Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set

Hearthstone's third mini-set in the Year of the Gryphon is Heroes of StarCraft!
The release date for the mini-set is Tuesday, January 21st most likely at 10am PST / 1pm EST / 19:00 CEST / 18:00 BST.

We’ve explored new technologies, charted new worlds, and faced new threats across the universe. But now it’s nearly time for Hearthstone to boldly go further than it's ever gone before with The Great Dark Beyond Mini-Set: Heroes of StarCraft!

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Mini-Set Info --- Card List

Mini-Set Info

  • Zerg - Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warlock have joined the Zerg! Led by the vicious Sarah Kerrigan, the Zerg are known for swarming aggression. They are good at generating lots of minion tokens to take their opponents down with attacks and direct damage.
  • Protoss - Druid, Mage, Priest, and Rogue fight for the Protoss. Led by the noble High Templar Artanis, they specialize in powerful, higher-cost cards that are made cheaper throughout the game. They are good at ramping up to explosive bursts of power.
  • Terran - And finally, Paladin, Shaman, and Warrior make up the Terran forces. Led by the legendary Jim Raynor, the Terran have special Starship synergies that help them launch multiple Starships each game.
  • The Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set contains 49 new collectible cards.

Heroes of StarCraft Card List

ALL cards have been revealed!

Death Knight

Demon Hunter












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