They can take all of your best minions and play them for 5 mana, or just 1 mana next turn
They have infinite value, they can't fatigue with Marin the manager, they never run out of resources
They control the board easily never running out of board clears
So if you're not one of the fastest meta decks, or just a combo deck you automatically lose, With the exception of Reno Warrior if they draw Boomboss.
This deck is just constantly copying all their best cards and your best cards, their titan removes your 2 best minions for 7 mana and they copy it over and over and over
Nothing you do even matters to Priest
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The Salt Thread is your IP address
Nope you calm down IWFKY
Its not Aggro, its not midrange, Its not Tempo, Its not combo. Control / Value Priest
They can take all of your best minions and play them for 5 mana, or just 1 mana next turn
They have infinite value, they can't fatigue with Marin the manager, they never run out of resources
They control the board easily never running out of board clears
So if you're not one of the fastest meta decks, or just a combo deck you automatically lose, With the exception of Reno Warrior if they draw Boomboss.
This deck is just constantly copying all their best cards and your best cards, their titan removes your 2 best minions for 7 mana and they copy it over and over and over
Nothing you do even matters to Priest