This is one of the worst metas in a LONG time in HS. The reason why imo is because control decks are far too oppressive and strong. Not only that, but they all play the exact same and use mostly the same cards. People still whine about how 'aggro is no skill' and 'aggro is too strong and control decks are too weak' all over the forums, but that's because the wallet/greed control players are the most vocal and they've had their way for so long that everyone else quit. So now we live in a world where board clears are so stupidly broken and common that it's IMPOSSIBLE to win using early-game minions. Hard removal is insanely overtuned too. You cannot play any strategy that involves planning to have one of your minions live for a turn. So every deck is designed to be 'low-synergy' and be full of high individual power-leveled cards that solo the game with no synergistic cards. Cards like whatever your class's titan is, Marin, the Manager, Flint Firearm, Yogg-Saron, Prison of Yogg-Saron, Zilliax, Photographer Fizzle, Reno, and one or two other class legendaries. On top of that, every deck runs hand/deck disruption like Dirty Rat (one of the worst designed cards of all time, but loved by toxic whale players that infest the forums).
It gets really old when only one strategy is viable (greed control/ legendary spam) and it's extra bad when half of the cards that are broken are neutral cards because it makes every deck and match feel the same. And also, one of the worst aspects of this meta is that games take 20 minutes and nothing you do actually matters. Whoever draws better will win because all of the best cards are ones you just play on board with no set up. No intelligent thought has to go in to playing your titan. You just play it on board when your enemy's board isn't going to kill you. To fix this meta, they need to nerf all of these stupid neutral greed/lifesteal cards, board clears, and most importantly: NERF TITANS. AND STOP PRINTING CARDS THAT SOLO THE GAME WITH NO SETUP. AND STOP PRINTING HAND DISTRUPTION. But theyre not going to do that. They love hand distruption because the whales ask for more of it.
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This is one of the worst metas in a LONG time in HS. The reason why imo is because control decks are far too oppressive and strong. Not only that, but they all play the exact same and use mostly the same cards. People still whine about how 'aggro is no skill' and 'aggro is too strong and control decks are too weak' all over the forums, but that's because the wallet/greed control players are the most vocal and they've had their way for so long that everyone else quit. So now we live in a world where board clears are so stupidly broken and common that it's IMPOSSIBLE to win using early-game minions. Hard removal is insanely overtuned too. You cannot play any strategy that involves planning to have one of your minions live for a turn. So every deck is designed to be 'low-synergy' and be full of high individual power-leveled cards that solo the game with no synergistic cards. Cards like whatever your class's titan is, Marin, the Manager, Flint Firearm, Yogg-Saron, Prison of Yogg-Saron, Zilliax, Photographer Fizzle, Reno, and one or two other class legendaries. On top of that, every deck runs hand/deck disruption like Dirty Rat (one of the worst designed cards of all time, but loved by toxic whale players that infest the forums).
It gets really old when only one strategy is viable (greed control/ legendary spam) and it's extra bad when half of the cards that are broken are neutral cards because it makes every deck and match feel the same. And also, one of the worst aspects of this meta is that games take 20 minutes and nothing you do actually matters. Whoever draws better will win because all of the best cards are ones you just play on board with no set up. No intelligent thought has to go in to playing your titan. You just play it on board when your enemy's board isn't going to kill you. To fix this meta, they need to nerf all of these stupid neutral greed/lifesteal cards, board clears, and most importantly: NERF TITANS. AND STOP PRINTING CARDS THAT SOLO THE GAME WITH NO SETUP. AND STOP PRINTING HAND DISTRUPTION. But theyre not going to do that. They love hand distruption because the whales ask for more of it.