense. Just did that, beat it in 2 hours.
On Heroic? You must have the devils own luck.
Finally got through that last fight, have to say though it was almost entirely on luck. No real skill, just RNG working it's way with inevitable probability. I don't think I'm going to put myself through this experience again. I would hardly call this match fun.