As a control only player I find this thread very offensive haha. despite what everyone thinks, control priest is very much alive, just this generation of tik tok wankas want everything over in a minute or 2 (poor girlfriends) I take 12 turns on avg to win or 10 turns to die and that's fine with me
atm im on a hot streak with the latest build thanks to my old mate Rene being back in standard. 21-1 . 10-0 vs DeathKnights i love there salty undead tears, bit sulfuric tho. I like slow drawn out chess like games. Not dull flood the board or otk as soon as possible ZZzzzzzzzzzzz.
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idk man you are playing it wrong? I'm Diamond 5 now 13-4 with the latest version
2 diff versions
mix and match as you see fit, tech for your meta
As a control only player I find this thread very offensive haha. despite what everyone thinks, control priest is very much alive, just this generation of tik tok wankas want everything over in a minute or 2 (poor girlfriends) I take 12 turns on avg to win or 10 turns to die and that's fine with me
atm im on a hot streak with the latest build thanks to my old mate Rene being back in standard. 21-1 . 10-0 vs DeathKnights i love there salty undead tears, bit sulfuric tho. I like slow drawn out chess like games. Not dull flood the board or otk as soon as possible ZZzzzzzzzzzzz.