When used how you're describing it it's an 8 mana card that feels like a game winner. Even Reno at 9 can be beaten by any class and Brann on 8 is useless if you're facing down a giant board or don't have the right cards/excavated enough to close out the game. I think a 1 mana increase could actually help it a lot. Remember we don't want to kill the card, we want it to be fairer. What I will say is this season I have been playing a lot of wild and I'm using it there in multiple decks and at the start it kept getting Yogg'd which started shutting me out! Removing reborn from the module will kill the card for a lot of decks and I dread to think what abominations will rise up. I don't want to be getting killed by 3 3/1s every game.
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When used how you're describing it it's an 8 mana card that feels like a game winner. Even Reno at 9 can be beaten by any class and Brann on 8 is useless if you're facing down a giant board or don't have the right cards/excavated enough to close out the game. I think a 1 mana increase could actually help it a lot. Remember we don't want to kill the card, we want it to be fairer. What I will say is this season I have been playing a lot of wild and I'm using it there in multiple decks and at the start it kept getting Yogg'd which started shutting me out! Removing reborn from the module will kill the card for a lot of decks and I dread to think what abominations will rise up. I don't want to be getting killed by 3 3/1s every game.